Fuguo is an island country surrounded by sea.

The sea here looks good, but slowly dying.

Everyone knows what it feels like when a pond dies.A sea is dead, and that is infinitely larger than a pond.

Some things are just fine if you don’t know them. You know it’s waste water, but you find all sorts of excuses to dump it into the sea.

More than one dumps waste water into the sea, and that's what the most respectable hooligans do.

They seem to know, they don't.How embarrassing what he did, and how much he would lose his life.

Ruan Lingwen was busy.She can't control anything else, that's all she can do.If you can do one thing, you still have to do it. I hope it can give everyone a wake-up call.It's also good if one person does one.

Faber watched over her and was not to be disturbed.

There is a small island here, bare, not even the birds come, it is poisonous.

The power station over there is working, no matter how angry others are, they do their own thing and make their own money.

A group of people who do bad things, rightly said that they need to support their families.Does raising a family rob a bank?He thinks it's okay, but the bank doesn't allow robbery.

Qin Xiang sat on the side and swiped his phone, the phone could burn up, the Internet is too popular.Just a big fight.

The hooligan scolded the little fairy, and everyone scolded the hooligan.Many people in Fukuoka demanded that the river station be shut down.

Hooligans have strength, capital, and can scold loudly.For the general public, there are only one person, as long as everyone is in harmony, it will only be louder.

Curse it.

Ruan Lingwen was too busy to eat, and just ate pills.

Qin Xiang saw that her round face had lost weight, as if she had sunburned.She is a little fairy, and she has never been black.Sure enough, waste water is still dangerous!The little fairy can advertise to everyone, even a god can poison it!No joke!

Faber fetched some water and food.The chocolate is delicious, but the temperature here is high and it will melt quickly.The ice cream is delicious. Faber, as a zombie, can bring it here for his wife to taste.

Mrs. Zhang is studying hard and paying attention to this sea.

The ancients did not pollute the sea, the sea can be big.Modern people do everything, and the sea is not big anymore.

Modern people haven't gone to the sky yet, and they still throw garbage in the sky.I don't know how far I can go, but this way of walking and throwing all the way will only block my own way.

It’s like such a big sea, if it’s polluted piece by piece, isn’t there less leftovers?If you want the world to be bigger, make yourself smaller.The ego does not affect the big heart and the big pattern.

Personal expansion will only bang and explode in the end.

Faber and Mrs. Faber shared their hearts and felt that something could be done.Although I didn't do it before, I can do it now if I want to.

They don't necessarily have to do live broadcasts.Faber is the number one scholar, and he can write articles and poems, both of which are very good.

The ego does not limit people's happiness, but makes people live more compactly.

Some people nowadays, apart from surfing the Internet, what do they do?The work is not happy, and the children are not necessarily good.

We should let everyone return to life, life itself, and enjoy nature.Life will become longer.

Qin Xiang can also.

Zhu You can also.

Ruan Lingwen worked with peace of mind.

Tonight the moon is bright and the sea is quiet.

The wind brings life, and fish swim over, as if to give a helping hand.

Ruan Lingwen was tired, but she regained her energy. She was okay.She eats something first.

Faber fed the fairies and got pizza.Only Zombie Immortal can deliver this takeaway.

Seafood pizza, and eight treasure duck. The best thing about eight treasure duck is that it has glutinous rice, which tastes delicious.

The child was starving, Ruan Lingwen ate a whole duck, and was blown by the sea breeze, a little drowsy.

The moon went down, and the sky darkened.Ruan Lingwen watched the stars at night, now is the best time.

Both Fei Bai and Qin Xiang are fine, so let's do it.

Ruan Lingwen took the talisman to open the way.

There are many people working in the power station, and they discharge waste water at night.

Ruan Lingwen passed a talisman, and everyone fell down.

Faber moved the stone to the place the little fairy wanted.Although there are not many stones, they are big and it is a bit tiring to move them.

Qin Xiang helped the little fairy set up the formation.He would have been a little bit better, and it was okay to start.

Ruan Lingwen looked up at the sky, the moon hadn't come back, but the stars were very bright.

The sea sang.

There are many ghosts around.Everyone helps.Move some people away.

Some ghosts are strong, some ghosts are weak, everyone cooperates, and it is not too hard to move.

Mrs. Zhang followed Little Fairy, and it was her who had the hardest time.However, this time is good, and the leverage is also very good.

Gao Ning, Yunju.

It's so late, Ruan Kailin is in the living room, still haven't slept.

She was wearing a dress that came down to her knees, and she had long legs, which looked good on her.

Ruan Kailin did not quarrel with others on the Internet, but watched the latest news on the Internet.

Someone livestreamed Ha Sun Island trash.

Hassun Island was once a paradise, and it is also very important.However, the beautiful beach is full of rubbish, which is really shocking.

It's like living in garbage, and I have become garbage, with nowhere to escape.

Really really serious!It's really urgent, we can't destroy nature anymore!
Going back to Shennong Mountain, those people's destruction of Shennong Mountain made people very angry!
Just such a piece of rubbish deserves to live?

Garbage also has the right to live?Isn't it natural?

Ruan Kailin saw the same thing, go to sleep.She wants to do something, don't think too big, start small.

Gao Ning's quality is the highest, but it is not enough.

Yao Juan was also watching.How can such an environment be left to future generations?I should blush just thinking about it.

What is the use of leaving money for future generations?Can you go to the universe if you have money?It's not good to run away.

The female ghost doesn't sleep or practice, so she scolds on the Internet.Because of this crime, hooligans have to bear the greatest responsibility.

In summer, the morning light is early.

Although Ruan Kailin slept late, she woke up early.Wearing a tank top and shorts, went downstairs for a run.

Wearing it like this shows a very good figure, and if you have flesh on your body, you will be healthy.

Yao Juan looked comfortable too.Those who lose weight, especially celebrities, do not mean that they are all unhealthy, but many of them are unhealthy.Especially since Ruan Kailin is still young, she needs to be energetic.

Ruan Kailin ran to the back, ran an easy five kilometers, and continued to practice when she came back.

She has been riding horses and playing ball for a long time, and she has good athletic cells.I have to thank a good sister.

Although everyone is good now, there are not many who can compare to her.

Some people don't know what to do online when they have time.

The sun was a little hot, and Ruan Kailin returned to the house covered in sweat.

The main building is three stories high, and it is cool on the first floor.

Ruan Kailin took a look at her mobile phone, what was someone looking for her so early in the morning, and a class reunion?
Since her sister was not at home, Ruan Kailin didn't go anywhere.It's not wrong to say that she was scared, but can't she be scared?

Stay at home and avoid trouble.Anyway, she can study at home, and she still has to go to the set.Not so much free time.

Yao Juan watched her classmates keep looking for her, and asked, "What's going on?"

Ruan Kailin didn't take it seriously, and said, "Don't give up."

She went upstairs to shower and change.

Yao Juan nodded, and there was a group of people who did not give up.I also feel that Ruan Kailin used to be small and was watched; now that she is older, she can make decisions on her own, so hurry up and take her out to open her eyes.

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