Chapter 339, Huangxian Temple
[Will Shi Lingling really be banned abroad? 】

[Once they feel that it will be bad for them, they will definitely do it. 】

【Then they went to find Shi Lingling in private. 】

[Don't let the common people see it? 】

[What do ordinary people look at, can they understand? 】

【ah?That's okay too? 】

[Shi Lingling, can this count? 】

【What are you excited about?Don't you think it's time to decide who to choose? 】

【What does Shi Lingling think he is doing?It is enough to take care of yourself. 】

[A group of hooligans, on the surface: fans/believers!Behind the scenes, they all look for Shi Lingling. 】

[Thank you for the invitation. 】

Ruan Lingwen called the man in the live broadcast room: "Hello, Uncle."

The man smiled and said, "Shi Lingling is good."

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Uncle, what's the matter?"

The man said seriously and entangled: "I'm going back to my hometown to celebrate the New Year. My mother said that there are yellow immortals in the mountains, and the village plans to build a temple."

The man said helplessly: "I told my mother, and Shi Lingling said it, so what's the use? We don't usually count on it. My mother doesn't listen. The village is very popular. It seems to be offering sacrifices to Huang Xian. Can fly to the top."

Ruan Lingwen knew about it, and said, "Go find that Li Sanguo."

The man replied: "Okay."

He put on his coat and went out.The thick snow outside makes it cold to look at.It was cold and windy.

[Awakened. 】

【hahahahahahahahaha! 】

[Is this person really called Three Kingdoms? 】

[My uncle's name is Three Kingdoms. 】

【Shi Lingling is much more sober than you guys. 】

【Really, listen to Lingling, don't think about that. 】

[Hahaha I was probably deceived.Why is it so easy to be deceived?Really have to ask myself. 】

The village is not big, not very good, but it has a taste.It seems that Huangxian will emerge at any time.

I saw a group of people having fun there.

An old lady asked, "Why are you here?"

The man said: "Mom, I invited Shi Lingling here."

The old lady shouted excitedly: "Shi Lingling! Take a look at the Huang Xian in our village!"

The man said, "Mom, don't worry." He took a few steps forward, pointed the camera at an old man, and shouted, "Li Sanguo."

It was a good shot.

Li Sanguo is a 50-year-old man, quite wretched, he is afraid of the camera and wants to run away.

The man shouted: "Don't worry. Do you want to turn yourself in first?"

The villagers were quiet.

An old lady asked, "What did you say, Big Bear?"

The man said very politely: "I don't affect everyone. But things need to be clarified."

An old lady leaned on a cane and said very mightily, "I've seen it!"

Li Sanguo regained confidence.

Another old man said: "I just find it strange. Although Guo Jia has let go of metaphysics, it is not to make everyone superstitious/believe. It is not to be deceived!"

A young man in the village shouted: "I'm just calling you a liar, my mother-in-law is going to beat me!"

The old lady was about to hit someone again with a cane.

The old man ignored her and focused on Li Sanguo.

Some people seemed to have found the backbone, and they all stared at Li Sanguo.

A beautiful woman suddenly realized, and said: "I said, how did this happen? It was you who made the trouble? Do you know that you are hiding behind the scenes?"

The beauty turned around and shouted: "Mom, is Shi Lingling's calculation accurate?"

Her mother said helplessly: "Sure. But what can you do with building a temple?"

The young man was very smart, and said, "How much is it to build the temple? I need money after the repair, can you not give it?"

The beauty agrees: "That's right, isn't it just these routines? Young people don't give it, old lady hits you."

Ruan Lingwen said with a sneer, "The broken thing is the lifeline, more important than the life of the grandson."

[Shi Lingling called the police. 】

[I don't think things are that simple. 】

[I didn't go back to my hometown, I heard that my uncle also has them. 】

[My mother is in the city and said that there is a fairy girl in her hometown. 】

[My mother said that 20 years ago, she went to ask Xiangu, in fact, that's the way, you think about it yourself. 】

[The person who asked doesn't care, as long as there is a vague one, he will be satisfied. 】

【As accurate as Shi Lingling is, I'm not satisfied. 】

[Some people abroad say that it was all created by Guo Jia. 】

Ruan Lingwen retorted: "Some people made it up. It's easy to do it, first grab some. Then talk about superstition/belief and bury everything."

[Fuck, I can play! 】

[The pots are all time-spirited? 】

[Stir up the water? 】

【Shi Lingling asked them to do that? 】

【Shi Lingling lied? 】

[I don't know the power of metaphysics at all, and I'm still a liar. 】

[It's so funny! 】

[Hahahahahaha I just laughed! 】

[Report report!Report anyone who knows! 】

[Yes, report them all! 】

【They buried Shi Lingling?The real metaphysics needs to be certified by Guo Jia! 】

[Oh, these brains, no, this is purely cheating the old lady and shameless, right? 】

[Can jumping up and down those shameless and flirtatious grandchildren really hard? 】

[You use filial piety to judge people again, what the hell are you doing? 】

【shameless! 】

[I seem to know, if you get more of this, you can make a lot of money if you need it. 】

[Manufacturing needs. 】

[Produce a batch of things for everyone to buy.Say as much as you want, and then everyone will share the money. 】

[This business is OK. 】

[Don't look at Shi Lingling's paintings costing hundreds of millions, he might earn more than her. 】

【Shi Lingling is not here to make money, thank you. 】

[Shi Lingling doesn't care about money, others do. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "I'll say this again: first, don't dream about getting something for nothing; second, don't be afraid, it won't hurt you; third, call the police if something happens. If you don't believe the police, what do you believe? You broke the law and you did something wrong. , If you don’t trust the police, they will still find you, you’d better believe it earlier.”

【hahahahahahahaha!Believe it or not, you have to believe the police. 】

[I don't understand, why do you have to do that? 】

[I want to take a shortcut.Just don't think about it, even if the weasel becomes a demon, how capable is it? 】

[Manage a village to get promoted and get rich. If you can't manage it, you can manage a certain one. Isn't a village a competitive relationship? 】

[Hahahahahaha!A village is about to fight. 】

[This matter should be strictly investigated. 】

[True metaphysics, don't always get it wrong. 】

[Metaphysics is not the black soil of some conspiracy. 】

Ruan Lingwen sent this one away.

Open wheat for another person.

A man appears on the screen. More than 30 years old, in the countryside, pitiful.

The man put away his mobile phone, knelt down, and kowtowed to everyone.

Ruan Lingwen sat upright.



The studio was quiet.

The man kowtowed hard, bang bang.

Bang, the man raised his head, with dirt and tears on his face, crying heartbroken: "Woooooo, I really can't help it."

A crippled woman came carrying a child, followed by two children dragging one.

[A beggar with a family? 】

The man said: "I work outside, and my wife has to take care of the children, my parents, and my grandma."

The man took the youngest son again, cherishing it very much, and said: "My son was born in poor health."

(End of this chapter)

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