Years ago, it snowed again.

The footsteps of spring are approaching, and the taste of the year is getting stronger.

Ruan Lingwen was wearing a red down vest, sitting in a room on the third floor, drawing a sign.

Either writing couplets, writing blessings, or a large number of symbols.

Destroyer Talismans are painted the most, but it is not good to listen to the name.Not to mention Yao Juan didn't dare to approach, even Jiang Lingjie was afraid.

Even if a god comes, it can be destroyed.This is a pure attack and kill, which is different from thunder and fire talismans.

There was snow on the roof and it was not cleaned.On the third floor the temperature will be lower than below.The air conditioner in the room was [-] degrees Celsius, which was just right for Ruan Lingwen, and he had a pair of fluffy cotton shoes on his feet.

Jiang Lingjie stood at the door and took a look. Is Ruan Wenwen ready?

Ruan Lingwen raised his head and looked at Brother Lingjie, is there something wrong?
Jiang Lingjie said: "The venue is arranged in a foreign country, which can be regarded as an explanation to the foreign country."

Ruan Lingwen lowered his head and cleaned the table.

Jiang Lingjie came over and patted her head.Of course, the point is, the little fairy is so powerful, she must not be afraid.

Obviously they are more powerful, the upper lip touches the lower lip, and anything is fine.

Jiang Lingjie saw that Ruan Wenwen dropped a talisman and confiscated it.

Ruan Lingwen snapped his fingers, Fu Wufeng spontaneously ignited, OK.

Jiang Lingjie dragged Ruan Wenwen downstairs.Going to the underworld also has a tough battle to fight, not just on the ground.

On the first floor, it's a holiday, and Ruan Kailin and Ruan Haolin are both at home.

The atmosphere is a bit special, but Ruan Kailin is practicing the piano, and Ruan Haolin is cooking delicious food in the kitchen, preparing for her sister's expedition.

Although Ruan Kailin didn't go, she was full of fighting spirit, nothing could defeat her!Why should you be knocked down?
Ruan Haolin is tall and has great cooking skills. He can bring any cakes he made for his elder sister.

Ruan Lingwen's buckskin pouch is not that big, but it can hold some delicacies.

She is not going to retreat in the underworld, and there are still tasks to do next.So that's it for a walk.

Jiang Lingjie has rough skin and thick flesh, so just bring something edible.He has a copy of the pill made by Ruan Wenwen with him.

Yao Juan is also ready to go with the big baby.Although she is not good at fighting, she can take care of the big baby.

The ghost kings Ruan Letian and Changyanggong have chains, so they can deal with ordinary ghosts.

Wei Zhou and the Suzaku team came together, and everyone was basically there.

Li Dong looked at them, they were the weakest, like Senior Fei, they could probably finish their team with one hand.

They all heard about the Xuanmen incident, and they felt very ashamed.

Originally it was Youmi who was doing it, which is tantamount to explaining what is behind Youmi.

Foreign countries are in full force, and some things in China are also carnival.What should be done is not done.

Bankruptcy and economic turmoil have already begun to appear, and I scold the little fairy all day, as if it can solve the problem.

There are many people who support Xiaoxianzi, and there are also many people abroad, so no one is arguing.Instead, work hard, study hard, and pray hard.

This forms a stark contrast, and the result will come in the contrast.

When Li Dong got the news, he and the Suzaku team looked at each other in dismay, and the little fairy was just right!

Why is the little fairy so soft?Those things were scared again.Even the little fairy didn't know how to do it.

Jiang Lingjie knew, but he didn't say anything.

Yao Juan is not in a hurry, everyone will have dinner in the restaurant first.

There is thick snow outside, and the restaurant is warm and pleasant.Food can solve a thousand worries.

Before the meal was finished, Mr. Lou was ushered in.

Lou Chao took off his coat, he was quite handsome, with a youthful look.

Ruan Lingwen looks at Mr. Lou, let's go together?

Lou Chao patted her on the head, sat beside her, and brought him a bowl of noodles.

Ruan Lingwen didn't have instant noodles, and there was a bowl of shredded pork noodles on the table.

