"Thank you, Dr. Shen, you are really amazing, Nuan Nuan is not in pain at all now." The girl was wearing a loose hospital gown, and her cute little face showed a relaxed expression.

"You're welcome, as long as Nuannuan is happy." Shen Yue rubbed the girl's head. The girl looks so cute, she looks like Miaomiao.

Seeing Shen Yue smiling at her, the little girl was stunned for a moment, and said shyly, "Dr. Shen is so handsome when he smiles. Nuan Nuan grows up and wants to marry Dr. Shen."

"Hey, then your little friend's idea will come to nothing. Your Dr. Shen already has someone he likes."

The voice came from behind Shen Yue, Nuan Nuan raised her head, and asked suspiciously: "Dr. Shen actually has someone he likes, who is that person, and who does Dr. Shen like?"

Shen Yue turned his head slowly.

It turned out to be Zhang Ning in combat uniform.

Zhang Ning walked up to Nuannuan and squatted down, "Dr. Shen likes our new Miaomiao base chief."

In order to distinguish between Ye Hong and Yu Miaomiao, two base leaders with different working styles, the people in the base like to call Yu Miaomiao the new base director.

There is no reason, I just feel that this is the only way to distinguish the two.

"Ah, so it's the head of Miaomiao's base... Nuan Nuan wishes you happiness."

"Hey, we're not together yet..." The girl's small mouth was so sweet that our doctor Shen blushed when he said it.

"But Dr. Shen is so handsome and gentle, I think Miaomiao base chief will also like him." Nuan Nuan rolled her eyes, "Dr. Shen, Nuan Nuan is a little tired, so go back to the room to rest first .”

"Well, go and rest Nuan Nuan."

After confirming that Nuannuan entered the room, Zhang Ning said, "Children who have experienced the end times have good eyesight. Knowing that I came to you, I quickly found a reason for myself to leave."

"Then what's the matter for you to come to me." Shen Yue opened the distance between himself and Zhang Ning first, and spoke lightly.

"My Ziyin has a fever. I want you to visit him at my house." Zhang Ning muttered in his heart that this man changed his face so quickly, he was so gentle with children, and his voice dropped an octave towards him.

That's right, that Nuan Nuan looks a bit like their base chief, Ai Wu Ji Wu, Shen Yue will naturally take extra care of her.

If you want to talk about why you know that Shen Yue likes Yu Miaomiao, Zhang Ning remembers the experience when he and Shen Yue went to find the head of Miaomiao's base together.

At that time, he had just reached the first floor, and before a group of people had time to marvel at the luxury of the hall, Shen Yue rushed out like an arrow from the string. Willing to turn.

Originally, when I was in the elevator, it was fine, but after I went out, the soldiers were divided into several groups, and it turned out that I just got out of the elevator door, really just got out of the elevator door, Shen Yue ran away and disappeared .

If Zhang Ning hadn't been chasing after him desperately, he would have almost been lost.

Without any strength, he probably couldn't even see Shen Yue's back.

Moreover, the Healer, who looked so weak, ran so fast that Zhang Ning almost thought that he, like Yu Miaomiao, was hiding his ability about speed.

What's more exaggerated is that the moment he saw Yu Miaomiao, Zhang Ning always felt that his aura had changed at that moment, his whole body was surrounded by endless violence, and his whole body exuded a cold breath.

At that moment, even Zhang Ning, who had been a soldier for many years, was shocked by his powerful and oppressive aura, and obediently stood his ground, not daring to take a step forward.

No kidding, if he had taken a step forward then, he would have felt that Shen Yue could tear him in half alive, to be exaggerated, Shen Yue could even tear this day apart.His foot stopped in mid-air at that time, and he saw Shen Yue turn back to look into his scarlet eyes, and kept walking forward.

When he didn't feel the chill, he plucked up the courage to walk towards the five-meter-deep pit.

He stood on the top and looked down. Shen Yue at the bottom awkwardly hugged the bloody Yu Miaomiao into his arms, and when he instilled his supernatural powers into Yu Miaomiao, his hands trembled extremely.

Zhang Ning looked at this man who had never shown any timidity in treating thousands of people, but when he was treating Yu Miaomiao, he was full of fear and panic.

At that moment, Zhang Ning seemed to understand everything.

Their Dr. Shen must like Yu Miaomiao, and he likes it very much.

The coordinates are still the long way to go.

After waking up, Qi Yan only felt that she had a splitting headache, but when she found herself lying on the ground surrounded by zombies, she was in a daze.

Why don't these zombies attack themselves?

I remember that she should have been on that bus before she fell into a coma, but now she is lying outside, which is a bit unbelievable.

What happened after she fell into a coma?
But when she suddenly discovered the changes in her body, and the pile of corpses around her that were bitten by zombies and only bones and rags were left, she was a little overwhelmed.

Of course, the collapse was not because of the nameless female corpse, nor was it because of the string of numbers in her hand that had become 997, but that she seemed to have completely turned into a monster now.

Her hands covered with green veins and black nails are really ugly.

She staggered and tried to stand up, but the zombie beside her took her hand affectionately, which startled her.

I almost solved it with my bare hands.

Damn, whoever saw such an ugly green-skinned zombie would not be like this, everyone would be disgusted and scream, and she is in a pretty good state now.

She turned her head and found that the bus was not far behind her. She quickened her pace and walked to the rearview mirror outside the car.

There is one thing to say, these zombies are quite discerning, she just assumed a forward posture, they seemed to know where she was going, they all made way for her, and then followed her behind.

When she saw herself clearly in the mirror, she felt extremely suffocated.

Is that green-faced and sharp-toothed person in the mirror really her?

She turned into a zombie, but why did she have the previous consciousness?
Didn't it mean that after becoming a zombie, you lose consciousness?
Staring at the blood-red palm prints on the car window, she thought about it and got in the car anyway.There were eight corpses scattered about in the car, plus the disfigured corpse that was eaten outside, nine people died here.

Qi Yan felt that there was nothing wrong with those men's death, but why, these three women would also be killed by "her"?
This is not logical at all. They should also be regarded as victims. She has no grievances with them, so there is no need to chase and kill them like this.

But when she walked in, she saw the frontal faces of those female corpses...

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