Chapter 400, much attention

Today is Thursday.

Yan Huixin was very busy at work.

One year has passed, and one year is about to begin, and the year-end bonus has not yet been received.

At noon, we all eat together.

The young man was unsteady and shouted, "Little Fairy is out!"

The big boss was unsteady and asked, "When?"

The young man hurriedly showed the boss: "Zhongle sent a message, 01:30 pm, see you soon."

The big boss patted the table and said, "Take a break from 01:30 to 03:30 in the afternoon."

The young man was excited: "Yeah!"

The boss asked: "Can the year-end bonus be saved?"

The young man asked, "Double the year-end bonus?"

Young people nowadays... Yan Huixin ate with a smile.

Or the boss will draw cakes: "Everyone works hard, and you can get more bonuses."

A colleague answered: "My classmate said that it is not easy to mix in abroad, and wants to go back to China."

The young man asked excitedly, "Go back to China and rob us?"

The boss will coax people: "As long as you do a good job, no one can take it away. Hai/Turtle, it's long gone."

Colleagues echoed: "So, I hesitated when I wanted to go back to China."

The young man said excitedly: "If you want to leave, you can leave, and if you want to go back, can you go back?"

Although it was his freedom, they did not contribute to Guo Jia's development, so why should they take a share?Just like the little fairy was not raised by the Luo family, they want to peach all day.

In the final analysis, everyone is a competitive relationship.But the truly outstanding ones are not afraid of going back to China.The whole world still competes, who is afraid of whom?

After Yan Huixin finished her meal, she strolled to the office, where everyone was surfing the Internet.

The little fairy is out!It is definitely the top priority, half of the trending searches, or it is related to her.

A girl asked Manager Yan to eat melons: "What does this mean, the little fairy can come out for the movie?"

Yan Huixin was watching, and replied, "It's either stupid or bad."

To promote a movie, you still need Xiaoxianzi to come out of customs?Isn't it hot enough now?

Wei Chengjun and Nie Chen became popular internationally together.A bit of inexplicable luck though.

Long Bo is also very hot.He is ugly but really talented. When the Four Beauties came out, everyone redefines beauty.

Beauty is in the bone but not the skin. (The eyes of the world are much shallower, only the surface, no bones.)
Therefore, another group of skinny beauties became popular, and it was hard to describe.

Anyway, Long Bohuo, countless beauties named Long Ge.

As for how things are going abroad, Little Fairy doesn't care about it.

Yan Huixin looked online, but it was still so messy.No one can control the chaos.

The big boss has a new mission: "If any of you see Little Fairy, call me. The year-end bonus will be doubled."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, to shout or not to shout?

The girl was bold, and said, "Seeing the little fairy, good luck next year."

What are you calling the boss for?Be your own boss, own a wealthy family, and live in a luxury house by yourself.

Yan Huixin looked at her mobile phone, her classmates were excited, and her mother was also excited.

Mom told her: [Remember to watch the live broadcast of Lingling Baby. 】

The girl and her classmates yelled (not voice): "Who said Shi Lingling is dead? Can those internet celebrities compare to Shi Lingling?"

Yan Huixin dismissed it.

This year, live streaming has developed extremely fast!In addition to all the fun, the notorious tease is still standing.There is also Yumi who has become popular recently.

Also called U-Me, or You Me, you and I are as good as me.It is very powerful, and it has the meaning of surpassing Doudu and competing with everyone.

Youmi is very creative, not as stinky as Doudou.For example, Doudu can only imitate the appearance of a little fairy, in skin.Umi has a few psychiatrists, and the job is much better.

Like broadcasting that emotional program before.The patient can talk about his problems without showing his face and changing his voice.As for whether it was staged or not, the audience will see for themselves.

Yan Huixin watched it once, but was not interested.But I have to say that Youmi has two brushes.As for whether these two brushes can pry Zhongle, it will take time to verify.

Xiaoxianzi's live broadcast, including her character, can be discussed whether she can support Changhong.But some quarrels will be avoided.

Yan Huixin can say with certainty that she will watch Little Fairy every time she broadcasts it, as long as she can.

The girl said to Manager Yan, "Someone from abroad wants to challenge Little Fairy."

Yan Huixin said, "Are you playing tricks again?"

The girl laughed and said, "I have been challenged all the time, and I have never failed."

Yan Huixin said: "Little Fairy is not afraid of defeat."

She has always felt that she is not good enough, so she is very humble.

The girl swiped her phone and said, "It is said that if the little fairy loses, she will be able to meet the big brother."

They all want to see the elder brother, but defeating the little fairy and humiliating her is something that everyone can't stand.

The little fairy seemed to be in a state where she couldn't afford to lose.

Yan Huixin didn't think so.

Although the little fairy represents a lot, as long as the loser is upright, it doesn't matter.

Everyone is out of work.The non-stop phone calls at work are now quiet.

When Yan Huixin received the message, friends from abroad all came to ask.

The girl called out to Manager Yan: "Go, watch TV."

It looks more comfortable than a mobile phone.It's best to look at your phone while watching TV.As for whether it hurts the brain, that will be discussed later.

The TV in the conference room is on, and the boss is sitting there.Everyone is fishing openly.

The boss will not send money in vain, and then make up for an hour later.If there are children at home or in various situations, additional arrangements must be made.

Hectic.And lively.

Yan Huixin came over and sat behind the boss with a cup of tea in her hand.

The young man was so bold that he asked, "Shall I get some snacks?"

The boss asked, "Popcorn?"

That can't.But I brought a big bag, including potato chips, spicy strips, five-flavored peanuts, and chicken feet.

The boss looked at it and asked, "Are you still eating chicken feet in the office?"

The young man finally came to his senses and said, "No, this is to be taken back."

The boss shouted: "Next time, buy a little and stock up. Buy 5000 yuan first."

Xiao Wang asked, "Where to put it?"

The boss said: "Whatever, don't let me go anywhere."

Everyone understands, give the boss a little bit.This team building is fine.

Yan Huixin was speechless, only to see the boss's phone rang, and his wife called.

The old lady reminded: "Give Lingling a gift."

The boss led the decree: "I have called everyone, whoever grabs it will count."

The old lady reminded again: "Don't delay work, work comes first."

Yan Huixin smiled.The queen mother is right.

Those who don't want to work overtime can go to work now, and the boss doesn't stop them.

Anyway, Yan Huixin wants to watch the live broadcast.

Someone shouted: "You are so shameless, go live broadcast Luo Jiachen."

The boss asked, "What happened to Luo Jiachen?"

The female employee said: "It's a bad face."

Yan Huixin said: "I'm shameless in the first place. What's the difference between rotten and not rotten?"

The girl echoed, "What does it have to do with Little Fairy?"

Everyone is optimistic about the mobile phone and will grab gifts later.It is more active than grabbing red envelopes.

It is a very meaningful thing to give gifts to the little fairy.

The guy has a gossip: "Little Fairy has a classmate named Ning Xintong, who used to be a fan of Luo Jiachen, and now, the Luo family is following her."

Girl Yue!
Yan Huixin asked: "You used to be a fan of Luo Jiachen?"

The girl was so disgusted that she couldn't help it anymore, and cried, "I was blind before, so the boss doesn't want to fire me. I will see the little fairy more in the future, so I won't be blind anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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