Chapter 114 Conspiracy
"Well, let me intervene." Caesar behind him raised his hand, interrupting the confrontation between them: "It's not 'you', it's you."

Chu Zihang was taken aback for a moment, but immediately realized.

There is no such thing as a Toyota that has been in disrepair for many years. The car coming out of the rental shop must be overhauled, and there is no such thing as coolant leakage.The only possibility is that Caesar tampered with the engine before setting off.He cut the coolant hose.

Chu Zihang was furious and pushed him against the wall behind him: "You are accomplices!"

"Accomplices must be discussed in advance, and we can only be regarded as occasional joint crimes." Caesar shrugged.

"Then how do you know his plan!"

"You can tell by looking at the eyes. The eyes of a person who has made up his mind are different from others, let alone a person like Lu Mingfei. It couldn't be more obvious. He almost had his tricks written on his face at that time. Only you, a guy who can't read faces, can't see it. You are not a gentleman, so you don't understand the noble spirit of a man who desperately wants to protect a woman."

"Are you crazy? She's just one person! Are you going to sacrifice the whole of Tokyo and even the whole of Japan for one person?!"

"It really doesn't sound worthwhile, but human life cannot be calculated with a simple equation. Even if the price is for all mankind, an innocent girl cannot be sacrificed for such a damn reason. My justice does not allow it."

"Just for the hypocritical nobleman's demeanor?" Chu Zihang became even more furious: "It's still because of your animal impulse to chase women."

He rarely felt this kind of rage, but it felt too bad to be betrayed by three other people in the same group at the same time. It was obviously a group of four, but the other three had a tacit understanding.Together they planned the escape, which could have cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

"Maybe, it's just a hypocritical gentleman's demeanor, an animal impulse to chase beautiful women. But this is my justice. If it changes, then Caesar Gattuso will not exist." Caesar whispered: "If it is In my case, I would not stab the knife into that girl's chest, even if I knew she was the Dragon King."

For a moment, Caesar thought that Chu Zihang would directly violently kill himself.But in the end, Chu Zihang just let go of his hand slowly, turned his head to look at Qianli who was behind him all the time, his voice trembled, as if he was crying.

"how about you?"

"If I were the Dragon King, I would accept that you killed me, but if you were the Dragon King, then I would fight the world for you." Qian Li said, "There is no justice that requires sacrificing others to fulfill myself, at least I don't Yes, if there must be a sacrifice, it must be myself. I can die for my justice, but no one else can."

Speaking of this, she paused, and then added: "Brother, you think it is a good deal to exchange one person's life for so many people, it is nothing more than unequal value. Is it worth more than all the people in this world? Or, exchange five thousand and one lives for five thousand and one lives?"

Chu Zihang was silent.

Caesar quietly listened to Qian Li's words, and applauded: "Excellent speech, I didn't expect that my junior could reach the same common ground as me in this kind of thing."

Qian Li smiled: "Everyone has their own truth to pursue, and they must always live for a belief, even if it is painful, don't be numb."

Chu Zihang walked around Qianli without saying a word, and walked towards the heavy rain alone.

Turns out he was the one who was out of place.

Also, he was supposed to be the misfit.

He has been out of gregarious since he was a child, and he clearly knows that it is not because of family problems.In the beginning, he deliberately set a boundary with others, but later when he wanted to get in touch with others, he no longer knew how to get along with them.

His words were harsh, his manner haughty.

He is not the same as others.

His blood is cold.

The raindrops didn't weigh much, but Chu Zihang felt that he was gradually being crushed by the heavy rain.

Suddenly, two different forces hit him from behind, and two arms wrapped around his shoulders from the back of his neck.

"You're not going to drive away by yourself, are you? Even if we can't reach a settlement in this matter, at least we are still companions." Caesar said.

"Brother, are you okay? You don't even need to block the heavy rain. Boss, my arms should be under you. You are so tall and put your arms under me. I feel a little uncomfortable being held up. Please be considerate. How about someone with long legs but short height?"

Chu Zihang: "..."

Forget it, what are you fussing about with two little fools.

"Sorry, ladies first." Caesar withdrew his arm and asked Qian Li to hold Chu Zihang first, before crossing over by himself.

Chu Zihang: "You guys are holding my hat down, I can only get wet in the rain."

Qian Li immediately put her hands on top of Chu Zihang's head, spreading her fingers to try to block the rain for him.

Caesar put his hand on top of hers.

"You forgot, you don't have a hat."


Lu Mingfei looked at Eri Yi through the window, the train was about to start, he patted the window: "Someone will pick you up in Songshan City."

Erika stuck the notebook on the car window: "Sakura won't send me back to Tokyo?"

"No, your family won't like me." Lu Mingfei said, "さようなら."

Erika lowered her head.

She finally realized that even the last four hours of being together were gone.

"Who the hell is Sakura? Where can I find you in the future?" Almost the entire notebook was pasted on the car window, with a panicked face.

It was only then that Lu Mingfei remembered that Erika had never known who he was, and for so many days she had been wandering around Tokyo with a completely strange man without any suspicion, eating and sleeping at the same table with him, even changing clothes They didn't avoid him.

This realization made him a little dumbfounded and a little sad.

But that's all very well, he thought.

Erika didn't know who he was, and they would have no intersection in the future, and there was no need to look for him again.They are people from different camps, and they are destined to have no good results.

Lu Mingfei didn't want to bid farewell to Ai Ai, so he pulled himself together and waved his hand with the demeanor of doing good deeds without leaving a name: "The name is not important! I'm just a cowboy passing by here with justice in mind."

Eliyi's face gradually moved away as the train started. At that moment, Lu Mingfei had the urge to chase the train, but he stopped his steps in time, turned and walked in the opposite direction.

There was a public phone booth there, and he had a coin left in his hand.

It was the rest of Qianli's food delivery fee that day, and he called this coin a lucky coin at the time.

Now it seems that it has indeed brought him luck.

"Hello? Is it a giant tortoise? Send someone to pick up your sister. She's on the train back to Tokyo from Umezu Teracho, the last train at 9:54."

(End of this chapter)

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