Chapter 123 Dreams and Reality

"What's the matter with you?" The girl in a white princess dress squatted in front of him, casting a searching look.

Chu Zihang wanted to shake his head, but his body seemed to have his own consciousness, and he took two steps back in horror: "Who are you?"

"You don't remember me?" The girl seemed to want him to identify herself, stretching out her delicate arms and pulling her hair back.

However, Chu Zihang could only see a blurry face.

"I don't know you, don't come here!" He growled like a little beast whose territory had been violated.

"You really don't know me anymore." The girl sat on the ground aggrieved: "Then give me back the candy!"

"What sugar?"

"Apple-flavored lollipops."

"You didn't take it." Chu Zihang shook his head.

His father Chu Tianjiao had severely warned him not to take anyone's things.

"Then why do you put your hands behind your back?" The girl pointed at his hand that was always behind her back: "You just took my candy."

It was only after she reminded Chu Zihang that he realized that his hands were behind his back all the time, he stretched out his hands in front of him and spread them out flat: "Look, I didn't..."

He stopped halfway through.

In his immature palm lies a green candy, which can be seen to be green apple flavored from its appearance.

"I..." Chu Zihang, who had never done anything bad before, panicked, and explained with low confidence: "I don't know why I'm here, I'll give it back to you."

"I don't want it anymore! You have already touched it." The girl said.

"Then I'll buy you a new one." Chu Zihang silently thought in his heart that the pocket money he received during the Chinese New Year should be enough to buy a few.

"No!" The girl refused bluntly.

"What should I do?"

"Since you took my candy, you have to eat it." The girl got up from the ground, snatched the candy from his hand with lightning speed, tore off the sugar coating and stuffed it into his mouth: "Don't spit it out, eat it!" If you eat my candy, you will be my child, you must obediently listen to me from now on, you know?"

Chu Zihang wanted to spit it out, but wasting food was shameful, so he could only pick up the candy with the tip of his tongue and roll it between his lips and teeth.

The green and astringent sweetness exploded in the taste buds, making the tongue salivate.

He has always liked sweets, and his favorite is the sweet-scented osmanthus cooked by his grandmother.But every time Su Xiaoyan and the soft-bodied aunts she brought saw him eating candy, they would smile and tell him that eating too much candy would cause tooth decay. He secretly searched the consequences of tooth decay on Chu Tianjiao's mobile phone, After learning from it for a long time, I decided not to eat candy anymore.

Chu Zihang has better determination than other children since he was a child, and he has made up his mind not to eat sweets for more than half a year.

I never expected that a little girl would force a mouthful of candy.

But the candy is really delicious, it seems to have the smell of my mother.

Su Xiaoyan seldom hugged him.

"Son, why did you come here?" Chu Tianjiao's figure appeared in front of it.

He covered his mouth and greedily gnawed at the surface of the candy with his teeth, without answering.

"What did you eat?" Chu Tianjiao frowned, and wanted to squat down and open his mouth to check, when he caught a glimpse of a smiling girl standing beside him, "You're here."

"*** is after him, I gave him ***..." No matter how hard Ren Chuzihang tried, he couldn't hear the words that followed.

When the screen changed, he suddenly yelled out of control.

There was a thick darkness in front of him, he panted heavily, his body was locked in a narrow cage, and he couldn't break free.

A sharp claw easily broke through the pattern and slid down his face, like tearing apart the sky.

Chu Zihang saw a pair of eyes that were as big as an adult's arms. The golden-red vertical pupils rolled, and the skin outside the corners of the eyes was covered with silver scales.

It's a dragon.

Although he had never seen this kind of creature that only existed in fantasy, Chu Zihang confirmed the identity of the other party immediately.

He should be afraid, but he can't feel afraid, he just feels sad.

A great sadness congealed into substance and swept over him.

"Is that you?" he heard himself say.

Yinlong's eyeballs stopped moving and stared straight at him.After a while, it suddenly opened its mouth.

The mouth grew infinitely larger, the long teeth and the bright red tongue twisted rapidly in front of his eyes, and Chu Zihang's eyes fell into darkness again.

"Catch him! Catch him!"

He heard shouts from a distance, the sound of uniform footsteps, and the metal sound of armor and weapons joining.

From far to near, the torches merged into a dark red river.

A cross appeared in front of him, and a girl in a white skirt was nailed to it by steel nails as thick as an adult's arm.The heavy rain poured down, and the girl's long hair was soaked, winding and falling to the ground.

Blood flowed down the cross, and a fishy-sweet smell wafted in the air.

Someone threw the torch here, and the golden blood was like good fuel, instantly igniting the surrounding weeds.

Chu Zihang wanted to rescue the girl from the fire, but the girl who was close at hand when she stretched out her hand was suddenly hundreds of meters away from him.

The fire continued, all the way up the ends of her hair and the hem of her skirt.

"No! No!"

Chu Zihang yelled and hugged the person in his arms tightly.

"Hmm..." A soft hum sounded in his ear, and Chu Zihang froze.

The person in the arms also raised his head in confusion: "!"

A black shadow flashed, and the person in his arms jumped from his side to the end of the bed like a rabbit, hugging the quilt tightly: "I...I, I, I...I...I didn't do anything to you last night, did I?"

Chu Zihang sat up straight, lowered his head and glanced quickly.

The clothes are all on the body in good condition, just a little messy.

"Sorry." He said, "I accidentally fell asleep here yesterday."

He pointed to the stool next to the bed.

As for why he fell asleep on the bed from there, he couldn't remember anything.

He is sure that his sleeping appearance should be regarded as a good type of person. Basically, what position he sleeps at night will be in the same position when he wakes up the next day. Huge position shifts rarely occur, let alone Is sleeping on the side of the bed to the bed.

But in this situation, no matter what, it must be his cause, so he picked up the village rain that was placed beside the bed.

"Wow!" Qian Li shrank back to the corner: "I swear that I really didn't do anything to you. You have to leave a criminal record for murder. If you have a criminal record, you can't graduate. Impulse is the devil, brother!"

The veins on Chu Zihang's forehead were throbbing.

Every word she said fell on his unpredictable point, maybe she should really let her have less contact with Lu Mingfei.

"It's me," he interrupted Qian Li's thoughts, explaining: "I leaned here last night, probably out of habit, and I went to bed later."

He tried his best to make the logic of his words sound reasonable, so that he could convince Qian Li and himself.


(End of this chapter)

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