Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 668, The doctor was cheated

Chapter 668, The doctor was cheated
Ruan Lingwen sat in the bamboo hut, feeling a little stuffy.

The mother and daughter who were looking for someone were in the house, like the countryside, and it was also hot.

The guy looks like he is in school, and he looks very refreshing in a T-shirt.

The girl seems to have gone home on vacation, hiding in a corner and complaining.She really hated it for being so hurt.

Netizens are not just watching the fun, this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed.

After the girl had vented, He Shi Lingling said: "I'll get off first, goodbye."

Ruan Lingwen said, "Goodbye. Just study hard if you like it."

[I think she has some talent, has she been harassed by others? 】

[What's the use of a girl learning this? 】

Ruan Lingwen replied, "What's the use of your meat? Only the widow next door will like it."

[Oh!Can Shi Lingling tell me quietly? 】

【No, Shi Lingling said we will know who it is.I also guessed it had something to do with him. 】

Ruan Lingwen replied: "No, it's one of his grandsons who is earning the money and jumped out in a hurry."

[Shi Lingling continues to hammer!You're done hammering and we'll follow!Absolutely! 】

【Not to mention anything else, that kid must study hard.Even if it is a hobby, study hard. 】

[This is interesting.There are many places that hinder people from learning.Afraid of learning to catch ghosts.It can be seen that there must be ghosts. 】

[It seems quite messy.But metaphysics has been chaotic. 】

[No, as long as we work hard, we can give it an order. 】

The guy said: "It's a bit messy, but not that messy. I believe that, like other hobbies, metaphysics can also have a place. Metaphysics is different from others, but it's not that special. It's nature, it's Tao, nothing. If you want krypton gold, no krypton gold can give you a quick success, and those people can’t do it themselves. This is long-term persistence.”

[There is a good saying: Who has the ability to make people crash?Shi Lingling can't do it. 】

[There are people who are more powerful than Shi Lingling. 】

The guy said: "I've seen a few, and they are all scams. I think there are three situations. One is that your brain is not working well. At this time, you should be more calm, and you can't be confused in metaphysics; You have to be cautious and careful, especially remember that there is no rush; the third is rich people, who want to do something fancy can't be stopped by others, but you'd better not influence others, it's immoral."

[I summed it up: don't be confused, don't be in a hurry, and immoral. 】

【Ha ha ha ha! 】

[How can I fix my confusion?Not suitable for short-tempered people. 】

[Some people have money and have nowhere to spend it, and they always want to try on Shi Lingling. 】

The guy said: "I think Shi Lingling is rich. So Shi Lingling's morality is related to money. That's right, she makes money by her ability. But you are not Shi Lingling, you have to be sober when you compare. If Shi Lingling is not easy to refer to, so change him decisively, such as Daoist Zhang Ming. In fact, there is no need to talk about this kind of thing, everyone knows it well."

【That's right, it's refreshing to see Shi Lingling. 】

[I can't see Shi Lingling's hard work and hard work. 】

【Shi Lingling is capable, not for money.Some people probably want to say again, what will happen if I have money. 】

[As a human being, don’t ever think about what to do when you have money. What you are doing now will only get worse in the future. 】

[What if you have money, but you still regard other people's kindness as a matter of money.In fact, there are many things that can be done without money. 】

[When you are young, you can do a lot of things.If you don’t do it now, you won’t do it in the future, and if you do it, you have to show off. 】

The guy finally said: "A scam is a scam. It doesn't matter what you think. There is only one thing: stay away from metaphysics. You are not enough to cheat with your little ability. It is impossible to make a quick success. If you want to dream and go back to sleep, it is safer. Cultivate the Tao It is also a process of self-cultivation, if you cultivate yourself well, you will naturally understand. Finally, thank you Shi Lingling, goodbye."

Ruan Lingwen replied, "Goodbye."

[Those who want to use metaphysics to make money, first of all, you have such a little ability, and second, you must figure out whether it is legal or not. 】

[No matter how much you earn, if you break the law, it won't be enough to compensate you. 】

[Using metaphysics to make money should be cautious and cautious, because the metaphysics you learn, to be honest, is useless. 】

[It's about the same as that hooligan. I'll give you a paper doll to use. Are you going to earn the money? 】

【It's so clear now, when you get it, you will find that the reality is like this.If you want to stay away, you must stay away. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Some people think that the reality is cruel, and those who are crazy have to get rid of it. The reality is very cruel, but you will be much better if you are prepared. When you are crazy, if you don't prepare carefully, you will realize the cruelest side. Prepare seriously Those of you, will find reality amusing. Reality is like a rainstorm, bitter and sweet."

[This is the winner-ordinary person-loser, right? 】

[Although I have learned a little bit of metaphysics, it is not surprising that I failed more thoroughly than others. 】

[For ordinary people, if you learn a little metaphysics, you won't become a fairy, don't think about it. 】

[Then why do you want to learn?It’s okay not to study.Those who are interested are interested. 】

[Even if you don't learn, you are not afraid of those three-legged cats if you usually keep your body upright. 】

【Shi Lingling, let me tell you about how I was cheated? 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

A guy appeared on the screen with long hair and a big face, and he was a little embarrassed to wear glasses.

[Look at the guy, haven't you been cheated? 】

The guy said: "It was caught by a classmate in time. When you calm down, you will know that it is a life-saving grace."

[Your classmate is also relatively tiger. 】

The boy said: "My classmates have a strong sense of justice, and I am not the only one who has helped. I have also joined now, and I will do what I can. I am not afraid of losing face, so I will talk about what I did back then."

[Wait a minute, I'll make a note. 】

[I brought my boyfriend over to listen, he liked to dream very much and said he was talented. 】

The guy said: "I'm busy with my Ph.D., but I think I can do it too. After all, I'm a Ph.D."


The boy laughed at himself, and now he still feels stupid when he thinks about it, and continued: "I started to take time to learn with everyone. I felt that I learned better than others, and I became more and more confident, and I was ready to take the challenge. At this time, I met a Taoist, he provided me with a lot of help, allowing me to learn metaphysics very quickly."

[Master! 】

[This liar is also very good, but it is really good to be able to lie to the doctor. 】

[Where is it?There are also beginners in metaphysics, no matter how metaphysics is, it is equivalent to high school level.What's more, he said that and then pretended, it's up to you to figure it out. 】

The boy looked at the barrage and laughed at himself: "I was pretended by him. He is still very modest, saying that his level is average, but his master is very powerful and has a certificate. With the certificate, I can rest assured."


[I think it's interesting to lie to smart people. 】

[Just speechless.Smart people can often make up their own brains. 】

The boy said: "It was a coincidence at the time, but now it seems to be part of a scam. Anyway, I went with him and saw a ghost. I saw his master. His master saw me. The scene at that time was too embarrassing. In short, it was the master's fault." The deceit is even higher, saying that I have only lived in Zijian Sai Panan and the like. I will be apprenticed on the spot."

[Please describe the scene at that time well. 】

[I have a friend who also wants to hear it. 】

(End of this chapter)

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