Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 176, Selling Aunt's Villa

Chapter 176, Selling Aunt's Villa
There is nothing better than a girl's heart, and I will compare it to everyone.

【Ah, I would be nervous too. 】

[Current number of people in the live broadcast room: 4320 million! 】

【Why are there so many? 】

[The summer vacation is about to close, so everyone will watch the live broadcast. 】

[On Sunday, watching Shi Lingling's live broadcast is the most interesting. 】

[Shi Lingling, can you choose a dog as a guest next time? 】

【Shi Lingling, my dog, take it with you. 】

[Baby Lingling, take grandma's cat. 】

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!Shi Lingling is a metaphysics live broadcast, what do you think? 】

[On weekends, Shi Lingling also relaxes, and it doesn't affect metaphysics. 】

The girl said: "I also think that Shi Lingling can relax properly."

Ruan Lingwen said: "I'm pretty good. If I don't cook at home, my younger brother can do it; if I don't do laundry, my younger sister can do it."

The girl asked: "Your brother can cook?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "I don't cook, but I can handle dishes, wash dishes and sweep the floor, so I am diligent."

【Your brother doesn't play games? 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "I don't like it."

[Who doesn't like it? 】

[Everyone knows that my younger brother likes chess and is good at riding horses. 】

[The realm is different. 】

Ruan Lingwen asked the girl, "Do you have any programs?"

The girl relaxed a lot and said, "I can't sing, can I play one?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "Okay, then I'll choose someone first?"

The girl was very happy and said: "Baby Lingling, my sister loves you so much. Let me prepare first."

【So, not prepared at all? 】

[Shi Lingling chose it purely at random. 】

[There are so many people in the live broadcast room, it is less than one in a thousand. 】

[But don't be nervous, Shi Lingling will take care of you if you are really selected. 】

It was a girl who was carried on the wheat.

The girl hid in a room, seemed to be very frightened, and asked, "Shi Lingling, did you choose me?"

Ruan Lingwen comforted him, "Don't be afraid."

The girl let out a breath: "I... woo woo woo."

She couldn't help crying, the more she cried, the more sad she became.

Ruan Lingwen sat quietly.

Thousands of people watched her cry.

The girl chose a song: "Believe in Yourself".

How many times have you sweated like rain, and the pain has filled your memory.

Just because you always believe, you can win if you fight hard.

Always encouraging yourself, you have to work hard to succeed.

The girl stopped crying, raised her head, bit her lip, and hummed, "Thank you everyone."

The guest who has not yet graduated innocently and bravely comforted another girl: "If you have something to say, we will help you."

The girl looked at Shi Lingling, then at the barrage, and said, "I went to work on July 7. I was called by the leader the next day. First, every other day, and now every day. Let me..."

Ruan Lingwen said, "Report him."

The girl said: "He said that I can't get along."

Ruan Lingwen said: "Then let everyone watch, what is he capable of?"

The girl gritted her teeth and said, "I'm reporting with my real name: Chao Guoying! An old man is very disgusting! I heard that he has harassed other people."

[Isn't it you who flirts with yourself? 】

[Don't you want to climb up by yourself? 】

【Get angry when you get rejected? 】

[Shameless bitch! 】

Ruan Lingwen took the talisman and burned it to them.

The girl broke out and said angrily: "I said I reported it with my real name! I have evidence! You are amazing, aren't you? Let me see if there is any reason! Old man, if you want to ruin my reputation, there is no man who wants it. Pooh!" "

The girl went crazy, cursed a lot, and said: "I'm sorry Shi Lingling, I was very scared before."

Ruan Lingwen reassured: "Don't be afraid. Girls are easy to be scared, but in fact, they are not that powerful. Those who say that are nothing. Be brave and ask the police for help."

The girl wiped her tears and snot and trembled.

Ruan Lingwen said: "No one can turn black and white."

[Girls, don't be afraid! 】

【Each of us is weak, but we can unite! 】

[I can testify! 】

[I also testify! 】

[Chao Guoying harassed my wife a few years ago, and he let me go only after I expressed my opinion. 】

[There are indeed people above Chao Guoying. 】

[Chao Guoying's position is not high, but it's easy to bully a girl who just graduated. 】

The guest girl said proudly: "Look, sister, the bad guys have nowhere to hide! So, we have to be brave and don't be scared by some words. Those social/social people seem to be very social/society, but they are actually dogs/ fart!"

Ruan Lingwen said: "They have a set of fallacies, and they are actually enslaving you."

The girl yelled frantically again: "Fuck his mother!"

The girl sacked the wheat.

The barrage was in chaos.

Large pieces of garbled characters.

Ruan Lingwen said without changing his face: "There are gods when you raise your head three feet up."

The guest girl was a little scared, and many scolded her.

However, there are so many bullet screens that it is impossible to see clearly unless you look carefully.It hurts my eyes.Just don't look at it.

Ruan Lingwen took out another talisman, a large curse.

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

Xuanmen Dafa, the barrage is clean.

Ruan Lingwen continued to choose candidates.

A man in his 30s appeared on the screen.He took a mobile phone, took a picture of the villa where he was, and then turned to the window, which was the sea.

【Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom. 】

[Sea view villa? 】

【My dream villa! 】

[Why is it gone? 】

【Dropped? 】

Ruan Lingwen kicked him off and explained: "Please wait a moment, everyone."

[Got it, there is a situation. 】

[What's the situation, haunted house? 】

[Can someone tell me, are all anchors like this? 】

[The other anchors don't know, but Shi Lingling is like this. 】

Ruan Lingwen contacted someone and turned on her microphone: "Hello, you were watching the live broadcast just now."

A lady's voice came from the live broadcast room, and said kindly: "Hello Shi Lingling, I'm watching it now too."

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Do you have a villa by the sea?"

The lady said blankly: "Huh? Ah...ah yes, I bought it several years ago."



Ruan Lingwen asked, "Is the villa still yours?"

The lady said even more blankly: "Ah? Ah... Shi Lingling, what do you mean? Ah, my nephew is showing me."

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Is that your nephew just now?"

The lady answered decisively: "No."

The lady regained her senses and said, "That's my house? No wonder I look familiar."


【this is my son?I looked a little familiar. 】

[Hahahahahaha my son-in-law looks like me! 】

[Hahahahahaha, my daughter-in-law and I are very hit-and-miss! 】

[Don't talk about it, my family was laughed to death, and people around laughed when they saw it, hahaha. 】

The lady said, "My nephew never told me."

Ruan Lingwen said: "The buyer is not completely good-faith, he is pretending to be confused. As for the relationship between you and your nephew, or the next thing, it is up to you to deal with it."

The lady couldn't keep up, so she responded first: "Oh, yes, thank you Shi Lingling. If you don't tell me, I will almost forget it."

Ma'am down the wheat.

Netizens didn't stop.

[Shi Lingling wants you to be troublesome. 】

[When Lingling saw it, of course she had to remind her. 】

[The buyer was greedy for cheap, so he bought it with his nephew, right? 】

[This is definitely not good intentions. 】

[So, after buying a cheap house, why are you looking for Shi Lingling? 】

[Whatever, call the police if you need something. 】

[The sea view villa costs tens of millions, right? 】

[Auntie is so rich! 】

[Having money is not something that a nephew can sell casually. 】

[Buy it early, it's not that expensive.Usually do not live. 】

[The beach looks beautiful, but actually there are many problems living in it. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "I shouldn't have said it. But my nephew gambled and lost all his money. Remind everyone again that refusing pornography (gambling) drugs is definitely for your own good."

(End of this chapter)

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