Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 192, East Gate Golden Lotus

Chapter 192, East Gate Golden Lotus

On Thursday morning, there was no alchemy.

But Ruan Lingwen did what he wanted and practiced a lot, so he will rest tomorrow.

When I got home, I fell asleep at noon and almost didn't get up.

Yao Juan looked at the big baby, is it still live today?Although there was a pot of flowers on her head, she couldn't see her face clearly, but she could still tell that she was depressed.

Yao Juan looked at the study room, the mahogany is very nice, but the chair is really not as comfortable as the sofa.

Ruan Lingwen sat down and felt fine.

The live broadcast room is open.The audience is extremely large.

Barrage bombing.

【What happened to Shi Lingling today? 】

[Hi Shi Lingling, I am Wu Kai. 】

[Shiba! 】

[Shiba! 】

[What does Zhiting do? 】

[Selling garbage. 】

[Shiba! 】

Ruan Lingwen hadn't woken up yet, and said in a soft voice, "Those who advertise indiscriminately here are nothing."

【hahahahahahahahaha! 】

[Shi Lingling is too soft and cute, right? 】

【In addition to Lingling, I also want to be called Ruanruan. 】

[Who is allowed to call you Ruanruan?When we were Lingling, we were super tough! 】

[Don't look at Shi Lingling's soft look! 】


[Ruan Letian: You guys are being impolite. 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "I've chosen someone."

People have already chosen.

The other party is there and doesn't know how to operate.After shaking the phone for a long time, he simply said, "Can you hear me?"

Ruan Lingwen replied, "Yes."

The middle-aged man asked honestly, "Have you received everything I sent you?"

Ruan Lingwen replied: "I have received it, I have read it."

The man calmed down, and said with a little accent: "My brother disappeared five years ago, I would like to trouble you to help me find it."

Ruan Lingwen said, "You go down the wheat first."

She sent a private message and called the police again.

【something wrong? 】

【Definitely is! 】

[Shi Lingling called the police, wait for the police to report. 】

[I know who it is, I went, I have news, let everyone know what is convenient. 】

Ruan Lingwen reminded: "Respect the dead."

She bowed her head, ready to draw a talisman.Although I haven't woken up yet, I can still draw ordinary talismans.Usually save a little, only when you use it.

The broadcast room is very quiet.

There are not many people.

About half of them are turned on in the background.The background of the whole country (unification) is not a general arrangement.

At first glance, it is quite magical, but there is a pot of flowers there, and I can't see what she painted.But after drawing one piece, take one away, this is dynamic rather than static.

After finishing drawing, someone reported the barrage.

[Shi Ling Ling Niu beeps! 】

[The calculation is too accurate! 】

[At the scene of the crime, the suspect was arrested. 】

【what's going on? 】

[Killing husbands and wives, murdering husbands.Dongmenqing killed Wu Erlang. 】


[I can't say much more, wait for the police to report. 】

Ruan Lingwen raised his head, thought for a while, and said, "Dongmen Qing is very talented, even though he killed someone to pay for his life, I still want to (castrate) him."


【Gifted? 】

[For killing husbands and women, it should be flooded! 】

[Shi Lingling, don't worry, drown first and then kill! 】

[The husband and wife are still married. 】

[The police came to the door, it's broad daylight, women and men are playing there, how fun is it?The woman doesn't work and spends her ex-husband's money. 】

[Spending Ximen Qing's money to sleep until Wu Erlang? 】

[Want to know! 】

[Want to know the truth! 】

Ruan Lingwen made another selection.

On the screen, a woman appeared.Some are in their 20s, with fluttering long hair, wearing a green skirt, a little green.

The woman floated there for a while, and said, "I always dreamed that I had a husband in my previous life. I don't know if it's true or not?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "The living play this, and the dead also play this."

Women change color!

[What's the situation? 】

The woman looked at the barrage and said, "My husband was the young master of a wealthy family in his previous life, and now he can make a fortune with just any antique. I'm not married now. I say this to remind everyone, don't think too much."

[I didn't understand. 】

[Is there anything you don't understand? 】

[There is a bottle of water on the car on the side of the road.There is a ghost on the side of the road. 】

[Fuck!What is this ghost trying to do? 】

The woman also hurriedly asked: "Shi Lingling, what should we do now?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "Go home, I'll take the ghost for you."

The woman said, "Wait a minute, it will take about half an hour for me to go back."

She is out shopping and drinking coffee.Take the bag, take the car keys, and go to drive your own car.

[Beauty herself is very rich. 】

【White, rich and beautiful girl. 】

The woman said: "My family is very ordinary."

[It's just that she looks good on the outside and wants to marry a rich man. 】

Ruan Lingwen bowed his head and made a purse.

[I have to say, instead of thinking about marrying a rich man or Bai Fumei, it is better to work harder. 】

[You don't want to compare with Shi Lingling, do you? 】

[Is someone advertising again? 】

[There are so many barrages, you can pretend that you saw them on the street, or just pretend you didn't. 】

[This seems to be a mess in the live broadcast room. 】

[Where is the administrator? 】

[Shi Lingling, send them a curse! 】

[Can't do this? 】

[Cruel. 】

Ruan Lingwen raised his head and held out a talisman.

【Hahahahahaha! 】

[The money-losing talisman! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

The woman has returned to her home.This is a small house on the seventh floor, and the condition is not too bad.

The male ghost hugged the woman, kissed and went upstairs.

The woman was disgusted and shouted fiercely: "Shi Lingling!"

Ruan Ling heard the trick and took the ghost away.

The woman ran to the balcony, basked in the sun, opened the window to let in the hot wind, and asked on the phone: "Shi Lingling, do you need any other fees?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "No need."

Kick someone out, pick another one.

This time, what appeared on the screen was a man, white and fat, who was almost lying on a chair, expressing his incomparable comfort and not being in a good mind.

The man is in his twenties, not an age to be favored by others. He is very confident and said, "Anchor, if you do a dance, I will reward you with [-] yuan."

Ruan Lingwen buried his head.

The man proudly said: "What's the point? If you come to my house to play with me, I will reward you with 100 million."

Ruan Lingwen raised his head and said, "I reported your father's real name, and someone will play with you."

[Real-name report! 】

[I also report! 】

[I have evidence! 】

【report! 】

[Han seems to have a big garden. 】

[The Dazhong Garden? 】

[What Dazhong Garden? 】

[Occupied a piece of land and built a garden of about sixty acres. 】

[So awesome? 】

[I reported with my real name. 】

【I'm on Wu Erlang's side. 】

[Five years ago, Jinlian asked her husband to accompany her to go out to play, and then killed someone with Dongmenqing. After that, Jinlian went to call the police. 】

【Jin Lian said that her husband is gone, she is very sad.Only remarried this year. 】

[I'll report it, I've seen a murderer and a silver woman in a hotel, and there was a lot of noise at that time. 】

[A customer thought it was a hotel service and asked me how much it was. 】

[But it's really not from the hotel. I just found out today that it's not because the woman is too powerful. 】

[Oh, the widows and the silver wives are all powerful.You don't need to make money every day, so you rely on Ximen Qing's money. 】

(End of this chapter)

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