Successful men don't want to be so ashamed.

Ruan Lingwen had seen enough of the play, and said, "You follow my instructions."

Men put on their coats and go out.

It took about ten minutes to walk to a building not far away.

[My uncle bought a suite here. 】

【Ah, I'm upstairs, listening to their laughter. 】

【Is it funny? 】

The man didn't believe it, and asked, "You said my mother is here?"

Ruan Lingwen just said, "You go upstairs, up there, right there."

[This location cannot be seen downstairs. 】

[Oh, the door just opened downstairs, throw out the trash. 】

[The one upstairs has come down. 】

A guy came down and smiled with the uncle while busy with his mobile phone.

[You may not be able to hear clearly, let me translate for you. 】

[The young man inside asked: Why haven't you come yet? 】

[An old lady scolded: This unfilial son!I don't care whether I live or die!I just said that bitch/person!That loser! 】

The man reminded the boy: "Stop talking."

The guy smiled and said, "This is all swearing, and I will be blocked if I say it."

Men are extremely embarrassed.It's not a question of him stopping now.

The man leans against the wall.

The guy is very relaxed, continue the live broadcast.

[The young man asks: Does uncle have other money that you don't need to borrow? 】

[The old lady jumped up and scolded (so fierce, I was afraid): I knew it, that unfilial son!Same thing with those two! 】

[A woman asked: Do you want to make a phone call, and ask for more? 】

[The young man said: OK, OK!Didn't he give his daughter a lot of money?Just about to come back! 】

[Woman coaxing the old lady: You are a real mother, even a granddaughter should be filial to you. 】

[The old lady scolded: That loser!Omitted below. 】

[The trash thrower went downstairs, someone talked to him. 】

[Good job! 】

[The one who throws out the garbage is excited. 】

[Can you not be excited about kidnapping your own mother and defrauding your brother of money? 】

[What kidnapping?Isn't this here to play with your youngest son? 】

[They thought that the big injustice had no money, so they wanted to borrow money from their younger brother? 】

[It should be that there is not so much cash, but the kidnappers want more. 】

[The borrower is here, the old lady hides in the bedroom? 】

[Hide under the bed? 】

[Hide in the closet? 】

[Are you playing hide and seek? 】

[I don't understand a little bit: my brother borrows money from my brother and then takes it back, what is this for? 】

[My brother not only has to pay back the money, but also has interest, and owes favors. 】

[Isn't that my brother's real mother? 】

[Because my brother gave birth to a loser, my mother was kidnapped. It was all his fault, and the crime was aggravated! 】

[My old lady is making such a fuss, isn't he feeling guilty? 】

[The money from this family shouldn't be given to losers. It doesn't matter what the old lady says, so I can only do this. 】

[He is an unfilial son! 】

[Unfilial son! 】

[Unfilial son! 】

[Unfilial son! 】

[So ironic. 】

[Reality is so interesting. 】

The man's phone rang.

Several people got busy and dragged him to someone else's house to answer the phone.


[All are staged. 】

[We owe you a movie ticket. 】

[Isn't this really a show? 】

[It's just acting. 】

[Confused me. 】

[Everyone be quiet. 】

The man's voice was transmitted to the live broadcast room.

Although he didn't say anything, his nephew's words were very clear.

[Using a voice changer? 】

[The kidnapper's routine operation can be seen as professional. 】

[Although I used a voice changer, I just heard what he said, and now it's quite weird. 】

[Rhythm or something, like a person's back, can also be recognized. 】


[Greasy. 】

"Your mother said that you are the most filial."

[Unfilial son, I heard it all just now. 】

"So, 5000 million! Don't even think about less!"

[No, I don't want to give any money. 】

"Two hours, I want to see the money, or you'll see your mother's...a finger!"

[Two, [-] million. 】

【Come on, I'll give you money. 】

[Crowdfunding crowdfunding!We give money! 】

"What about people?"

[I saw it and went downstairs. 】

[It's right at your door. 】

[I dare not go in at the door, I don't know how dangerous it is inside? 】

[Is the police here? 】

[Is this against the law? 】

[Fraud. 】

[Extortion. 】

[The larger the amount, the larger the penalty. 】

[More than three years but less than ten years. 】

[I advise everyone not to play casually, this is not fun. 】

A man approached the phone and said in a low voice, "Send your finger here first, let me see if it's true?"

The old lady flew into a rage and shouted, "What did you say?"

The noise inside was so loud that the building was shaking.

The old lady was really angry and cursed: "You are an unfilial son! How dare you!"

The grandson and daughter-in-law hurriedly persuaded (avoiding the mobile phone and sending it directly to the mobile phone): "Don't worry, don't worry, this doesn't sound like it."

The old lady became even angrier: "Not like?"

The man simply said: "Ask me to borrow money? I have to see something. Otherwise, who knows if you cheated me of money? Isn't it better to kidnap your nephew than your mother?"

The man was in his forties, but it was broken. He retreated upstairs with his mobile phone and played slowly.

There are people in the corridor.


[Isn't this illegal? 】

[This is education.Never imitate. 】

The man was upstairs, acting very similarly: "Your mother is so old, if something happens, it will be a life lawsuit. If you kidnap your nephew, who is resistant to falling, and is passed on from generation to generation, wouldn't your mother be more nervous?"

A group of laughing people on the side are almost laughing.

[Uncle has a future. 】

The man avoided that side and said with a smile: "Just kidding, kidnapping anyone is against the law."

[The family is dumbfounded. 】

[The big injustice was also dumbfounded. 】

[They don't have enough brains. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Enough has been seen. The man has been found. Goodbye."

[Shi Lingling, I haven't seen enough. 】

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!so funny! 】

[Everyone said, will the grandson chop off the old lady's fingers? 】

[This kind of thing goes without saying.boring. 】

【Shi Lingling, I need your help. 】

【What's up? 】

【What are you excited about? 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

A woman appears on the screen.In his fifties, he was blown by the wind, his tears were dried and he seemed to be crying.

The lady was trembling and said, "Shi Lingling is well. My daughter is traveling abroad and has been missing for eighteen days."

Ruan Lingwen looked at the message and sighed, "My condolences."

The lady covered her mouth with one hand, choked with sobs and said, "I want to see the dead body...can't I collect the dead body for her?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "I can't help you, this is very difficult."

The lady held back and said, "I won't make things difficult for you. What else can I do?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "I can draw symbols. I can't just do nothing."

Ruan Lingwen raised his head, looked at the camera, and said: "I can't control that much. But I hope that when the bad guys attack the people of Chiyan Kingdom, they will weigh the strength of Chiyan Kingdom. She is enough to protect each of us!"

Ruan Lingwen shouted: "I have a mother!"

[The motherland is strong! 】

【What the heart depends on! 】

[Now Guo Jia is much stronger than before, but it doesn't seem to be enough! 】

The woman yelled: "Mom is here, doing my best! I want justice for you too!"

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