This is a beautiful village.

Chen Yongle's family has a very beautiful house.

Not only his family members were there, but the whole village was a sensation, and people from the neighborhood also came.

Look at the fairy!The old lady said goodbye excitedly, and the child followed suit.

An old man said angrily: "What are you doing? Worshiping the dead? It's not shameful to lead a bad child!"

The old lady hurriedly explained: "No, I like baby Lingling."

The old man continued to teach: "So what does this action mean?"

Chen Yongle invited the little fairy into the house.

The house just went through a wave of cleaning, and it was clean.With the smell of cleaning.

Chen Yongle is less than 30 years old, a bit old, looks quite strong, simple and honest.

His mother is older, hahaha happy and energetic, she can't get enough of the little fairy.

Jiang Lingjie went into the room arranged for Ruan Wenwen and took a look around.

The old lady came over and said: "The bed sheets were just made, they just happened to be new, and have never been used. If Shi Lingling likes anything, tell grandma."

Ruan Lingwen smiled and said, "It's all good. I'll trouble you."

Chen Yongle was so excited!How can the little fairy be troublesome?

The old lady smiled and said, "Everyone wants to see you." Then she said, "Are you hungry? Have something to eat first?"

Ruan Lingwen took out the durian biscuits and said, "My mother made these, I wonder if you are used to eating them?"

The old lady ate a biscuit and nodded: "It's delicious. Your mother is a good cook."

Ruan Lingwen said happily: "Yes." She also brought beef and elbow.

The old lady was dumbfounded, and asked Jiang Lingjie, "What is this?"

Jiang Lingjie was very handsome, and smiled politely: "Let everyone try it."

Yes, the old lady nodded.The Venerable Master brought his own home-cooked food to his home, which was intentional.What's the point of buying something casually?
What's more, this is made by Yao Juan and eaten by the little fairy every day, which probably cannot be bought with money.

Don't talk about money.The old lady hurried to do it.

A group of children entered the house.

Chen Yongle distributed durian biscuits to everyone.

The little boy shouted: "It stinks."

Another child snatched the biscuit from him and said, "If you don't want to eat, give it to me, don't waste it."

The little brat snatched it up again, and shouted, "I didn't say I wouldn't eat it."

Chen Yongle roared: "No snatching, no fighting, no swearing."

One piece for each child, ask for what you like, and don't eat what you don't like.

A group of adults leaned against the door, looking at the little fairy.

Someone laughed and said, "What does that guy at the airport want to do?"

Another person said: "Someone said that her husband is going to divorce. Probably because he wants to share more property."

Everyone gossiped casually: "Why do you want to find Little Fairy to divide the property?"

An old lady said: "It's very difficult for a woman to take care of a child."

Ruan Lingwen remained silent, eating the rose cake Chen Yongle gave her.

A group of children watched Lingling eat so beautifully!Although you can watch it in the live broadcast, it is different to watch people directly.Although she looks like a child, but the little fairy is definitely not a child!
A group of children couldn't see it after watching for a long time, and the little fairy seemed to have disappeared.Therefore, the little fairy can't keep watching.

Chen Yongle's mother made it very quickly, and came out with a few bowls of noodles, served with beef, it was delicious.

Chen Yongle has a bowl, try the beef.

His mother said: "This beef is much tastier than my cooking."

Ruan Lingwen smiled sweetly: "The rose cake is also delicious."

The old lady laughed loudly: "If you like it, I'll make some more for you to bring. This can be kept for about a week."

Ruan Lingwen was excited after eating the noodles, "This noodles are delicious."

Chen Yongle said: "My mother's noodles are delicious."

A few children wanted to eat, but they were chased away by the old lady, each with a small bowl, and went to eat elsewhere.

The old man from the village came in, sat on the table with a small bowl of noodles, and tasted the beef cooked by Yao Juan. It was indeed well done.

Girls, daughters-in-law and old ladies, taste the durian biscuits, whether you like them or not, you'll finish them anyway.

A big sister laughed loudly and said, "This durian tastes like nothing else, it's quite fragrant."

"Let's do it ourselves," said one girl.

An aunt said to her: "You like to eat durian."

The girl admitted: "I think it's delicious." Then she said, "Does Shi Lingling think our food is good?"

Ruan Lingwen was full and said, "The noodles are very good."

The aunt laughed loudly and said, "It's good here."

Another said: "Shi Lingling is really not picky about food, she likes to eat everything."

Chen Yongle also finished eating, and asked Shi Lingling: "It's a nice day now, let's go to the rose garden?"

Ruan Lingwen replied, "Okay."

Everyone went out, ready to go to the rose garden.

Someone laughed and said, "Are you all right?"

The aunt smiled and said, "It's not too late. I'll take a picture too."

Everyone has a mobile phone, and just watched the little fairy come out. Actually, she didn't do anything, but she was just a fairy.

What a little fairy, everyone is in awe.Looking at the village again, many policemen came.

Someone realized it later and said, "Will anyone else come?"

definitely will.Perhaps for a long time, there will be no fewer people in this area.

An uncle worried: "Will the rose be trampled?"

The aunt is more optimistic: "The rose has thorns, can you step on it casually?"

Ruan Lingwen walked in the village and saw that it was indeed beautiful, although it lacked some designs.

A man in his 30s came over and looked like a teacher, and asked the little fairy, "Is there a problem with Feng Shui?"

Ruan Lingwen replied: "It's not counted, it's just like this."

Everyone in the village was nervous, and asked the little fairy, "Can this be changed?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "If we really want to rebuild, the project will be huge."

A large project will cost money, and everyone in the village will consider it.

Chen Yongle said: "Since there is no major problem, there is no rush. Let's go and see the flowers first."

A large area of ​​about [-] acres of roses is blooming just right now.

Ruan Lingwen wandered here casually.

Someone pointed their phone at her and couldn't take a picture of anything.A little discouraged.

The uncle slapped him and taught him a lesson: "What are you messing around with the little fairy? You think she doesn't know? Although she doesn't care about it, you have written everything down."

A group of Internet celebrities quickly came to the village.There is an unprecedented interest in the rose garden.

Three hundred acres is not that big, but because there were too many people, Ruan Lingwen was squeezed out.

Ruan Lingwen left quickly, returned to the village, and watched the sunset.

Chen Yongle smiled and said, "What else do you want to play? They want to make a bonfire at night."

Ruan Lingwen said, "Sleep at night."

Chen Yongle nodded.It’s fine if it’s in the village, but those Internet celebrities are like locusts.

Not long after, the Internet celebrity came after him again.

An Internet celebrity said politely to the little fairy: "Why the title?"

Although Chen Yongle was not clear, he said casually: "Give the little fairy peace and quiet for the village. We don't need any heat, what we need is others."

The Internet celebrity looked at Little Fairy, but didn't dare to say anything.

Another group of internet celebrities chased after her, wanting to ask the little fairy for an explanation.

A man in his thirties, well-dressed, said the truth first: "This is our freedom."

Ruan Lingwen made a trick.

The man turned himself in to the police.

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