Chapter 119 The Shocking Secret
In fact, he could feel that before Qianli joined Genji Heavy Industries that time, his alienation from him was gradually disintegrating.She acquiesced in their onstage intimacy that time.

But after the Genji Heavy Industries incident, she withdrew to her territory like a vigilant little beast.

These days, before going to sleep, he can't help recalling the scene at that time. Qian Li once said a strange thing to him at the scene of the fire.

"So it was really you who was chosen."

He didn't understand what it meant.

Who actually chose him?

He intuitively felt that there seemed to be a huge conspiracy behind this, but he couldn't successfully connect the trivial clues in his mind.

He knew too little, whether it was about the Dragon King or about Qian Li.

And Qianli and Dragon King are inseparable.

They all knew this, but no one said it.Even Caesar, who was full of petty liars, never told the truth.

Qian Li suddenly stretched her arms into his arms.

A section of fair lotus root protruded from the black cuff, a bit dazzling.However, what Chu Zihang noticed was not these, but the mottled scars on her arms.The new and the old overlapped one another, and a few of them could be seen to have been added not long ago, and the scars hadn't even healed yet.

It turns out that she wears long-sleeved clothes these days to cover up these things.

Chu Zihang got up and picked up the medical kit, dipped in iodine and carefully cleaned the wound for her.

Another figure walked in.

He glanced distractedly, and continued with his movements.

Yuanzhinv sat down on one side, brushing Qianli's sweaty hair aside.

"Dealing with these traumatic injuries won't help her at all." He said, "She is in great pain every moment. Why do you let her contact the king when her injuries are still not healed?"

"I don't know..." Chu Zihang chose to shut up in the middle of speaking.

No matter how you explain it at this time, it is the sophistry of the incompetent.

"She told you that she was transformed by General Wang. After seeing her this time, General Wang used some special methods to try to control her. She has been resisting her body's instinctive reaction. But we all know that no matter what Shouldn't she be responsible for these things?" Yuan Zhinv stared into Chu Zihang's eyes.

Chu Zihang realized that the handsome young man in front of him had the same aura as his brother Yuan Zhisheng, but the two brothers were too similar in appearance and means.To be more precise, Yuan Zhinv, who usually does not show her beauty, is more intimidating than his brother.

He didn't know the conflict between the two brothers, but he could also deduce from Yuan Zhinv's mouth that they later embarked on the path of hostility.Yuan Zhisheng tried to chase him down, after learning about Yuan Zhinv's news.The most frightening thing is that for so many years, as the absolute king of the Snake Ba Family of the underworld family, he didn't even know that the second-ranked member of the Ghost Clan was his own brother.

The depth of Yuanzhinvcheng Mansion can be seen.

Caesar was right, compared to the seemingly friendly Yuan Zhisheng, Yuan Zhisheng was the pure and kind little angel.

Although in Chu Zihang's eyes, he didn't like the two brothers.

Chu Zihang said, "How can I find the general?"

"Three hours ago, Masamune Tachibana had a call with General Wang. I recorded it and went out to discuss it. She needs to rest."

"Can painkillers be used?" Chu Zihang glanced at Qianli.

"She has serious allergies to most modern medical drugs." Yuan Zhinv shook her head.

He was naughty when he was young, and once ran to the edge of a cliff trying to catch the bird with a very nice song.However, the seemingly thick branch has long been weathered and fragile.Almost as soon as he climbed up, the roots of the branches began to break.

It was Qianli who rolled down the cliff with him in his arms, and he was lucky enough to save his life.

However, Qianli almost suffered comminuted fractures all over his body. They didn't know how to deal with it when they were young, so he had to go to the priest's house of Shikatori Shrine for help.The priest carried Qianli on his back to a nearby hospital, but the doctors there said they could do nothing after examining Qianli.

There are strong allergic reactions to anesthesia, painkillers, and even the hemostatic drug Qianli.

In the end, I could only use the oldest way to wrap her into a zongzi, and slowly raise her back with food supplements.

He was severely beaten, but at that time, looking at Qianli who was dying on the bed, he knew that the pain on his body was not worth one ten-thousandth of hers.

In fact, he has always known that the so-called no pain is just Qianli's fear that they will use it to deceive them, and only Yuan Zhisheng's silly letter.

She was a crybaby and was terrified of pain.

I hid and cried for a long time before my little finger was caught by the gate. At that time, my brother went to the shrine to go to school. He got the little red flower and wanted to show it off to her and ran home secretly. Only then did he know this "shocking secret".


"Have you noticed that this school girl named Qian Li is not easy." Fingel asked her face, and said, "There is no mentor on the surface, but in fact her mentor is our great principal Angers."

"Although this is not considered confidential, it is still A-level confidential information. Why do you, F-level, know?" Caesar asked.

"Oh, don't pay attention to these details, junior brother," Fingel waved his hand: "After all, I have been in Kassel College for so many years, how could I have no means, how can you say that your senior brother and I were also the best A-level mixed races back then."

"I can't see where the last three words are specifically reflected." Lu Mingfei muttered: "You are a waste of food now."

"Put down the tempura I ordered before saying that," Fingel said.

Lu Mingfei let go of his hand resentfully, and soon realized that something was wrong: "This is our territory, and we also pay for the vegetables."

"Wrong, it was paid by Caesar and Chu Zihang. I just checked your ticket ranking. Food and clothing are a problem, so I still have the right to dispose of your photos." Fingel said.

Lu Mingfei immediately changed his face: "Brother, what are you talking about, we have a friendship in the dormitory anyway, you will definitely not cheat me, right?"

"Continue to talk about Qianli, what other information do you know?" Seeing the topic being dragged further and further away by these two bullies, Caesar's forehead was throbbing with veins, and he brought the topic back.

"It's a long story. Although the person behind her is very careful to cover up, I still found clues." Fingel said: "I found that the person behind her is very likely to be the current head of the Gattuso family. The head of the family, that is, your father, Mr. Pompeii Gattuso."

"What did you say?" Caesar was taken aback.

"I didn't bring the photos, but when Angers met Mr. Pompeii Gattuso, there was Qianli's figure." Fingel swore with certainty.

(End of this chapter)

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