Chapter 337, the veteran shot
The girl was frightened, woo woo woo.

Ruan Lingwen didn't do it on purpose, but to prepare Hu's mother, and said: "That blue and white porcelain is not worth much. Hu's mother is only your daughter, and if you marry you, you will have everything. They want to rely on you."

The girl howled dryly: "God, why am I so miserable?"

Ruan Lingwen coaxed: "Sister, go and tell him, I'll let him beat him with eggs."

The girl rolls up her sleeves, come on!
Ruan Lingwen looked at it with a small yin and yang mirror.

Hu's mother lived in a small high-rise building.The stairwell was full of people.The man has been driven outside by everyone.

There are more onlookers outside.A lot of Internet celebrities came, and people nearby were attracted.

It's getting late now, the lights are coming on one after another, and the New Year is very strong.Everyone just watched a big drama during the Chinese New Year, and the man performed it passionately.

A group of people helped Mama Hu beat him.But don't make a big fuss, that man won't be afraid.

The girl goes by.

The man got excited and shouted very imposingly: "Yuanyuan, it's up to you whether I marry you or not!"

The girl was so angry that she went to kick him and cursed: "You trash! Let me tell you, if you pretend to be crazy, Shi Lingling will beat you!"

The girl rolled up her sleeves and shouted: "Go to your place first and smash the broken porcelain, let's see how much the court can award me?"

The man was startled, and he shouted sternly, "How dare you!"

The girl kicked him again and scolded: "Shi Lingling called me sister, do you think I dare?"

Ruan Lingwen shouted, "Let's go."

The girl hurriedly stepped aside, and called out to others: "Everyone, let go."

There are too many onlookers, knowing that Shi Lingling may be there, they are quite conscious.

Ruan Lingwen saw clearly with the small yin and yang mirror, and shouted: "Ghost."

The ghost asked: "Are you Shi Lingling?"

Ruan Lingwen said politely, "My name is Ruan Lingwen."

The ghost was happy and said, "That ghost tastes good."

Ruan Lingwen was also happy, and said, "Then go and eat it."

easy to say.The ghost stepped forward and beat the man.

Everyone stepped aside and watched the man being beaten by the ghost.

Miserable.Some unbelievers were frightened.

Some people touch the amulet, do not know if it is useful?
An old man from Taoism came over and beat ghosts with a bunch of copper coins.

Hu's mother hurriedly stopped her and said, "It's not this."

The old man shouted majestically: "All ghosts are the same."

Mother Hu couldn't stop her and tried her best.She came out of the house without a coat, and the night wind was a bit cold.It's okay, the sky is better now.Just had some activity.

The old man went to fight ghosts.

Ghost out of the way.

The old man's copper coin hit the man's body, and it seemed to be hot.

That man screamed!It's scary.

The ghost was not afraid, and asked Shi Lingling: "Can I hit him?"

Ruan Lingwen said with a smile, "To be a human being, you must be civilized, and to be a ghost, you must read more."

Ghostly smile.He jumped on the man again.

The old man hastily shot again.

Ghosts run fast!

ah!That man was so hot that he jumped up!Seriously injured, unable to watch.

A few Internet celebrities stood by, clapping their hands tremblingly, and said at the same time: "We will testify to Mama Hu."

Many onlookers testified: "What's the matter with Hu's mother? Hu's mother has been helping from the beginning to the end."

Someone asked curiously: "Can the old Taoist do it? Is the magic weapon powerful?"

Someone is eyeing the copper coin.

Ruan Lingwen didn't care.

in the living room.

Ning Xintong and the others were eating the same melon.Although those people are not easy to shoot directly at, but voice and text are fine.

