Chapter 368, Mother and Daughter

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Ruan Lingwen broadcast live on time.

In the live broadcast room, jumping up and down.

[Shi Lingling, tell me, what happened to my release? 】

[Shi Lingling help! 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

Three children appeared on the screen and squeezed out a character.

Entering the live broadcast room, two children were shy and hid behind.

The most daring boy asked Shi Lingling, "Do you have to endorse the book?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "It's fine if you don't want to endorse."

The boy held his chest up and took responsibility, and asked, "What do you say?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "In your house, Fushou/snails are seriously harmful. You should learn first and then remove them. This environment is also what you will survive in the future. This is working hard for yourself."

The boy asked, "Snail?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "Different species. Like non-venomous snakes and poisonous snakes."

A parent came over and asked, "Is it dangerous to remove Fushou/snails?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "This is what they can do."

Parents support: "Let them realize the importance of the environment from an early age and participate in it."

Ruan Lingwen said: "No need to be praised by others. If you do it, give yourself a small red flower. Keep the accounts every year. When you look back, you can find many problems."

The boy asked his little friend, "Will you go?"

The girl hesitated.

Ruan Lingwen said: "Men and women are equal. Women breathe the same."

The girl said, "It's fine." There is nothing to love in life, "I still have to study."

The parent said on the side: "Let's go together."

Ruan Lingwen said, "They don't want to be with you."

Parent, Sheng Wuke said: "I have to watch."

Ruan Ling Wensheng has nothing to love: "Truth is the truth. Feelings don't make sense."

Several children ran away laughing.

The parents shouted: "Come and say goodbye to Shi Lingling."

Several children ran back again.

The girl boldly asked: "What does Shi Lingling do when he's not studying?"

[Climb a tree. 】


[Compete for favor. 】


[Shi Lingling wants to take care of her sister and brother, right? 】

[You must not be soft-hearted in competing with younger sisters and younger brothers. 】

[Don't bully Shi Lingling all the time, she can work at the age of three or four. 】

[Go to fight for favor when you're done. 】

【Mom, look, I'm washing my socks! 】

【I washed all my sister's socks! 】

[It's very visual. 】

[A cute Shi Lingling running around, absolutely cheerful! 】

Ruan Lingwen: "Hmph!"

【Hahahahahaha! 】

[Don't talk about Shi Lingling, I'm going to fight for favor with my mother. 】

[Compete with my nephew for favor. 】

【I threw away the trash and came back to mop the floor. 】

[Isn't it strange to see a group of adults fighting over this? 】

[Then you have never seen someone sitting there motionless while playing games. 】

[Go out and throw trash and move around. 】

【Shi Lingling, I want to find you. 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

A girl appeared on the screen.

Twelve or thirteen years old, without the smell of cardamom at the beginning of February.She hid in the corner, wearing a down jacket, with shadows, and her face was darker.

The girl's voice lit up: "Shi Lingling is good. My family eats together. It's very noisy."

Ruan Lingwen said, "I heard it."

The girl lowered her head, with a mocking arc on her mouth: "The one who spoke the loudest was my cousin. It is said that my grandparents raised me for a few years when I was young. Later, when I came to the city, he was very promising. Every year at my family gathering, it is him dinner."

Ruan Lingwen said: "Someone treats guests, so it's just the food."

The girl laughed, and said cutely: "It was originally. But my parents are not."

The girl said disgustedly: "My cousin has a daughter who is the same age as me, and she is much better than me. My parents always let me learn from her, so that I can get a big red envelope if I please my cousin."

The girl was deeply powerless, and said: "My mother always said how poor I was, so I asked people to help me."

The girl hated herself, and said, "I'll talk about it when I get home."

Ruan Lingwen said: "She wants to say how bad she is, but talking about it can't solve the problem. She has to do better. Good parents make good children. My mother thinks we are the best, because my mother it's the best."

[Shi Lingling shows her mother every day. 】

[Shi Lingling shows her mother today √]

Ruan Lingwen said: "You have grown up too, right? It's good to have your own ideas."

[Yes, this idea is very good. 】

The girl was stunned.

Ruan Lingwen said: "Your mother is more helpless than you, can you understand?"

The girl blinks.

Ruan Lingwen said: "So, you have to support her, love her and pamper her. Adults and children are actually the same."

The girl opened her mouth.

Ruan Lingwen said: "We are not young, we have our own ideas, and our future is defined by ourselves! We don't pray for a red envelope, nor do we pray for an excellent parent. What we want, we do it ourselves! In fact, parents are not that bad. , as long as we give a little more love, she will become what you want. Mother and daughter work together, and their benefits will cut through gold!"

The girl listened carefully.

Ruan Lingwen said earnestly: "The ambition of youth is the ambition of the country! No one can define our future! There are infinite possibilities in the future! As long as you work hard, the future will be infinitely exciting! The dragon has awakened, why are you hesitating?"

The girl is hesitating.

Ruan Lingwen said flickeringly: "Come on, close your eyes! Take a deep breath, and shout with me: I can do it!"

The girl shouted and trembled.

Ruan Lingwen continued to shout: "I am the best!"

[I am the best! 】

[Shout out loud! 】

[Mom, you shout out too! 】

【You are the best mother! 】

[I don’t want to see Linglingxiu’s mother every day. 】

[Who doesn't have a mother yet? 】

A group of people came to see the girl.

Ruan Lingwen encouraged: "Excellent people are not afraid of any gazes! Equally excellent people will appreciate you; incompetent people will envy you."

An uncle and a girl said: "You are excellent!"

The girl smiled and cried: "Thank you Shi Lingling. I am excellent!"

An aunt said: "What a child!"

The girl cried and said, "My mother is also fine."

Ruan Lingwen said: "I believe that most mothers love their children. However, many parents don't know how to get along with their children. As children, we should be filial and take the initiative to form a better relationship with our parents. We can! We are the best!"

【Mom lies down, come on, kid. 】

[If you can pull your mother up, your mother loses. 】

【Mom, you are being unreasonable. 】

【Mom is just being unreasonable, I'm going to test you, come on! 】

【My mother really sat down!I didn't even make dinner, I died laughing! 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Parents actually try very hard to understand their children, but there may be deviations from what they understand. As more mature and experienced parents, if you give your children more trust and support, they will grow better."

[Yes, I believe my daughter can cook dinner, don't burn the kitchen down for me. 】

[Takeaway, don't eat. 】

[Cooked noodles are ok, but instant noodles are rejected. 】

The mother arrived at the scene and slapped her daughter.

Several people hurriedly stopped.

Ruan Lingwen said, "Did you know that she has mild depression?"

(End of this chapter)

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