Chapter 164, The Bodhisattva
The live broadcast continues, Ruan Lingwen's steady group.

On the screen, a woman appeared.

The woman looked in her early thirties, a bit like that boudoir.

She didn't dress well, she wasn't too delicate, and her long hair was a bit messy; her eyes were full of resentment, and anyone could complain.

The bustling barrage was silent.

It's like some cold game kings come out.

Ruan Lingwen remained silent.

The woman held back for a while, and asked softly, "Do you think I want a divorce?"

Ruan Lingwen kicked him.Head down, busy, ready to draw.

The barrage warmed up again.

[Shi Lingling don't care. 】

[Everyone is at work! 】

[I'm not used to drawing talismans when I haven't faced Shi Lingling for a few days. 】

[Is it really useful? 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Shi Lingling, are you sick?Don't count if you don't want to! 】

【You are the only one who is sick and you are very sick!Haven't seen Shi Lingling's Talisman yet?The curse sent you one. 】

[Wouldn't you be able to watch the instructions in the live broadcast?Not marriage, relationship. 】

[Shi Lingling is still a child, how can she know about feelings, whether you want to divorce or not? 】

Ruan Lingwen drew a talisman with peace of mind.

After the painting is finished, make a purse.

Her phone rang, and she took it to look at it.It was Bureau Wu who sent an urgent message.

Ruan Lingwen read the girl's message and began to count.

This girl worked during the summer vacation and has been missing for five days.Those who have Taoism have already calculated that she is in danger, but they can't calculate the position.

Ruan Lingwen's calculation is not difficult, but it is indeed dangerous!Without caring too much, she first drew a curse talisman, which spontaneously ignited without wind.

Then quickly found the location and sent it to Bureau Wu.

【What is Shi Lingling doing? 】

[Is there someone asking for help? 】

【event! 】

【Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Seeing the screen full of spirits, I only hope that the heavens and the earth are spirited! 】

[Why doesn't the anchor help more people? 】

[Just sit here and act casually every day. 】

Ruan Lingwen held a talisman and spontaneously ignited without wind.

【curse! 】

[Curse + ID number]

A group of scolding, this atmosphere is quite strange.

Ruan Lingwen was quiet again, making purses.

[The anchor will do the math for me, 1000 million. 】

[Seeking a painting, a painting is 2000 million. 】

[If you want a safe talisman, call me *&%%#@]

[If you want a peace talisman, find me, send a private message. 】

[If you want a safe talisman, find me, the same item. 】

Ruan Lingwen raised his head, took out a talisman, and it ignited spontaneously without wind.

[Shi Lingling, what is the effect of this talisman? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "The ill-gotten wealth is scattered with the wind."

Bow your head and continue to make purses.

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Scattering fortune talisman hahahahahaha! 】

[Shi Lingling has upgraded again. 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Advise those who are careful, Shi Lingling's curse is really real. 】

[I saw a police car. 】

【Is that the missing girl? 】

【Good guy, a house exploded. 】

[The girl is sent to the hospital. 】

【*...... What did #&#@¥% do? 】

It was almost time, Ruan Lingwen turned off the live broadcast.Pack it up and go to the living room to continue making purses.

Yao Juan made almond cheese and fed the big baby on the side.

Ruan Lingwen ate it sweetly.

Almonds can be used as medicine and alchemy.Same as those medicines and food.Yam, dates, lotus seeds, black sesame, honey, etc.So it's perfect for a pot.

When Ruan Lingwen is free, he can get all kinds of delicious pills.

Yao Juan sees that the big baby is obedient.

When Ruan Kailin came back, she saw that her sister was still sitting there, unfinished purse.

Yao Hua asked: "The girl was almost killed?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "It's similar to shark's fin, take the useful part and leave the rest alone, that's all."

Yao Hua asked, "Is that a gang?"

Ruan Lingwen nodded.She won't just save one person.A gang will not be missed, unless it is a small fish and shrimp.

Yao Hua watched, these villains became more and more afraid of her, and then tried to deal with her, and then killed themselves.

Ruan Lingwen was not afraid at all.

Ruan Kailin was not afraid either.Afraid of bad guys?How can it be?From the Ruan family to the Yao family, she understood that it is useless to be afraid of the bad guy, the only thing to do is defeat him!
The police are working hard, don't be afraid.As long as everyone works hard, the bad guys will have nowhere to hide.

Ruan Lingwen was done.

Ruan Kailin hugged her sister, let's rest.

Ruan Lingwen is a little tired today.Cursing is also very hard.

Ning Xintong told Ruan Lingwen: 【That e-sports ghost has already registered with the police. 】

Ning Xintong sent the message quickly: [No one from the Qin family and the Li family said anything, everyone still talked about Li Sisi and Qin Xiaojiao, hahaha. 】

Ruan Lingwen also wanted to laugh.

Ruan Kailin hugged her sister, looked at her mobile phone, and said with a smile, "Unless Li Sisi or Qin Xiaojiao will not be in the entertainment circle in the future."

Otherwise, as long as you are famous, let everyone remember the Qin family and the Li family.

The two families formed a special family because of a mistress.

No bitch can compare.Only Xiaosan, for example, has children with five men, and five families have half-brothers and sisters.

Ning Xintong didn't bother to watch that, and sent another message: [Everyone wants to watch the performance of e-sports ghosts. 】

Ning Xintong: [Unicorn decided to live broadcast the day after tomorrow.Right after your stream ends. 】

Ning Xintong: [Unicorn decided to close the rewards and barrage. 】

Ruan Lingwen replied: 【That's pretty good too. 】

Ning Xintong: [Indeed.Enough for true fans.The state of the unicorn is good, and it should still play in the future. 】

The third aunt said: "Is it too obsessed?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "There are always."

Xie Hua felt: "This kind of genius needs someone to watch."

People like Shixian and Poxian are not very good at taking care of themselves.It's not that I can't take care of myself, there are always some problems.

So, obviously talented, but living a miserable life.Do you think he has a brain?That must be there.But maybe not even the average person.Because their pursuit is exactly this pursuit.

Some pursuits are worthless, such as those who want to get promoted and make a fortune one day.

Some obsessions are valuable, such as pursuing personal or social ones.

While Ruan Lingwen was eating, someone called and cursed her.

Ruan Lingwen didn't leave his job, so he took out a talisman from the deerskin bag and burned him.

Everyone at the table avoided it. The burnt talisman is not afraid of ashes falling into the dishes, because there is no ashes.

Xie Hua just saw her miraculous buckskin pouch.This talisman should be carried with you.

Ruan Kailin asked, "Who is it?"

Ruan Lingwen put the phone aside and replied, "The Li family's, they haven't been found yet."

The third aunt understood, and said: "All illegitimate children break the law, how can the Li family who take care of illegitimate children be clean?"

Xie Hua wanted to laugh.I haven't found them yet, let the little fairy curse like this, hurry up and reincarnate.

Yao Juan came over with a large bowl of razor loofah soup.Instead of putting it there, put it in the middle of the table here.

Yang Xiaolong stood up and served soup for everyone, and the order was Sanyi, Jiang Lingjie, and Ruan Lingwen in a circle.

The third aunt is an elder, but she has face.She felt that the habits of old men and old ladies were formed in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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