It's very popular online!
[Is this guy too weird? 】

[Actually, it's not incomprehensible.If the wealth is not revealed, Shi Lingling is equivalent to telling the truth. 】

[For others, it's porcelain and ghosts. 】

[But for this man, it's all his dreams. 】

【Putting all your dreams on a piece of porcelain is the problem. 】

[That's his problem. 】

[Although Yuanyuan saved a person, can this kind of person be saved?Good words are hard to persuade, damn it. 】

[Don't worry, this man has a superb mother on the way. 】

[Isn't it?Can she rely on Yuanyuan to be her daughter-in-law? 】

[If you can, why not bad? 】

[Do you need any reason? 】

[Hahahaha Fortunately, Yuanyuan is not that honest, if she wants to get mad, she has to take advantage of it now! 】

[Yuanyuan is doing well, she didn't make Hu's mother mad. 】

[It's nothing to make a mistake and not know people clearly. If you keep blind, then Mother Hu will be miserable. 】

【If she is blind, Shi Lingling will ignore her.Mother Hu's luck is still very strong. 】

[What's going on with the old Taoist? 】

【Ha ha ha ha!It's the same thing with that guy! 】

[So incisive! 】

[Just to show off my ability.I can't get used to women (Shi Lingling) for a long time. 】

[Some people in Xuanmen are saying: Are there no men? 】

[Oh, man! 】

[The real people didn't choose men and women. 】

[There are bodhisattvas under the Buddha seat. 】

[A Bodhisattva is not equal to a woman.In fact, there is no distinction between men and women. 】

[That's right. 】

[Both men and women are natural. 】

[The more trash the more show off.A real strong person has already surpassed this point and pursued the spirit. 】

[Hahahahahaha that man is miserable! 】

[Both of them should go to court. 】

[Dog bites dog. 】

【Is that ghost very powerful? 】

【Don't worry, Shi Lingling is watching. 】

[Ghosts don’t necessarily harm people.It is not necessarily ghosts that harm people. 】

[That's right, isn't the old man who is harming people now? 】

[Just to clarify, it doesn't have to be a Taoist priest. 】

Ruan Lingwen hung up the phone, but Xiao Yinyangjing was still following the ghost.He was going to eat the ghost in the blue and white porcelain, and he had to watch it.

Jiang Lingjie sent the painting away first.

Ruan Lingwen's money arrived.

Several girls watched, Shi Lingling had a lot of money.

Ruan Ling smelled another blue and white porcelain painting in the study.

Ning Xintong came to take a look, how many people came.Crowding in the study room is not a big problem, the screen is relatively blocked at this time, but it is occasionally lively.

The vases painted by Ruan Lingwen are at least round and beautiful.

The girl looked at it and asked, "What kind of flower is this?"

Ruan Lingwen smiled and said, "Baoxiang patterns."

Baoxianghua is extraordinarily dignified and extravagant.The main body of baoxianghua can be lotus, peony, or others.Under the big layout, the inside is ever-changing and very beautiful.

Ning Xintong turned around and walked out of the study, and said, "It's worth hundreds of millions, right?"

Mother Hu dare to accept?I don't know how many people want to buy from her, right?

Everyone is out, ready to eat.

Ruan Lingwen walked behind and said, "Draw whatever you want."

The girl understood, and asked, "Is this different from that Qilin?"

Ruan Lingwen nodded.

The girl smiled and said, "We are laymen. If we let the experts see it, we will know. However, the painting itself is not bad."

Ruan Lingwen said embarrassingly, "I'm not so good at drawing."

Ning Xintong rolled her eyes.

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Did you draw one?"

Ning Xintong said: "My paintings are more ordinary."

Ha ha ha ha!The children all laughed!

Many people brought food over, and then took the children away.

Ning Xintong was not in a hurry to leave, she looked at it with her mobile phone, and shouted: "Hey! That guy is even better!"

Yao Juan asked, "What did you do?"

Ning Xintong said: "Yuanyuan is her daughter-in-law! She has to take care of her son! Why are you saying that Yuanyuan is not a woman? It's a mess."

Yao Juan understood, and said, "I look down on women, but her son is the best."

This kind of person is embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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