In the live broadcast room, the atmosphere was serious and lively.

People all over the world are drawn to see the dolls.If you really want to be a doll, there are copyright issues.If you really want to do something, there are all over the world.

Most people are innocent and they care.

Someone launched a provocation, all kinds of foreign languages.

[Can the anchor solve this? 】

[I think this doll is so beautiful! 】

[Better looking than the anchor himself. 】

Ruan Lingwen sat in the study with a faint pain in his head.

When she catches information from the live broadcast room, she can use a gotcha!Although this word means that you understand, you are fooled.But Ruan Lingwen was caught.

Letting the group jump up and down, she first called the police and then sent a message.

The man took the doll to the wheat.

Ruan Lingwen was completely clear, since it was related to Tu Shan, it was just right.

[What's the matter with the anchor, can't it work? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "This is the end of today's live broadcast, goodbye everyone."

Closed, over.

Ruan Lingwen came out of the study, still a little tired.

Yao Juan holds the big baby.So many people plot against her.The big baby is still a child, there is not so much to say in this world.

Ruan Lingwen smiled sweetly, it's okay.She sat in the living room to rest, eating while watching the Internet.

It's the Chinese New Year, hot searches are like dishes in a pot, and all kinds of wonderful things are cooked.

Now, half of the trending searches are related to live broadcasts, and there is no way for those who buy trending searches.There is no way to sell popular searches, that's all.

#Big Brother#
#We are loving big brother#
#We are Love Long Ge's#
Ruan Lingwen looked at this.

Zhao Qing, who is a musician, looks beyond words.

Therefore, even though she is talented, she rarely has a chance.She did it by herself, gave full play to her talents, and had this song "Sunshine".

This is a song that fans love very much, but it is ridiculed by many people: Can this ugly bee sing this?

Zhao Qing was considered unworthy.So, her song was chosen for the Spring // Evening, and her people were out the door again.

Now, countless people speak for Zhao Qing!Shout out for Zhao Qing!What's wrong with being ugly?Why don't the songs I wrote fit?Isn't this discrimination?Who is promoting this trend?Just like that lip sync/girl back then.Ugly, can't you stand in the sun frankly?

Wouldn't that make more sense?How does being ugly affect the appearance of the city?Isn't discrimination endless?
Ruan Lingwen didn't finish a bowl of abalone soup, but Zhao Qing already made headlines!

Countless people are going to explode!

Speak for ordinary people!

What's more, Zhao Qing is not ordinary, she is talented!Talented people are discriminated against, let alone ordinary people?

Yao Juan was also indignant, and said, ""Tian Qing" is a very good song, but other people's singing is not as good as Zhao Qing's. Get a few streams and fool around there and it's over? Even if it's Chinese New Year, ordinary people don't deserve to celebrate Chinese New Year?"

Can't have an ugly face at the party?There is no room for a single face in such a vast country!

This incident started because of Ruan Lingwen.

Yao Juan was not worried at all.If you have the ability, you have to do something.Everyone's reaction shows that the matter is not small.The problems caused by the face are getting more and more serious, and the poison is getting bigger and bigger.

Ning Xintong sent a message: [Zhao Qing is coming.Guo Jin withdrew. 】

Ruan Lingwen eats well.

Yao Juan took the bowl away and brought her another plate of dessert.

Ruan Ling was delighted to hear this.

Yao Juan liked the big baby very much.

Ruan Haolin came back, sat on the sofa next to the eldest sister, and ate dessert together.

Ruan Lingwen looked at the phone, and Ning Xintong sent another message.

This matter has been on the hot search, and I will give you an explanation.

Guo Jin is a traffic star with a lot of fans, so he was alone on the trending search.

Guo Jin recorded a video, which looked pretty good.

Guo Jin was in a good mood and said, "First of all, please calm down the fans, and if they are fake fans, you must calm down even more."

Guo Jin smiled, handsome, looking really comfortable, and said nicely: "Zhao Qing is a girl I admire very much, and "Tian Qing" is a song I like very much. I feel proud: we, Chi Yan Kingdom, have Excellent musicians who make good music. I feel very honored to sing if I have the opportunity. However, everyone knows that "Tian Qing" is difficult to sing, and I have been under a lot of pressure. Now, Teacher Zhao wants to do it himself, and I It's really a relief!"

The relaxation of the whole person is not like a lie.

Guo Jin said: "I may offend people when I say this, but what I want to say is what I want to say. I think people should act according to their abilities, not overreach. Anyway, I am not capable enough. In the new year, I will I will continue to work hard and hope to have the opportunity to sing "Sunshine" with Teacher Zhao, because I really like it."

Guo Jin smiled and said, "I'm pretty good-looking? I love my country! I love my mother! Thank you for your support. I also hope to hear more good music and more good works, thank you!"

The girl who eats melons is on the front line of eating melons, and she sent another message.

Ruan Lingwen looked at it, and then looked again, and the hot searches went up again.

Ruan Haolin leaned on the eldest sister, looked at the trending search, and understood.

Yao Juan came over to look at it together, and said: "Three people, let one go to Zhao Qing, and the other two are reluctant. Guo Jin retreated on his own initiative?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "This is a wise move."

Yao Juan nodded and saw that the netizens were making a fuss.Not just Guo Jin's fans or Zhao Qing's fans.

Many passers-by don't talk about discrimination, just say these two men, don't they feel ashamed?

【Let Zhao Qing sing alone. 】

[The singing skills of those two are average, right?Compared with Zhao Qing, aren't you afraid of tragedy? 】

[If they make two vases, it would be a good arrangement. 】

【You can have this!I listen to Zhao Qing sing, I look at flowers, it's fine. 】

[Like Nie Chen, with mediocre singing skills, don't compete with Zhou Di. 】

[So, we must do what we can to achieve the best results. 】

[I came to the party, not to see a certain face. 】

[This way of organizing the party will only get worse and worse! 】

[Looking forward to Zhao Qing! 】

[Looking forward to more boys and girls like Zhao Qing. 】

【It would be great if Shi Lingling came. 】

【What is she here for, to compete for favor? 】

[Hahahahahaha!Be a pet! 】

【Don't don't!When the whole family is reunited, everyone dotes on it, and it is not good to dote on one person. 】

Yao Juan looks at the big baby, she has enough pets.

Ruan Lingwen was very happy.

Ruan Haolin also dotes on the elder sister.

Ning Xintong sent a video to Ruan Lingwen.

This is a cut of the characters played by Long Bo.It may not be obvious alone, but when put together, the acting skills can be called terrifying.Another mixed cut, very magical!
Ruan Haolin laughed out loud!
Ruan Lingwen played it on the TV.

Long Bo played six roles by himself, making up a play.

Hot search again.

【A superficial person like me completely forgets whether he is ugly or not when he sees Brother Long's play. 】

[The ugly one is the character. 】

[The character is not necessarily ugly, it seems like it should be. 】

[My mother said that if you can't act in a good play, you can only let people look at you. 】

[I didn't see Brother Long playing a beautiful woman!I want to see him play the Four Beauties! 】

[I want to see Brother Long play the four beauties! 】

This is on the hot search again.

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