Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 454, other people's children

[Has Shi Lingling considered part-time eating and broadcasting? 】

[Not very suitable. 】

[Eating so much at this time of the afternoon, is it because you don’t feel the pressure to lose weight enough? 】

[Some content of Shi Lingling's live broadcast will make people overwhelmed. 】

[But when Shi Lingling was just eating, I had already started eating. 】

[Eat first as a respect. 】

[My mother made a pot of mutton noodles, and it feels delicious all the time. 】

[I have brought all the ribs stewed in my pot, and the whole family will finish it together. 】

[My grandma's birthday is tomorrow, and we have already cut the cake.Grandma said she wanted to be blessed by Granny Meng. 】

[Can the cake be blessed with steamed buns? 】

[Grandma Meng is not ready yet, you are almost full. 】

[All point to Shi Lingling: It's all her! 】

[Grandma Meng, Shi Lingling is full and doesn't need buns anymore. 】

【hahahahahahahahaha! 】

The old woman came over slowly, and said: "This bun can be put away. If you take Lingling Baby home, you can keep it for a month."

Ruan Lingwen was full and shouted angrily, "Grandma, I like you the most!"

[Go home with mother-in-law! 】

[No more mother Li! 】

[Mother Li doesn't know how to make steamed buns. 】

[Hahahahahaha!Mother Li has raised so many children, are you starving? 】

【Grandma, I like you the most too! 】

【Grandma looks at me, I'm more cute than Shi Lingling! 】

[Grandma looks at me, I can eat more than Shi Lingling! 】

[Mother-in-law!I want to eat steamed buns, if I don't eat, I will roll all over the floor! 】

[Hahaha, where's your face? 】

The old woman's frame is not big, but she is very shriveled. An old woman, dressed more cheerfully, has more strength now, and said: "This is for Lingling baby, I will make some tomorrow."

[Grandma, I'm in line! 】

[Mother-in-law, I make an appointment! 】

[Grandma, can I come to your house to help? 】

[Latest news: That noble girl's biological father went out, and Duang got into a car accident. 】

Ruan Lingwen pinched his fingers and said, "I hurried to find my uncle or something, and we went to heaven together."

[Oh, God. 】

[The scene was a bit tragic. 】

[Women are still expensive. 】

【Father, go at ease. 】

[What did the anchor do? 】

[I'm eating mutton cakes, can't I see without eyes? 】

[I donated my eyes when I didn’t need them. 】

Outside, relatives arrived and began to recognize relatives.

The old woman is very happy.

[Grandma Meng wants to send all the children back? 】

[What do you think?When the child grows up, it is his own life.Granny Meng also has her own life. 】

【It's a love to be able to recognize your relatives, so what's the relationship with it? 】

【Shi Lingling, we need to recognize our daughter! 】

【Shi Lingling, we need to recognize our daughter! 】

【Shi Lingling, we need to recognize our daughter! 】

【What is it? 】

[Probably Li Lingyin's parents, I'm looking at them. 】

[I want Li Lingyin to go back to raise their son, and I want to recognize Shi Lingling back. 】

[Recognize the time Lingling? 】

【Shi Lingling is Li Lingyin's younger sister, that is, their son's younger sister. 】

[It's not that Shi Lingling stopped him from admitting, it was Li Lingyin who didn't want to admit it.Li Lingyin has grown up. 】

[What confidence do these parents have? 】

Ruan Lingwen casually sent a talisman.

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[It's a bit like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer. 】

[Okay, continue to eat. 】

【What does Shi Lingling eat? 】

Ruan Lingwen said happily, "Leek and Mushroom Cake."

[Shi Lingling, you can eat so much, you can still eat dinner? 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "Go for a swim, swim until you're hungry and then come up."

[Is there no talisman that can be consumed? 】

[The mansion has a swimming pool, so you can eat freely. 】

[Shi Lingling, go directly to Moon Lake for a swim! 】

Ruan Lingwen ate well and was really full.

[It's all mother's fault, feed it vigorously. 】

[What can a child do wrong? 】

[It is estimated that my mother can starve her for half a month. 】

[Eating and broadcasting is greedy for others, so she ate it herself. 】

[Eating and broadcasting, don't you eat? 】

[Just like an advertisement, it is for others to pay for it. 】

[Shi Lingling is just showing off her mother, her mother's cooking is delicious, but others can't eat it. 】

Another young man came into the mirror, and said in a ruffian way: "My biological father wants to recognize me."

Ruan Lingwen said: "Contrary to the story of the poor boy, your biological mother wanted to marry into a wealthy family, and she had children out of wedlock, so she had no chance. Your biological father married a well-matched woman and gave birth to a son. It seems that he is not in good health. If you go back, He is the heir of a wealthy family. Surprised or surprised?"

The young man was tall and thin, with good facial features, clean and beautiful eyes, and said with a smile, "Is there a throne?"

Ruan Lingwen patted the table and said, "Do you dare not recognize your ancestor and return to your ancestor?"

The boy smiled brightly: "I'm sorry, I'm already an adult."

Ruan Lingwen said, "They've fallen in love with that aunt of yours."

The young man raised his eyebrows and said, "Is this trying to recognize my Meng family?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "From now on, everyone will be a family."

The boy asked: "Come to eat my mother-in-law's bun? Are you afraid that someone will snatch it from you?"

Ruan Lingwen slapped the table!
The boy snorted and said, "I also have a country."

[This kid's skin is a little itchy. 】

[I think Granny Meng is going to break his bun. 】

[Guo Yi! 】

[Meng Ping is 19 years old, a junior at Changdu University. 】

[This son is very expensive. 】

[When you are very expensive! 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "The adoptive father is a professor."

The boy said: "I've always wanted to be a //soldier, but I haven't gone yet. I'll go after I graduate from my Ph.D."

[Are you going to read a blog? 】

[Direct blog. 】

[Other people's children. 】

[It is indeed someone else's child. 】

【Hahaha!The children raised by Granny Meng are so good, no one thinks that they should be counted first when picking up children, right? 】

[Where is the one sweeping the street? 】

[Sweeping the street is not excellent?Look down on street sweepers? 】

[If you have a good character, you are excellent. 】

[This kid and Chen Yu are classmates? 】

[He is one year younger than Chen Yu and one level higher than Chen Yu. 】

[Chen Yu: Silence. 】

[Hahahahahaha!It is not comparable to ordinary people. 】

[Such an excellent child, shouldn't that family recognize him even more? 】

[Why?When children are adults, who can interfere with their lives? 】

[I don't know which rich and powerful family, who looks down on his mother, thinks highly of him?He has been raised and raised well, is he worthy? 】

[No, the wealthy family knew that they were pregnant before marriage, and they didn't want this grandson. 】

[It must be the right person who disagrees. 】

【Can she tolerate someone who is older than her child?Can she be a stepmother? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "The one who was well-matched forced him to commit suicide. Uncle threw away his nephew."

[Then this woman has her own son, how can someone else inherit the throne? 】

【Who is playing Gongdouju with them?Serving the motherland is too busy! 】

[There are so many important things to do, the biological father should treat himself as dead, be careful of car accidents, Duang! 】

[Any predecessor should be more decent. 】

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