Chapter 370, Wealth Talisman
The fifth day of the Lunar New Year is always different.

Ruan Lingwen sat in the study, listening to the commotion outside.

The live broadcast room was lively.

[Shi Lingling, "Homecoming" is going to hit 20 billion at the box office! 】

[The number of viewers exceeded [-] million! 】

[Some people say that "Homecoming" has not been watched. 】

[The number of movie viewers abroad has exceeded [-] million, and more people are watching. 】

[A group of idiots are talking about what age it is and exporting this? 】

[Isn't the foreigner watching the excitement? 】

[The anchor is a sinner! 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

The man was a little caught off guard.

[Hundreds of millions of people to watch the excitement?It was quite lively. 】

[Is this Lingling when typing on the keyboard to scold?Is it so ugly? 】

The man was so angry that he said loudly, "Ruan Lingwen, do you dare to admit it?"

Ruan Lingwen asked: "As far as the 80 G in your computer is concerned, it is indeed different from the home with green mountains and green waters."

Ruan Lingwen screamed: "Mom! My eyes are so hot that I might go blind!"

Busy kicked people.

【Baby Lingling, mother is here. 】

[Call an ambulance! 】

【Shi Lingling, let uncle see this kind of thing. 】

[The child's eyes are too clean to see. 】

[It turns out that I am not the only one who is willing to share the burden for Shi Lingling. 】

[80 G?I want to see. 】

[What is 80 G? 】

[Fuck me, there are fierce people?Be careful, don't be hot on Shi Lingling, or be careful. 】

[Bald is panicked.They are all treasures, do you want to delete them? 】

【hahahahahahahahaha! 】

[As long as it's not too much, Shi Lingling is too lazy to care about you, the child should protect his eyes. 】

【No one will intentionally damage Shi Lingling's eyes, right? 】

[Have this idea? 】

【Shi Lingling, are you okay?The ambulance has come. 】

[The child has endured too much. 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "My baby is suffering, so I won't tell you."

【mom!I'm gone! 】

【Why is Shi Lingling so cute? 】

[Shi Lingling, why didn't you say anything?Shout so loudly! 】

【LOL!Sure enough, Shi Lingling was fun. 】

[Actually, Shi Lingling didn't even mention the pain.Lingling when hugging. 】

[Sister is always there, if you have any grievances, just say it. 】

[Shi Lingling, the market opens today, let's have a fortune talisman. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "It's not shameful to ask for money. However, there are so many people watching the fun, so I won't do it."

【What's the meaning? 】

[Shi Lingling draws a fortune talisman. 】

【Shi Lingling asks you to read more books.There is a house of gold in the book. 】

【Shi Lingling asks you to read more books.The book has its own big villa. 】

[When there was a big villa, Lingling lived in it by herself.Shi Lingling, do you read less? 】

【Shi Lingling will soon be able to live in a big villa. 】

【What does Shi Lingling think of my fortune talisman? 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

A man appeared on the screen, although greasy, but really rich.

The man looks like in the store, in a suit, busy and proud.Holding a fortune talisman in his hand, he said triumphantly, "I'm asking for 100 million."

Ruan Lingwen lowered his head.

[Call the police. 】

[My fortune talisman is similar to this one, what's the problem? 】

[Yo yo The police are also busy today, so they came very quickly. 】

[The police saw the live broadcast. 】

【Really? 】

[He ran away. 】

The wheat ran away.

[Is this still possible to escape?joke!Do you really think that Shi Lingling's eyes were blinded by the heat? 】

[Shi Lingling's eyes are heavenly eyes. 】

[If you are blind, you can still stare at you. 】

[Shi Lingling is good to wear a mask, otherwise she is a little scared. 】

[Why is it a bit like hiding one's ears and stealing the bell, thinking that Shi Lingling can't see? 】

[Shi Lingling wears a mask, you can't see, why is it so strange? 】

[The police arrested the man. 】

【Shi Lingling, what's the matter? 】

Ruan Lingwen finished his work and said, "Tax evasion."

[Jade shop, suspected of laundering//money. 】

[Then why are you still making fortune charms? 】

【You don't think laundering//money is easy?Can't it be installed? 】

[Shake it in front of Shi Lingling, the police will not look for him. 】

[Shaking too coquettishly, she shrank her waist. 】

[Many people want to find Shi Lingling to start this business. 】

[Making false testimony? 】

Ruan Lingwen asked: "Why, let me become a fairy directly?"

[The way is different.Shi Lingling's pursuit is to become a fairy. 】

[Is Shi Lingling short of that money?Help me draw a God of Wealth, [-] million. 】

[Shi Lingling help me draw a God of Wealth, one billion. 】

Ruan Lingwen looked at it and asked, "A lot of people want it. I'll give it to you, do you dare to accept it?"

【dare! 】

[Time is fast! 】

Ruan Lingwen bowed his head and looked for paper.

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

Incomparably devout.

Ruan Lingwen was more devout than them, so he wrote it well and showed it to everyone.

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

【what is this? 】

[Is it too late to regret it?So smart! 】

【Hahahahahaha!Integrity-based! 】

[Integrity is the foundation, what's wrong? 】

[Cry, it's so good!I'm obviously asking for money! 】

Ruan Lingwen snorted: "Let you be short of money, shoddy as good, and do anything."

Ruan Lingwen stretched out his hand.

[Hand-controlled benefits! 】

[I can chew three of these claws in one bite. 】

Ruan Lingwen counted with his fingers: "The mutton noodles are filled with beef."

[Is this the latest counting gesture? 】

[Son, that's paomo. 】

[The steamed buns indicate beef and mutton. 】

[Chicken with boiled meat slices. 】

[Basa fish is pretending to be Longli fish. 】

[That's too much! 】

[Shi Lingling, is it all over now?Ha ha ha ha! 】

[Shi Lingling just wrote the four words "integrity-based". How could it have such an effect? 】

Ruan Lingwen cupped his hands and said, "Be courteous, be courteous, seek benevolence and benevolent will be rewarded."

【hahahahahahahaha!The little fairy changed the concept secretly. 】

【I!Laughed angrily.Don't dare to blame Shi Lingling.This honesty is right in the long run. 】

[But everyone is doing this in the short term, vicious competition, right?But this situation will definitely change. 】

[My boss is crying with poor! 】

[Shi Lingling, do you know how many people you have offended?It is not easy for everyone to make some money. 】

[Shi Lingling, how long is this time limit? 】

Ruan Lingwen laughed loudly and said, "It's bound to your fortune!"

[It's over!The child will not be able to go out in the future. 】

[Wrap a sack?Didn't know that the police were watching Lingling when she went out? 】

[Hahahahahaha!The market opened on the fifth day of the first lunar month, and the bosses squatted at the door together to pray for auspiciousness and cried. 】

[This shows how big the problem is? 】

[Profit merchants, is there really no profiteer without business?When you need it, Lingling will heal you. 】

[Shi Lingling, give me a way out, please let me go. 】

[I want to open some.Now it's all about honesty, isn't it better? 】

[When I think about getting rich, the following pops up in my mind: love/country, dedication, integrity, and friendliness. 】

【It is not good? 】

[Shi Lingling, can you automatically pop up the law test in your mind? 】

[Shi Lingling, ask for three hundred poems. 】

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!Look at this brain hole! 】

[Shi Lingling can only bring 24 characters at a time! 】

[Is it too little?There is more than one poem. 】

[Shi Lingling, is it really tied to wealth? 】

(End of this chapter)

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