Ruan Lingwen stood here, there was a little space, a little calm.

She looked at the Ruan family with bright eyes.

There is no one in the Ruan family.The boss who used to be the most was arrested now, Ruan Ledan stood quietly aside, and then there was Ruan Lefei's family.

Ruan Lefei was terrified when he met Ruan Lingwen's eyes!She was about to be arrested, and she was a little scared when she saw the police.

Wang Jian was very nervous about the little fairy, he was afraid that his family would be implicated, and if he knew it earlier, he would have ignored Ruan Leping.

Someone from the Ruan family asked, "What's going on?"

Ruan Ledan sneered and said, "Excuse me, didn't you hear me? You still want Hao Lin's life, and you don't even blink when you kill someone."

The man was in his forties, frowned and said, "Is it related to the child?"

Ruan Ledan sneered and said, "You don't think the child is innocent, do you? Hao Lin is not a child? Ruan Hongwen asked for so much money and killed him. Can his son be clean?"

Among the onlookers, someone said: "Could it be that Ruan Haolin's life is for this child?"

Ruan Lingwen replied: "Because Haolin studies well and is good at everything."

The onlookers sneered: "The Ruan family is a bunch of trash!"

Someone insisted on coming over to talk to Ruan Lingwen: "You say so?"

Ruan Lingwen made a tactic, and a bolt of lightning struck her, saying, "If I want to slap you, I will slap you."

A man on the side sneered and said, "The little fairy doesn't understand metaphysics, do you understand? Using metaphysics to harm people and pretending that you don't have it?"

Ruan Lingwen was too lazy to talk about this.

The old man and the little fairy nodded.Ruan Junxi has Gu on his body.

Ruan Lingwen said: "Old man Ruan also has Gu. He thought that his grandson would get a share of the stew, but he didn't know that he would kill the entire Ruan family."

The old lady sneered and said: "What can the Ruan family not do? When they robbed Ruan Letian's family property, didn't each person share a piece of it?"

The man said: "I don't know anything about metaphysics, but I dare. If I am eaten, I deserve it."

Ruan Lefei hurriedly asked, "The entire Ruan family?"

Ruan Lingwen glanced at her and said, "Haven't you tasted this taste?"

Yao Juan sneered, "Stupid and greedy."

The boy said: "It's easy for the Ruan family to bully the orphan. But if the Ruan family didn't have the little fairy, it would be as easy to crush you to death."

The beauty said: "They still think that they are quite capable. The key is that they can't take advantage of the little fairy, so they can only make themselves a little more stupid, let's die stupid."

Wang Jian was startled.Staring at his wife and son.

Ruan Lefei was not reconciled, but he was afraid of Ruan Lingwen.

Ruan Lingwen had no time to talk to her.

The old Taoist asked: "What should we do now?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "The caster will not be far away."

Ruan Lingwen held a small yin and yang mirror.

Someone hurriedly shouted: "Is the child okay?"

Ruan Lingwen struck with a talisman.

A beautiful woman scolded: "Where is the holy father whore?"

The old lady smiled and said, "That's a pretty good description."

Ruan Lingwen took the small yin and yang mirror and locked the person in the county seat of Hong County.

Wang Lin called and was ready.

Ruan Lingwen took out a Thunder Fire Talisman and burned it.

The onlookers suddenly shouted: "Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling!"

Guys and beauties shout enthusiastically, but they shout piously even if they are not so fast.

Ruan Lingwen looked in the mirror, the whole building was bombed.

Anyway, there is no one else in that building, just a nest of ghosts.Not just playing Gu, there are others.

Now it's all blown up. If anyone is dead, the police have already passed by, and the police will deal with it.

Here, someone in the room shouted: "Grandpa vomited blood!"

It's not Ruan Sheng's filial son or grandson, it's someone else watching here.

Ruan Sheng should be sent to the hospital, but Ruan Ling heard that he was anxious to borrow Ruan Haolin's life first.Ruan Haolin is only ten years old, how many lives does he have?How lucky is Ruan Lingwen?Ruan Sheng has to wait at home if he doesn't go to the hospital.

Someone in the room shouted again: "Dead!"

Yin Feng hurriedly ran into the house.

Ruan Lefei followed in.

Ruan Ledan sauntered behind, it didn't matter if he died or not.

Ruan Lingwen was more straightforward and left in the car.

The onlookers didn't stop.

It is rare for many people to see the little fairy once, excited!

The aunt in the village laughed and said, "Little Fairy was never this soft when she was young."

The beauty said: "Today is very aura, not very cute. You used to be bullied when you went back to the Ruan family and the Yao family, right?"

The aunt put her hips on her hips and said: "No, Yao Juan will quarrel with them. As long as Yao Juan and Ruan Letian come back with the money, these people will not dare to make too much noise. If there is any more trouble, Yao Juan will not bring the little fairy. "

An aunt sighed: "The Ruan family is not a man, and we don't have many opportunities to see the little fairy. Otherwise, she often goes back to the village to play, and everyone knows her well." The more she thought about it, the more reasonable she said, "The little fairy often goes back to the orphanage to play. , the village can’t compare to the orphanage?”

If there are a few playmates in the village, like the brothers and sisters in the orphanage, it is the love of incense.

Now it's even more impossible to want the little fairy to come, and the purpose is too clear.

The uncle in the village sighed: "The matter should be settled."

Everyone dispersed, and looked back at the Ruan family.

"Is Ruan Sheng really dead?"

"It should be backlashed by that."

"Eating your own son and then wanting to gnaw your own grandson, that's intolerable!"

The uncle sighed, "The Ruan family is gone."

The aunt said: "It's time to break up. Ruan Kailin and Ruan Haolin are fine. As for Ruan Lejun's children and grandchildren, none of them are fine."

Ruan Leping has no son, only a daughter.

Ruan Huiling is now standing at the door, all alone.

Counting, Ruan Sheng has three grandsons and two granddaughters, and now Ruan Huiling is standing here alone.

Several of Ruan Lefei's children came, including stepson Wang Hao.

Wang Hao originally wanted to gain something, but now he didn't dare to move at all.Seeing Ruan Sheng die so easily, who is not afraid of death?

Wang Yan is already in her third year of high school, and she thought it would be good, but it seems that she doesn't even think about it.

Wang Jian called Ruan Lefei over and taught him a lesson: "Be more honest in the future, or you will end up alone."

Wang Yan lowered her head.

Wang Jian arranged for her and said: "You will go back in a while and study hard. You are still young, and there will be opportunities in the future."

Wang Yan raised her head and looked at her father.

Wang Jian said: "There is nothing you can't do. Even if you don't do well in the college entrance examination, you can still take the postgraduate entrance examination. Doesn't the little fairy have the Wenqufu? If I have a chance to give you one, it will be much easier for you to study. But you must first be yourself, Otherwise, you won't receive the amulet she sent you."

Just like the peace talisman, Wang Li didn't receive it.

Wang Li was eight years old. He had a golden doll in his class, and he almost became a black doll.

Wang Yan asked her father: "Can I borrow Haolin's life?"

Scared, Wang Jian asked back, "What do you think?"

The little fairy only needs to look at the faces of Ruan Kailin and Ruan Haolin, and it is clear.Use these crooked ways to borrow your life?Unless Daoxing is higher than Little Fairy.

Unfortunately not.

Wang Jian arranged for Wang Yu again, and said, "You should also study hard. What you learn is your own." He also said, "He Shujun is studying hard. If you don't study, you will be left behind."

Wang Jian also had to work hard.Gao Ning still has a lot of opportunities.

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