During the Dragon Boat Festival, Ruan Lingwen sat in the bamboo hut, very beautiful.

There are many people in the live broadcast room, and the Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated abroad.

[Shi Lingling, we also heard about the metaphysics competition. 】

[There are still people abroad who want to compare with Little Fairy. 】

【Shi Lingling, don't use those tricks, use your ability to compare. 】

【I don't even have enough brains, isn't Shi Lingling capable of means?Do I have to let you with one hand? 】

[Be sure to tie up Shi Lingling and let them win.Take the opportunity to get rid of Shi Lingling, they are too afraid of Shi Lingling. 】

【Shi Lingling, don't believe it.None of us can compare to him. 】

[Don't worry, Shi Lingling can see through it at a glance.Lingling still has to worry about senior brother after hitting her. 】

[A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.Shi Lingling, don't pay attention to any of their tricks. 】

Ruan Lingwen responded, "It's ready to retreat."

【What?To tease you?Do you deserve it? 】

【What?There is a group of monkeys waiting for the little fairy to play?The little fairy is going to retreat. 】

[It's just your shitty things that make your eyes pissed off. 】

[Shi Lingling, they have tried their best, let's take a look, just a look.After reading it, you can do whatever you want. 】

[Ha ha ha ha ha, don't come to play this. 】

【They have come to invite my master.Be sure to invite a few reliable judges. 】

[The judges are reliable, but the organizer is unreliable. This kind of thing has happened a lot. 】

[It’s just a pickled kitchen, a bunch of garbage cooks, it’s useless to give you even the best ingredients. 】

[Don't waste the ingredients.Masters have to seize the time to practice.Or are you shameless? 】

[That's right, while looking down on Shi Lingling's young age, and her level is really far behind, no one who wants to give up dares to give up. 】

[Metaphysics, all have to be cultivated by oneself.By hype, the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages. 】

[If you like metaphysics, you won't see much from these programs. 】

[Maybe it’s true to regard metaphysics as entertainment.But there are two key issues: first, we must face up to metaphysics, and second, metaphysics is very dangerous. 】

[The problem now is that many people haven't taken it seriously. 】

[Haha, when it comes to the dangers of metaphysics, I think it's safe to be on the show.Just like the entertainment industry is super safe, don’t do anything that is a little dangerous, and those who work hard don’t earn as much as celebrities. 】

[Not everything can be used for entertainment. 】

[Some people are either stupid or bad, on purpose. 】

[Shi Lingling is good, I feel that there is a lot of evil here. 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

No one appeared on the screen, but directly facing the place of suspicion.

Ruan Lingwen was convinced, and threw out a talisman.

[Is it dangerous? 】

[The evil spirit is very heavy. 】

[Little Fairy, I shouldn't be far from here. 】

Ruan Lingwen kicked the man, and said, "It's nothing to do with you. In this poison// den, there are people who lost their children and haven't found it until now."

[I'm so powerful, I saw a poison// nest at the first glance. 】

【If it weren't for Shi Lingling, he wouldn't dare to say it casually. 】

[How is the child? 】

[I seem to be nearby, the people here are a bit strange. 】

[Is there a big fuss? 】

[No, I happened to meet it a few times, but I didn't care. 】

Ruan Lingwen threw out a talisman and made another trick.

【Shi Lingling, just sit and tidy up these things.Those things are going to hate Shi Lingling. 】

[So, those who are smart in school can see clearly, what are you capable of? 】

[Just think about good things, right?Do you know the consequences of catching a thief?Do you know how many dangers Ruan Kailin has encountered? 】

[I always feel that someone wants to find all the relatives of that girl. 】

【I'm my own brother, my relatives found me here, and advised me to make arrangements for my sister. 】

[My sister wants to win glory for the country, but I don't have that much ability, so I can only say that I won't hold back. 】

Ruan Lingwen looked through the small yin and yang mirror, and the police arrived."It's a matter for the police," she said.

[The police can't have a good Dragon Boat Festival. 】

[Those celebrities, are you really at ease? 】

[You have made money with your own hard work, so I won't say anything.But is your character really good? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Let me remind you of something. No matter a child or an adult, when they learn something, they will be excited and want to show off. That's what monkeys do. He was kicked out of the teacher."

【Hahaha!All monkeys! 】

[Ah yes, I learned this, I really want to show off.Because this skill is different from others. 】

[The particularity of metaphysics, everyone must take it seriously. 】

[I am different, I learned it secretly, but I am afraid of ghosts. 】

【Is this okay? 】

Ruan Lingwen interjected: "You are born with yin and yang eyes, and you were frightened by ghosts when you were young. You want to learn to control yourself, that's right, you have to face it yourself. Fear will become a psychological burden."

【ah?Thank you Shi Lingling.I am less afraid now. 】

[Born with yin and yang eyes? 】

[I can't see very clearly, my grandma said that my eyes are clean. 】

[Being able to learn is also a talent, so study hard. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Let's get down to business. I want to show off people's normal feelings, but pay attention to the influence. The threshold of metaphysics is not high, and most people can learn a little if they work hard. Therefore, you are not much proud of being better than others. Secondly, you are very It’s easy to be targeted, to be targeted by all kinds of things. It’s like being targeted by relatives and friends, and neighbors ask you for fortune-telling, do you count? The key is, your level is a fart.”

【hahahahahahahahaha! 】

[My mother insists on asking me to count for her, but I really can't. 】

【I'm talented, but the elder sister of the neighbor insists on asking me to be a good date for her. 】

[All of these are incorrect understandings of metaphysics. 】

[Learning a little metaphysics is not for fortune-telling, because the calculation is not accurate. 】

【Shi Lingling, my cousin insists that I have a bloody disaster. 】

Ruan Lingwen responded, "I really like Xuan."

[You can see it, then what? 】

[Can Shi Lingling help resolve it? 】

Ruan Lingwen replied, "No."

【Shi Lingling doesn't have time to care about you so much. 】

【Shi Lingling, my grandfather is going to die. 】

[Shi Lingling, do you think I have learned it now or haven't? 】

Ruan Lingwen responded, "Knowing how to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes, does it count as knowing how to cook or not? Knowing how to cook instant noodles counts as knowing how to cook?"

[Hahahahahaha!That's easy to understand! 】

[Don't look down on cooking instant noodles, those who can cook instant noodles are talents. 】

[Ordinary people have learned metaphysics, that is, the level of making scrambled eggs with tomatoes, don't think of yourself as a chef. 】

[Want to be a Manchu banquet, don't you have points? 】

[I can cook home-cooked dishes, but I can't cook complicated ones. 】

[I learned to cook chicken breasts after losing weight, but I still can’t do anything else. 】

[Everyone wants to go to heaven. 】

[Hello Shi Lingling, my second uncle said that he has learned it, but he has to go around to tell people's fortunes, which is very annoying. 】

Ruan Lingwen commented: "It belongs to those who love to show off."

【so annoying!Counting people everywhere.You say it's okay, and you don't want to hear him say something bad. 】

[Yesterday I calculated my niece's fortune, and today I said that a neighbor's child's fate is not good. 】

[Now the two children are fighting. 】

Ruan Lingwen ordered: "Go and fight what should be done."


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