Chapter 459, Unfavorable start

After finishing work on the land, Ruan Lingwen went downstairs.

Far away, consumes a lot.Fortunately, there is a small yin and yang mirror.

Ruan Lingwen Nengling, [-]% of the credit goes to Xiao Yin Yang Jing, the elder brother is really kind to her.

Ning Xintong looked at her, wondering what happened again?
Ruan Lingwen took a rest while thinking about how to treat that face.

He didn't care too much about the way the psychic did it, and he was tricked again, maybe it was helpless.

Ruan Lingwen just wanted to try, but he had to tell Bureau Wu about it.This drug will definitely attract attention.

Especially Chinese medicine, it seems to touch something again.

Luo Guo has recently been madly saying that Chinese medicine belongs to them, and there are a group of people who say that Chinese medicine is useless.

Don't bother, that's what he wants to say.Ruan Lingwen eats apples.

Seeing that she was tired, Ning Xintong said calmly: "Luo Jingshan is actively expanding her influence and fighting with you. Not to mention domestically, many people abroad support you and boycott Luo Guo. Luo Jingshan has a bad start."

Yao Juan brought milk cakes over.

Ning Xintong liked it when she saw it, so let's have a piece first.

Yao Juan let her eat whatever she wanted, and said, "The key is not in ability, but in being a person."

Ning Xintong ate deliciously, and said with a smile: "Luo Guo probably didn't expect that the biggest backlash would be on Luo Jingshan."

Ruan Haolin came to see the eldest sister, and said, "Think that being pretty and being cute is enough?"

Ning Xintong said: "Luo Jingshan is not cute, she is as high-end as Aunt Cao. However, children are the most sensitive and feel that Ruan Lingwen is reliable, and Luo Jingshan has a distance. Some people analyzed that metaphysics is related to psychology. If you can't make it through, you don't know what else Luo Jingshan will do."

Yao Juan said: "If Luo Jingshan represents Luo Guo, then they can do it."

It's all shameless, I really don't know what will happen.

Come SO fast!
Ning Xintong ate melons on the Internet, saying: "Luo Jingshan is going to act in a movie, or a special metaphysics role."

Li Linghui came over and said, "Is this to use the movie to show her style?"

Ning Xintong said: "Ruan Lingwen has made many movies, but she never goes there, she just stays at home and waits for the money."

Li Linghui has no time to talk, she is busy.

Ruan Lingwen went to eat first.Insignificant people don't need to pay too much attention.

Ning Xintong didn't care about it, and watched everyone continue arguing about traditional Chinese medicine.

Ning Xintong said: "Traditional Chinese medicine is definitely useful. Many of these noisy people have ulterior motives, right?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "So just stop arguing."

Ning Xintong said: "It's okay if you don't quarrel. Do what should be done, and quarrel when you should."

Public opinion cannot be left behind.

Ning Xintong said: "Everyone is talking about how much money they can make if they conquer cancer. It seems like they are waiting to count the money and how to spend it."

Ruan Lingwen said: "There are many things that need to be overcome. Ordinary people should be lucky to have one less shadow on their heads."

Ning Xintong nodded.Cancer is terrible.

Ruan Ledan's family came over.

Ning Xintong watched, it was very late at night.

Lu Xiaotong said: "Ruan Huiling committed suicide by slicing her wrists, saying she was raped by the Internet. Why don't you talk about how you robbed Kailin Haolin's house and kicked them out? I was scolded less every day, and I was less scolded by them. ? Pretentious, trying to force someone to raise her?"

Ruan Ledan didn't want to say anything, changed his clothes and sat in the living room.

He Zhen didn't want to say anything, there was nothing more to say.Whether Ruan Huiling is raised by Ruan Lingwen or Ruan Kailin is nonsense.

To put it bluntly, she should really be dead instead of being discovered.

Lu Xiaotong sat down and said loudly: "Ruan Lefei wanted to raise her before, but now he doesn't want to raise her anymore. Her grandparents should raise her."

