Chapter 686, Currency
[Shi Lingling, do you know something? 】

Ruan Lingwen ate the popcorn and said, "What's the matter?"

[Does the currency circle know?You haven't read the book, do you know about virtual currency?Cryptocurrency, digital currency. 】

Ruan Lingwen sat upright, cute, and continued to eat popcorn: "Please tell me."

[Ah, something big happened in the coin circle!Lingxian Coin was fired to over [-]! 】

[What's the relationship with Shi Lingling? 】

[It is said that sometimes Lingling makes money by herself. 】

【don't know. 】

【Like Shi Lingling, we have never read a book. 】

[If you haven't read the book, don't touch it.There is one of the simplest routines, digital currency is used as a prop to defraud money. 】

【My dad was cheated.I haven't figured it out yet. 】

[Dare to act without understanding? 】

[Then you have to see, if you can earn a hundred times and add some news, are you tempted?As long as you invest [-], you can turn [-] in the blink of an eye. 】

[Everyone hold me!I can't help myself! 】

Ruan Lingwen threw a talisman over.

[Is this really uncontrollable? 】

【Thank you little fairy for saving my life!I'm like bewitched!Oh, I don't have a gold label but I'm not a bad person, I accidentally ordered something. 】

【Shi Lingling is a good babysitter.I even suspected that Shi Lingling made money by herself. 】

[A lot of virtual currencies are pyramid schemes.The only thing I believe is that Shi Lingling will not be involved. 】

[Liars are so good at cheating now, they are so high-end. 】

[No, all liars are the same.The props are different.Just like those who believe in superstition, no matter what tricks are changed, the core remains the same. 】

[It’s not clear yet, isn’t the country going to issue digital currency? 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

A professor appears on the screen.

[Professor is good. 】

Wearing glasses, Professor Zhang said very gently, "Hello, little fairy, everyone. I'm not an expert, but I just have a little opinion, and everyone can discuss what I say is not good."

[Professor Zhang is in the currency circle. 】

Professor Zhang replied: "I did some research, but I didn't speculate in coins."

[Have you tried it? 】

Professor Zhang said: "Some things are always confusing and vague, as long as you understand the meaning. This statement is not accurate. If you are confused, how can you understand? It means that you understand the fundamentals, so you don't care what they call it. But the problem is, Many people don't understand the essence, and they get confused after being talked about a few times. Especially, they have their own understanding."

Professor Zhang pushed his glasses and said with a smile: "It's the same as metaphysics. Some people have a half-knowledge, have their own ideas, and then go to fool people. As long as he pretends to be enough, or deceives himself, he can have enough influence on people." The impact. At this time, if you stay awake enough, you can solve most of the problems."


[It's easy to understand. 】

[My dad is talking about the metaphysics that he understands, as if he is the only one who understands it best. 】

[Some people who are not very confident will doubt themselves and trust others after listening too much. 】

[This is not the case of passing//selling. 】

Professor Zhang said: "Not much else to say. Let's talk about it again. After the Internet, it was first said to be virtual, and later it was said to be digital."

[Ah yes!I used to talk about virtual things. 】

[Because it was relatively virtual at that time, as if it was far away from reality, in a blink of an eye, it had completely merged with reality. 】

[I feel like metaphysics.It looks mysterious, but it is around us every day. 】

[I used to be superstitious/believed, but now that you understand it, you will find that it is not so mysterious.But it is indeed a very strong force. 】

[Are the internet and metaphysics the chosen CP? 】

[Those who eat CP don’t eat everything. 】

Professor Zhang said: "The word virtual is not wrong, and the numbers are right. I am not sure whether there will be metaphysics coins in the future. Many people may have checked it online, and there is an explanation: Internet coins, also known as virtual currency, digital currency Or electronic money. Look, it’s completely equivalent, and it seems to be fine.”

[Oh! 】

[After a long time, Shi Lingling and Yuan Lingling are alone. 】

【Oh, little fairy, we also point out one, because she really became a fairy. 】

Professor Zhang said: "This is the essence of what I am talking about. They are based on the Internet. But the online currency is not one. For example, the digital currency that Guo Jia wants to issue, you just need to look for the currency and treat it as the same as the current currency, or in other words , can be circulated. Don’t confuse it with others casually, because the currency circle is very complicated.”

[I have this feeling, probably because I heard too much about digital currency before. 】

[In fact, the virtual currency that everyone hears the most is game currency. 】

[The currency on the Internet also counts? 】

[This virtual currency is not transferable and cannot be circulated. 】

Professor Zhang said: "Currency speculation refers to digital currency, or digital encrypted currency. Cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency or virtual currency. It has a very important point, which is decentralization. It doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as you know , it may be money laundering or money laundering, it has little to do with daily life.”

[Virtual currency is a type of digital currency that is usually controlled by its creator. 】

[Digital Currency > Virtual Currency > Encrypted Currency. 】

[Cryptocurrency (or "virtual currency") is a digital currency that operates through blockchain technology, is not issued and managed by any government/government/institution, and is theoretically free from intervention and manipulation by any central agency. 】

[Virtual currency: a digital representation of value, not issued by the central bank or authorities, nor linked to legal tender, but accepted by the public, it can be used as a means of payment. 】

Professor Zhang said: "In general, virtual currency is new and developing, but it must be regulated. Although the idea is very good, but enough things have happened. Different Guo Jia will have different attitudes towards supervision. There will also be some deviations. For most ordinary people, it can be roughly divided into three categories. The first category is the coins that you will see on various websites. You may be familiar with them, and there are not many tricks.”

[This is very low-end, but it is indeed a virtual currency. 】

Professor Zhang said: "The second category is Guo Jia's upcoming release. It may be the same as your money. Just be sure."

【Yes. 】

[Don't worry about those bells and whistles. 】

【Your mother is the most reliable. 】

Professor Zhang said: "The third category is not hodgepodge, but it has little to do with daily life. It belongs to certain skills. If you have this ability, you can speculate. If you don't have this knowledge, you must stay away. It is very unrealistic to get rich by speculating in coins. Going bankrupt and jumping off buildings are nothing new. Do you think you can be smarter than those people? Then I can only wish you good luck.”

[I think, no matter what you fry, you have to be normal. 】

[Stock trading, futures trading, etc., if you want to get rich, you don't want to. 】

[Because this risk is relatively high, and the pressure is too much. Once it fails, the consequences will be disastrous. 】

[Like loans for speculation, or even usury, don’t even think about it. 】

【Want to be an empty-handed white wolf?A rope around your neck. 】

[Some people always think that the richer the richer, it's a mentality problem. 】

(End of this chapter)

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