Ruan Lingwen held the mirror, ready to continue catching ghosts.

Now that we have done it, there are quite a lot of ghosts, so we can catch them if we can.

[The anchor is not afraid of breaking the balance? 】

[Silly beep. 】

Ruan Lingwen looked out the window.

[The yin is rolling, and you can see it in the live broadcast room. 】

[Did the underworld settle accounts with the little fairy? 】

Ruan Lingwen jumped out of the window and saw a group of ghost messengers, holding chains in their hands, seducing her parents.

Ruan Lingwen took the mirror and confiscated all these ghost messengers, and confiscated the chains.

Yao Juan came over and looked at it with a chain. This magic weapon is so powerful that she couldn't resist the hook just now.

Ruan Letian picked up a chain and tried it, he could use it too.Finally, there is a good magic weapon.Wenwen sent him a lot of good things, but it was different from this one.Ruan Letian holds a chain and can easily hook people's souls.

Yao Juan is no longer needed, and the remaining few will be given to Changyang Palace.

There are many ghosts in Changyang Palace, and some of them have nothing to do, so they just treat it as an errand, which is comparable to ghosts.

Yao Juan is usually busy.But I'm curious, is the underworld really serious?
Ruan Lingwen released the ghost messengers and shot them to death one by one.

The ghost messenger didn't even have time to reason, and the golden light on his body was given to Ruan Lingwen again.

When Ruan Lingwen returned to the studio, his body was golden.

【Shi Lingling, turn off the sun. 】

[We don't need special effects in this live broadcast room. 】

Ruan Lingwen replied: "This is not mine, I will find a way to return it to Hades later."

[Does Shi Lingling want to pay it back?I think it's pretty good too. 】

[It's okay, Shi Lingling's own is brighter than this.Shi Lingling, is this how they borrowed your luck? 】

[Shi Lingling, I've been unlucky recently, have I been borrowed? 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

A woman in her 20s appeared on the screen, wearing a white shirt and hollow knit sweater, looking quite elegant.

Her facial features are dignified and her makeup is exquisite, which is very OK.

[What color number is the lipstick? 】

[It looks so comfortable, the more beautiful it looks. 】

The woman explained: "I have work today, but I just stopped watching Lingling's live broadcast. I don't usually pay much attention to it, but I have been unlucky recently, so I want to clean up better and make a good fortune."

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Have you met a man recently?"

The woman responded immediately: "Yes. I have a lot of contacts at work. He invited me to dinner but I didn't go."

Ruan Lingwen said: "The unlucky one is him. He is looking for someone to spread the risk."

【ah?I thought someone was chasing beautiful women. 】

[Is it okay to deal with such a girl? 】

【What did that man do? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Killed a man and hid it in the refrigerator. It didn't have such a big impact, but that man learned a little bit of metaphysics, and left a curse when he died."

The woman is scared crazy!

[Call the police! 】

[Do you know who it is? 】

The woman looked at the barrage and said hurriedly: "Sure enough, it seems that he is a little abnormal. I can't tell the feeling."

A co-worker came over and said, "Another guy took over the project before. Did I call the police?"

The woman is a little weak-legged.

The colleague said: "Don't panic, Shi Lingling is here. I'll check again."

Everyone trusts Shi Lingling.But the facts must still be proved.The woman's current state is helpless.

When the woman thought of getting along with that person and the bad luck she had brought to herself, she panicked and became cold.The woman asked Shi Lingling: "Will you treat me as an accomplice?"

Ruan Lingwen replied: "No. Although you are an innocent disaster, you will be fine if you donate some money."

The woman was panicking now and asked, "Then what should I do if I encounter this kind of thing in the future?"

Ruan Lingwen replied: "If you feel something is abnormal, you can call the police. You actually have something, and you can remember it yourself."

The woman turned pale and asked, "Is there such a big influence?"

Ruan Lingwen replied: "It just so happens. You can understand that your life is weaker. But it doesn't affect your daily life."

The woman asked: "Is it true that doing some good things sincerely can improve things?"

Ruan Lingwen replied: "That's right. It won't have much impact. It's like you have been unlucky recently, but it hasn't caused you much harm."

The woman replied: "I see. Thank you Shi Lingling."

Ruan Lingwen said, "You're welcome, goodbye."

[I just saw it.What happened back then was that the girl was ignorant, and she was also a nice person. I thought she was quite pitiful, so I completely forgave her. 】

[Why blame the girl?It's not your man who is to blame? 】

[It's not my man, leave.It should be said that I was more emotional at the beginning, and there were reasons for me. 】

【What's the meaning? 】

[It's just that the dog man cheated on a girl, and she and I are both victims.But I wasn't calm enough. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "It is indeed a victim. Because of this incident, although she longs for love, she is afraid of men. It is very pitiful. I will give you a talisman."

[Shi Lingling, this is the first time you are protecting love. 】

[Can't bear to girls?She is obviously very kind. 】

[Although she is very kind, she was cheated and caused actual harm to others, so there is also cause and effect? 】

[WooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohHowever, it means that no matter how well-intentioned you are, as long as you do something bad, you have to bear the responsibility. 】

[The same is true in law, based on facts.It's useless to say it nicely. 】

[However, the girl's kindness also protects her.Not the same as those malicious ones. 】

Ruan Lingwen drew a peace talisman and sent it over.

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[A mistress deserves your sympathy? 】

[There is a kind of kindness, don’t you know?For example, if you sell your uncle's house, as long as everything is normal for the buyer, he will be fine.The only problem is you. 】

[Can the subject still investigate the other party?There are still many cheating marriages. 】

[It is wrong to know that three should be three, and it is also wrong to do it without knowing it, but not to distinguish it after knowing it. 】

[Relying on being a third party to make money is not the same as talking to someone. 】

【If Shi Lingling doesn't say no, will it be fine? 】

[Don't you know someone is watching?What's more, what did Shi Lingling say? 】

【Thank you again, Shi Lingling, thank you for your support.I also hate mistresses, I don't know what to do.If you do that, I will die as an apology. 】

[There is no meaning to be scary.Because people who talk nonsense don't care, and people who care don't talk nonsense.It's me who can't stand it. 】

[Hahaha my sister is just right, we don't care about nonsense.May I ask again, what color number is your lipstick? 】

【I also want to know.My sister is really beautiful and kind-hearted and can dress up. 】

[Please share. 】

[Sorry, I have to work.Think about it when you are free. 】

[Yes, work comes first. 】

[The suspect has been brought under control. 】

[So, the suspect killed people just for the project? 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "Wait for the police report."

She took the small yin and yang mirror and continued to catch ghosts.

【When I felt it, Lingling caught those ghosts together. 】

[Even if you can't grab it casually while you're alive, you can if you're dead. 】

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