Chapter 480, Honorary Citizen

[So, parents still need to read more and be more refined, which has a great influence on their children. 】

[Parents with a bad temper have a great influence on their children. 】

[What's more, if you beat someone to death, even if you don't have a deep hatred, you can kill him, and if you escape, it will have a great impact on him. 】

[This kid is a senior in high school, what should I do? 】

[It's okay, come to my house. 】

Ruan Lingwen said happily, "Thank you Mama Zeng."

【What happened to his own mother? 】

[Obviously the psychiatrist has a problem. 】

The boy said, "It was broadcast live on Youmi."

[Yumi: That's impolite. 】

[Youmi is already like this, how clean do you think he is? 】

[Isn't it Shi Lingling's script? 】

[This guy should be pretty good.It's just that he suddenly knew that his father had killed someone, killed him!His father turned out to be this kind of person! 】

【So, he suffered a lot.His mother took him to see a psychiatrist, which was a secondary injury. 】

[What kind of weird psychiatrist is that?I wonder what he said? 】

【Think his dad did the right thing?Or is it that the son cannot kill his relatives righteously, or he will be accused by thousands of people? 】

[Fucking is also amazing.My husband killed someone, can I take my son to see a psychiatrist? 】

[I didn't have a psychiatrist before, didn't I come here like this? 】

Ruan Lingwen and the boy said: "Mama Zeng is here to see you, goodbye. You can call the police if you have any problems."

The boy replied, "Thank you. I'm much better now."

【Of course Shi Lingling exorcises evil spirits. 】

【Let me tell you, my hometown is a little dirty. I was running around the house with my laptop on. 】

[Does it work? 】

【It works.It's not the kind that will come back after the live broadcast, anyway, I haven't seen you for so long. 】

[New usage of Shi Lingling. 】

[I also use it like this. 】

[The house I bought was cheap, but the neighbors told me that it was not very clean, so I tried Lingling while holding it. 】

【Useless? 】

【it works.But I want to say, try it, if the problem is big, you still have to pay attention. 】

[Yes, there are those who are quick-witted, don't rely on this to make a fortune. 】

[Lingling doesn't care about you when something happens to you.Our little things are more like playing. 】

[There is a problem in my community, I will try it later. 】

[After a while, Lingling's live broadcast ended. 】

[Hahahaha, are you polite? 】

[Is there a master to explain? 】

[I am an amateur, let me talk about my opinion. 】

【Shi Lingling has been sitting there, she won't keep performing gong, hehe. 】

[Ordinary ghosts are not afraid when they see Lingling, just like people on the street.Shi Lingling is so cute, isn't she? 】

【You may say that things in your house are not clean, but you are afraid of the real person behind Shi Lingling. 】

[My opinion is that under normal circumstances real people don't rush out of your computer screen. 】

【Then, the only possibility at the scene is you holding a laptop. 】

【Hey!Or do you face the unclean things alone, are you surprised or not? 】

[However, the computer in your hand is not a decoration, you can smash it when you need it. 】


[Amateur master, you continue. 】


【Everyone knows that Shi Lingling is very smart.If that thing is lucky, Shi Lingling will come out when the computer hits it. 】

[It may not come out, so you have to be mentally prepared to repair the computer and make sure there is nothing in the computer. 】

[Amateur master, you are talking too much. 】

[Suspect you are in the water barrage. 】

【Hahahahahaha! 】

[Amateur master, when did you get to the point? 】

[A group of masters watches you perform. 】

[Didn't I remind you to think for yourself? 】

[Okay, you step back. 】

【I see. 】

[If you say a thousand things and ten thousand things, you will ultimately depend on yourself. 】

【Shi Lingling relies on me. 】

【yes.Holding a computer will increase your qi, or improve your righteousness. 】

[I really understand. 】

[Ordinary mobs, see how strong I am!It scares away. 】

【Shi Lingling is courageous. 】

[Same as the one who accompanied you to the bathroom at night. 】

[What's weird? 】

[Shi Lingling is sometimes a companion. 】

[Actually, there are so many people in the studio, right?None of us are alone, nor are we afraid. 】

[Look, when there is something to do, sometimes Lingling, there are so many mothers. 】

[I was also outside the door and saw Mama Zeng. 】

【So, as Shi Lingling has always said, you can overcome everything by yourself. 】

[Yes, Shi Lingling, there is nothing wrong with you. 】

[I can also watch Xu Daochang's live broadcast next time. 】

[Xu Daochang: You should just look at the little fairy, she can come out of the screen, but the old man can't. 】

[Is it okay to call the old monk if something happens? 】

【Leave the old monk alone. 】

[Tell you to call the police, what are you doing? 】

[Police: Yes, it's all our business. 】

[Hello Shi Lingling, I have something to talk to you about. 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

A foreigner appeared on the screen.

【YH Group's boss Tony? 】

[Is there something wrong with Shi Lingling? 】

The boss is in his 50s, wearing a suit, tall and handsome, and greeted him politely in Chinese: "Hello Shi Lingling."

Ruan Lingwen said politely, "Hello."

The boss's Chinese is level [-], and he said: "I like Chi Yanguo very much, and I am an honorary citizen of Rong City. I suddenly received a call today, and it was Miss Luo Guo who came to me, saying that it was related to my wealth and life. I felt that Luo Guo is not very reliable. So I want to ask you for help, please give me some advice."

【Is this okay? 】

【Is Luo Guo digging around? 】

[It's really a joke. 】

[Luo Guo refreshed the lower limit. 】

【It's impossible for Tony to wrong him.Probably disgusted. 】

[This kind of blackmail is disgusting to everyone. 】

[The problem is that you don't know Luo Guo's lower limit, if you blackmail him once, there will be another time. 】

【Luo Guo: Please look at my sincere eyes, just this once. 】

[Where does Luo Guo get his reputation?Looking for wronged seeds all over the world? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "You have a problem with one of the executives in Chiyan Country's branch. He took [-] million from Luo Guo and is about to go abroad. The [-] million property is also abroad. So, this matter will have a certain impact on you. Affect, but not life-affecting, unless other things are done to you, such as planting a bomb/bomb in your car."


[The executive was detained at the airport. 】

The boss breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good. No matter what the problem is, if you operate in Chiyan Country, you will abide by the laws of Chiyan Country. Compared with a certain executive, I think Luo Guo's entire management has problems. "

【Ah yes, Luo Guo is like a game. 】

[The brain is broken. 】

[I felt that I had some handles, so I started blackmailing. 】

[The handle is not necessarily held by Luo Guo, it may be held by the rascal//guo's traitor//spies. 】

[I advise you to take the right path and don't narrow the path. 】

[Or I'll put a bomb on you, are you afraid? 】

(End of this chapter)

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