Chapter 680, Inheritance Space

The day before New Year's Day, the last day of 22.

It was snowing again on Shennong Mountain, and the medicinal village outside Shennong Mountain was also covered with thick snow.

On such days, another group of people came to the village.

They are very powerful, have foreigners, and carry all kinds of equipment.The villagers don't like it, but they have to cooperate, otherwise it may be dangerous.Even if there are a few policemen in the village, they have to cooperate at this time. Ordinary policemen are no match for these things.

There are quite a lot of people in the medicine village at the moment, and it is still famous.

In the evening, another group of college students came.

In winter, it snowed again, and it got dark early, and it was about four o'clock in the afternoon.

Seeing that these students wanted to enter the mountain, the villagers couldn't help but want to persuade them.

During the time He Xiaolong was in the village, he had already helped to find seven or eight people in the mountains. Some disappeared after the rain, and some disappeared casually.

Because they entered the mountain casually, the police couldn't stop them.Shennong Mountain is too big, he insists on going, what can he do?
He Xiaolong was still cold in his thick jacket.Winter is just one word: cold.I can't figure out why they want to seek death?It is also very dangerous to help people go into the mountains to find people.

I heard a boy with a baby face say excitedly: "As long as I find the inheritance space, I will be invincible!"

He Xiaolong retreated, don't try to persuade him.This cannot be persuaded.

Although Babyface is young, he is well equipped. The down jacket is not comparable to the ragged cotton jackets of the villagers.The equipment is powerful, and the endurance is super strong. In such a snowy day, the baby face is still alive and well. Looking at Shennong Mountain, there are only three words: "I'm coming!"

The other college students are also excited, and the young people have a spirit that the villagers can't imagine!

The baby face has good eyesight, saw a girl, and greeted excitedly: "Hi Ruan Lingwen."

Ruan Lingwen responded, "Hello."

Babyface hahaha took a group photo with the camera and said, "Let me tell you, this camera costs me 20 yuan, and I promise to take good pictures of you."

Ruan Lingwen nodded, looking at the villagers.

He Xiaolong is excited!It's true that the little fairy is here, and I'll be fine today.

The villagers saw the little fairy playing with the children, so everyone greeted and watched from the side.

The village dogs are coming, and more people are coming.

Doesn't affect the baby face, he looks at his own camera, only him?He took a photo with Ruan Lingwen again, and it was still the same?
He Xiaolong watched, the little fairy was always three feet away from him, but he could still be photographed within three feet.That is, the little fairy is not allowed to shoot.

The baby face was angry, and he looked for someone with his mobile phone, and shouted in the wind and snow: "Hey, your camera is useless!"

The man on the phone responded, "Why is it useless?"

Babyface said: "I can't take pictures of people!"

The man asked, "Who are you photographing?"

Babyface said, "Ruan Lingwen."

Hang up over there.

The baby face was stunned, looked hard at Ruan Lingwen, and asked: "You can't be the real Ruan Lingwen, are you? Hahahahaha!"

A group of college students came over and surrounded Ruan Lingwen.

A girl covered herself tightly, her down jacket was beautiful and heroic, and asked Ruan Lingwen loudly: "Did you get the inheritance of Shennong Space? Do you need a second inheritance?"

Ruan Lingwen looked at them and understood.

A boy explained: "They read a very popular novel. I just came to see it."

Ruan Lingwen also wore a hat on his head, the down jacket on his body was not thick but very warm, and he wore boots on his feet.

He Xiaolong and the others were cold standing in the snow wearing cotton shoes, but they were excited when they saw the little fairy.

A girl came over and said, "What novel? Little Fairy was in the hospital back then, how did she pass it on? It's all useless."

He Xiaolong said: "Probably Shennong still has a remnant soul, and he went to find the heir."

The girl said: "Then there is nothing wrong with the little fairy. Why do you think the little fairy is taking advantage? The little fairy doesn't do much?"

Babyface yelled, "Me too!"

The girl shouted: "Retarded!"

The girl asked, "Do you know who he is?"

The girl continued to shout: "Retarded!"

The girl asked Ruan Lingwen, "Do you know who he is?"

Ruan Lingwen looked at the sky getting dark, and then looked at the group of ghosts.

Everyone in the village became nervous.

The baby face stared at Ruan Lingwen and confirmed again and again: "You can't really be Ruan Lingwen, can you?"

The girl shouted: "You mentally handicapped go out, the guardian doesn't care?"

Seeing that Ruan Lingwen didn't respond, the girl said to her seriously: "His father belongs to the Zheng family."

The group of people who came over were much stronger than the students.

The leading few are extremely powerful, as if they can penetrate the wind, snow and darkness.

The baby face asked excitedly: "Are you also looking for the inheritance space?"

A burly man grabbed the baby's face, and a few students randomly grabbed a few students, and confronted Ruan Lingwen.

Ruan Lingwen was indifferent.

The villagers stood aside cautiously. Everyone has been bullied more or less, sometimes it's okay, sometimes it's worse.

A strong man, about 1.9 meters tall, was very afraid of Ruan Lingwen, and said confidently: "Ten seconds, this village will be destroyed."

The villagers were furious!
The girl took pictures with her mobile phone, and the effect was not bad.

The students struggled excitedly.

Ruan Lingwen explained: "It's a gang."

The girl nods.Shoot more steadily.

The strong man frowned and looked at the time: "There are still five seconds."

They are preparing to evacuate.

He Xiaolong watched, these things were pressed in the thick snow.Including that baby face, it's a pity.

Only the boy who came to see stood aside.He took his mobile phone and found a novel to show the little fairy.

Ruan Lingwen nodded.

The boy is at least eight meters away from the little fairy, but I believe she will see it when she says she sees it.

A girl ran over after going to the toilet and was frightened by the situation.

Ruan Lingwen was about to leave.

The villagers greeted enthusiastically: "Do you want to try our cooking? There are people in the village one after another, and they can live in it. It's still too late to clean up now."

Ruan Lingwen replied: "I have contacted my mother."

The villagers asked, "Are you flying back?"

Ruan Lingwen nodded.

The girl asked, "Isn't it cold?"

Ruan Lingwen took out an origami crane and performed a trick to turn it into a big origami crane.

All the people in the village who could come came, and they all watched the little fairy's spells.

Someone shouted: "What about these people?"

Ruan Lingwen replied: "Don't worry, the police will deal with it later."

He Xiaolong was bold and asked, "Shall we move them aside?"

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Why don't we move to the entrance of the village? Maybe someone will come this time."

The villagers looked at each other in blank dismay, what does it mean to move to the entrance of the village?

Everyone has no objections, these things should not come to the Herb Village, especially Shennong Mountain.

The boy watched, the little fairy waved, and such a group of things moved to the entrance of the village.This kind of spell, where are those who can do it?
Inheritance of Shennong Space?What are you kidding?
However, there are a lot of people who take jokes seriously in this world.

Ruan Lingwen left on the paper crane.

The villagers were full of enthusiasm and sent the little fairy away.

Don't talk about other things, just this matter, since the little fairy is in charge, she can take care of it no matter where she is.

He Xiaolong still has to practice hard. No matter when he can become a fairy, it is only possible through cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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