At one o'clock in the afternoon, Ruan Lingwen sat on the dragon chair upstairs and took a good pose.

Lou Chao looked at the door, the chair is quite big, the child can roll on it, but sitting cross-legged is also good.

This chair is smaller than the couch opposite, but some people still imitate the imposing manner of the dragon chair.

These things can be imitated, but what cannot be imitated are people and fairies.

[Shi Lingling is good. 】

[Look at eating at home for nothing/tenderness. 】

[Shi Lingling, my family is making noodles with fried sauce today, do you want to eat it? 】

[Hello little fairy. 】

【Ha ha ha ha!I heard a joke recently that Shi Lingling was not filial. 】

【Shi Lingling, are you beating your brother at home? 】

[They are all full. 】

【No, I'm thinking about the benefits of Shi Lingling.Shi Lingling, give me one of your elixir, or you won't be filial. 】

[Shi Lingling, my place is haunted! 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "I'll try."

She is holding a small yin and yang mirror.Just look, in broad daylight, some ghosts are wandering around, very arrogant.They are real ghosts compared to bad guys.

Ruan Ling heard the trick, accept it.

There are many ghosts, and the space in the house is a bit small, so I miscalculated.Ruan Lingwen changed the direction and opened the window at the back. Although there is an eaves outside the window, the space should still be bigger.It's cool today, it's great to catch ghosts.

[Shi Lingling, my house is also haunted, but I don't panic now. 】

[The ghosts on my side seem to be gone. 】

【Ha ha ha ha!The ghost scared away.They bullied Master before, where do I think they are running now? 】

[Everyone has been bullied?Master still can't do it. 】

[Amitabha, I am sorry for your troubles, little fairy. 】

Ruan Lingwen replied: "Everyone in Gao Ning calm down, otherwise it will be regarded as haunted."

【What's the meaning? 】

[Go to Gao Ning quickly. 】

[Gao Ning is human, so he can't stay here anymore, hahaha. 】

[Those who don't practice, leave for now, and leave this opportunity to Xuanxiu. 】

[Why?You Xuanxiu can't cultivate by yourself?Little Fairy, she cultivated it by herself. 】

[Okay, stop arguing, the little fairy is busy there, do you look good when you are arguing? 】

【Hahaha!Some people think that the little fairy is comfortable, and they are all fine. 】

[Silly beep. 】

[Before the haunting was so fierce, there were more than one place, why didn't anyone make a move?The police and the master are quite busy. 】

【They said it was reserved for the little fairy.Didn't the little fairy also care?It doesn't matter. 】

[What are you doing looking at the little fairy?What are you doing looking at the little fairy with a pair of eyes? 】

[Okay, don't worry about those things. 】

【Hahaha!A group of experts came to find the little fairy again.They couldn't breathe without staring at the fairies. 】

【It's so easy, every expert catches a ghost, and when it's handed over to the little fairy, it will give it a chance. 】

[Expert: How is it possible?We are experts. 】

[Silly beep: How is it possible?We are dumb. 】

[Shi Lingling, although this is a bit embarrassing for you, can those who are in Gao Ning be able to keep them away? 】

[That's right, they are all shameless, they are good-looking when they get cheap. 】

Ruan Lingwen replied, "Okay, I'll draw a talisman later."

[Shi Lingling stop, what talisman did you draw? 】

[Hahahahahaha!Expert research to go! 】

[I think experts are a bit like shouting to God: Come down!Let me strip/light! 】

[God didn't kill him with a single thunderbolt, all because he didn't bother to care about him. 】

[My only dissatisfaction with God is why there are weeds in the field?Where did the seeds come from? 】

[Hahaha, not all the grass in the field is bad.It's just a grass.But people are different. 】

[It makes sense.If people want to become bad, it is far beyond comparison. 】

[Experts are very angry, they know a lot. 】

[Knows the world, understands a lot, why do you want to find the little fairy?go away! 】

[I don’t even know modesty, and I don’t even know that the more I know, the more I don’t know. 】

[It's not that I don't know, they did it on purpose.Want to steal, but also pretend to be sanctimonious. 】

[The wording is inappropriate, being dignified is pretending, and pretending to be dignified makes him appear to be a three-thirds gentleman. 】

[I think of a word, delicious, which is already delicious, so I can't add very. 】

【Very, very delicious? 】

【Hahahahahaha! 】

Ruan Lingwen was busy catching ghosts.

The small yin and yang mirror has capacity, but it also has potential.

Ruan Lingwen found that compression is an excellent skill.It's okay to suppress at least a few thousand ghost kings.

Not all ghost kings escaped from the underworld, some were just stronger.But no matter how strong it is, it can be grasped with one hand.

Ruan Lingwen saw that the small yin and yang mirror was a bit crowded, and there were still many ghosts, so she said, "I'll go clean out the trash can first."

[Clear the trash can? 】

【I'm quiet here.Although ghosts are good at running, I really appreciate Shi Lingling. 】

【Isn't it because of her? 】

[Mom, there are silly beeps coming and going, come and watch. 】

[Don't swear. 】

[Although it is a ghost, it also has the right to live. 】

【Mom, if you can't swear, what should you say? 】

Ruan Lingwen flew out of Yunju, and flew to the fountain on the side of Xingyue City.

You can't kill so many ghost kings by electrifying with the fountain. Ruan Lingwen just used this place to set up a formation to prevent the ghosts from running around. It's like catching chickens and chasing them around, which is unseemly.However, Ruan Lingwen used the small yin and yang mirror to catch him, so he didn't need to chase after him randomly, it was just troublesome.

The formation here is good, and the sky is good at this time.

A wave of ghosts was released, and the fountain spewed out colorful auspicious clouds!Spray a water screen movie.You can see ghosts projected on the water curtain, dancing all kinds of fancy, real ghost movies.

A large number of policemen are around, feeling the energy from the wind, very comfortable.

Anyone can absorb this, but some people suck it fast and others suck it slowly.

I don't know how many people want to take it, and this supplement may not be available for money.

The little Taoist was helping, and he was very happy to suck.

A group of experts were not far away and rushed over.

Everyone in Xingyue City and the onlookers stopped these things together.

A group of foreigners, some of whom are not foreigners, came to chase the little fairy.

The onlookers knocked down a few, didn't they see that the little fairy was busy?They are all those who don't want Bilian.

Someone laughed and said, "How did this get pushed down? He is the future uncle."

The boy missed and kicked twice.

Those who knew part of the situation laughed out loud!Can a billionaire be placed in front of the little fairy?Is Xiaoxianzi short by tens of billions or several experts?

Ruan Lingwen emptied the trash, turned around and flew back.

The old lady in Xingyue City looked up at the sky, the little fairy has really become a fairy.Every time I see her fly, she is so dazzling!
Thousands of ghost kings were beaten out of their wits, and their energy was terrifying.

The old lady is like eating a elixir, feeling comfortable all over, going home to practice.

There are so many ways to cultivate, there are many real and fake ones on the Internet, and there are many real ones.

As long as you are careful, you can have good results.

The energy will spread, and it will be concentrated in Xingyue City at the first time, everyone must hurry up.

Around Xingyue City, everyone stopped arguing, and many people sat on the ground casually, looking left and right, wondering what others were doing?
Foreigners take pictures on the street and send them abroad: this is evil/gong.

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