Ning Xintong interjected: "He's such an old man, he's going to die if no one takes care of him? There are so many people who go out to work at the age of 16. What kind of happy life does Third Aunt have? Does she still think she's a princess?"

Ruan Ledan didn't care.

Ruan Letian didn't care.

Lu Xiaotong said aggrievedly: "A group of people come to my place every day to beep. It seems that the matter of the old lady Yin is also related to me. How can I control them all?"

Ning Xintong said: "That's when you have nothing to do, and you don't speak your mind at all."

Lu Xiaotong nodded, and said, "Fortunately, there are a lot of Wenwen management, so I just ignore it. If I have time, I might as well study."

The third aunt prepared the guest room.

Ruan Ledan cleaned up by himself.

Move Ning Xintong to Ruan Kailin's room on the second floor, it's just right for Ruan Ledan's family to live on the first floor.

Lu Xiaotong looked at this mansion, it was great to live in.She bought a house, which is completely incomparable.

When Lu Xiaotong looked at Ning Xintong again, he still needed to know how to read in order to be able to talk.

Lu Xiaotong is pretty popular now, but with so many internet celebrities, she seems to be inferior.She was right, what was wrong was that some people like to brush the lower limit, so naturally it is lower.With the money, the quality is low, and some circles will never accept it.

From Lu Xiaotong's point of view, there are still many people who regard her as little fairies and Internet celebrities, but they also know that they can't be offended.

Therefore, if there is a chance, it doesn't make sense to hold Luo Jingshan and step on the little fairy.

Ruan Ledan tidied up here, washed and slept soundly.

Living in a luxury house, what else do you worry about?Is there a ghost next door?The ghosts in people's hearts are terrible.

Early in the morning, Ruan Ledan was refreshed and worked with his third aunt.

Third Aunt said politely, "Go to sleep a little longer."

Ruan Ledan replied: "Sleep well. Send it to Kailin later?"

The third aunt responded: "The production team must hurry up, Kailin is working harder."

Ruan Ledan nodded and said, "Do it yourself, don't always think about relying on others." Can't help complaining, "Ruan Huiling is worthy of being the daughter of Ruan Leping and Xu Fang, and she has learned a lot from them. Treat yourself as something, especially don't Face."

The third aunt said: "Many people regard themselves as things."

Just look down on Wenwen.Even if you become a fairy, he just looks down on you, it seems like a bullshit.

What does he do?
Ruan Lingwen practiced sword in the backyard.

He Shujun looked scared, this sword is absolutely sharp for slaying demons and demons.

The little fairy's ability didn't come out of thin air, this sword needs to be practiced, He Shujun is hopeless, although he is very handsome.

Lu Xiaotong called her boyfriend: "Do you want to go to the gym?"

He Shujun said, "I'll go in the morning."

Ruan Ledan looked at Wen Wen's sword practice, and said to his son, "Now it's relatively stable, and we need to exercise regularly."

He Shujun nodded.Although he does not broadcast live, there are many things.Exercise is not just for being handsome, sometimes for being energetic.If you are in good spirits, you will look more advanced.

After Ruan Lingwen finished training, he went back to his room to change his clothes.

Ning Xintong rubbed against her bathroom.Although Ruan Kailin's bedroom has a bathroom, she uses Ruan Kailin's as well as Ruan Lingwen's.

Ruan Lingwen didn't care.

Ning Xintong has no habit of not being able to use it.

Yao Juan asked her eldest daughter at the door: "Will you wear the dress my aunt bought for you today?"

Ning Xintong looked at it: "This dress costs more than 3 yuan, right?"

Big brands, new styles, Lu Xiaotong has made money, although she may not be able to wear them herself.

Ning Xintong said: "Wear this."

Yao Juan picked out a skirt from the closet and suggested to Bai Fumei to wear it, which looked a bit like a girlfriend's outfit.

(End of this chapter)

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