Lou Chao was eating noodles, feeling comfortable.Seeing that the child is still cute, it's best to come back to have a New Year's Eve dinner after work.

Ruan Lingwen was not sure.The situation in the underworld is not clear.If you can't finish it, if you can go, come back to celebrate the New Year first.

Lou Chao ate a bowl of noodles, was half full, and said to Xiaoxianzi, "When I come back from the Chinese New Year, I will broadcast it live."

Ruan Lingwen was surprised: "You still let me broadcast live?"

Lou Chao ate the second bowl and said, "Everyone's mood is not stable. There is a possibility of going crazy abroad."

Ruan Kailin asked on the side: "If you don't give 50 billion, you want to give 100 billion?"

Lou Chao said, "Money is a trivial matter."

Ruan Kailin said coolly: "Fate is a big deal."

Someone wants money but not life, what can you say?As long as he is happy.

Lou Chao said to Xiaoxianzi again: "At that time, it will be broadcast live in Zhongle, do you want the fans to go?"

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Eat?"

Lou Chao said, "There are many people who want to support you."

Ruan Lingwen said, "No need."

what can they doRunning around is not too troublesome, and there are some ulterior motives, she is too lazy to bother.

Lou Chao didn't bother.The little fairy is probably about to ascend, so he has to make other preparations.

After Lou Chao finished eating, he looked at the child and worried: "If you ascend, what will you eat?"

Ruan Lingwen was not that worried: "I will eat what others eat."

Lou Chao nodded.This child is easy to support, so those people will bully her, otherwise she is really good.

Ruan Lingwen didn't care about anything.

Ruan Kailin knew that this was a state of harmony between man and nature.The elder sister is the elder sister's way, she has her own way.

Ruan Kailin is by no means unable to live without her sister.

Ruan Haolin is still young and can't help Eldest Sister, but he will take care of himself, which is the best for Eldest Sister.

Ruan Lingwen went upstairs to change.

Yao Juan and Ruan Letian are making final preparations.

Except for Suzaku team, almost no other sects will go this time, they are busy dealing with those.

There is enough chaos abroad, and everyone is working very hard.

If Chiyan Kingdom wants to develop well, it will take great efforts.

Therefore, the little fairy didn't say a word of nonsense, and many people appreciated it.So Ruan Kailin and Ruan Haolin can be safe and sound.

Even if the little fairy is not around, Yunju has the strongest protection.

Ruan Kailin and Ruan Haolin were washing the dishes in the kitchen, and after cleaning up, they saw their sister came downstairs.

Because he was going to the underworld, Ruan Lingwen wore very light clothes, with a cloak outside.

Jiang Lingjie carried a big bag, and Wei Zhou carried one too.

Everyone went out, it was so cold!

A group of ghosts outside the door sent the little fairy off.

Another large group of people came, and a large group arrived.

A woman rushed up to Ruan Lingwen, only to see a little sword light magnify in her eyes.

Ruan Lingwen held a sword in his hand.

Those people didn't see how she drew the sword clearly, they just saw that her chubby face was full of cold air, which was three points colder than this world of ice and snow.

Everyone knows that she dares to kill, and even has the right.A group of people were too popular, but they didn't dare to say anything.

Ruan Lingwen snorted coldly, and casually threw a talisman.

Someone shouted from behind: "Stop!"

Ruan Lingwen made a formula casually.A bolt of lightning strikes him to death.

Lou Chao looked, was this to deal with Ruan Kailin and Ruan Haolin?It sure is damn.

With so many people protecting Ruan Kailin, there are still people who want to vent their anger on her, thinking that the actor is funny?
Another Taoist came over and posed for Ruan Lingwen.

Lou Chao was speechless.Really no escape from the heat.

Ruan Lingwen cleaned them up.

Ruan Kailin and her sister said: "Don't worry. I will call the police if something happens."

Ruan Lingwen nodded, and told his younger brother, "Damn it."

Ruan Haolin nodded.Because this is your life.

The few people around were speechless, wondering how many things Little Fairy left for her younger sister and younger brother?

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