Chapter 151 Yemengard
Qian Li stretched her waist, looking at the rushing sea in front of her.

Of course, it was impossible for Chu Zihang to find her, because the reason why she asked Su Enxi for an identity that could reach everyone was because she wanted to take this opportunity to escape from Gao Tianyuan.

Another figure emerged from the air and appeared beside her.

"Are you here? Are you afraid of being caught by Odin if you come out so frequently? I can't save you now." Qian Li didn't turn her head.

"Didn't you come here just to let me find you?" The girl found a seat beside her and sat down, took off her shoes and socks, and felt the cool waves gently kiss her toes.

Dragons bred by heaven and earth like to be in contact with nature, and Xia Mi is no exception.

This will slightly calm down the restless violence in her body.

Qian Li tilted her head on her shoulder and made a clip sound that she had practiced for many years: "Rich woman, tired, hug."

Xia Mi's face was full of black lines, and he held her face: "Go to Gaotianyuan to find a rich woman, I don't even have a body now."

Qian Li didn't avoid it, and just let her hold her head: "I'm so uncomfortable, my dear."

"What's wrong?" Xia Mi looked sideways.

Ever since I met Qian Li, I either saw her doing things or seeing her on the way to make troubles every day. She thought she was a hard-working person.

"I shouldn't have promised Angers that guy to set up this game. It would be easier for me to kill the general and then take out the holy bones and grind them into big bone broth. But now that Angers is busy with his own plans, I still have to stay here Clean up the mess for a bunch of brats."

"That's what I said." Xia Mi pondered for a moment: "But why do I feel that you are the one who made the mess? If you didn't like to play, you would have to see what these people can do, and you wouldn't procrastinate." So long. Angers can't wait to kill God as soon as possible."

"It makes some sense, but I decided not to believe it." Qian Li said solemnly: "I may need to summon you to the alien space at that time, so that it will be more convenient for me to practice online. Your current body can bear it, right? ?”

"It should be possible, but I'm not sure how long it can last." Xia Mi thought for a long time, then nodded: "But didn't you say that you won't let me touch it at the beginning, for fear that I won't be able to return to the Sea of ​​Consciousness after getting his breath? ?”

"I'm going to change the fateful ending of the three fates at that time. I can't get you out if there is an accident in the middle. You may be trapped in the sea of ​​​​knowledge for the rest of your life. Why don't you go to a different dimension with me, and the rest I'll figure it out."

Xia Mi was silent for a while: "Did you forget that I am Dragon King Yemengade?"

If she was stuck in the sea of ​​consciousness of a mixed race because of this matter, then she would still think about what she would do as Hela. This strength can basically bid farewell to the finals.


"I blessed Chu Zihang back then to prevent accidents."

"What if Odin has already tampered with you by devouring Chu Zihang to indirectly devour you? Qian Li frowned disapprovingly.

"Don't worry, I have checked before cocooning, and there will be no problem. But since you are so worried, I will accompany you to a different dimension when the time comes." After Xia Mi finished speaking, he stood up: "Time It's almost time, I'll go back first."

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Qian Li paused, and then said: "I'm really not waiting for you."


"But you're here, I just want to wait for you." Qian Li said.

Xia Mi couldn't help laughing: "Small mouth is so sweet, how many people have you said this to?"

"Of course it's only you." Qian Li winked at her: "In order to celebrate the success of our second cooperation in advance, I will give you a special gift."

"what gift?"

Qian Li: "A dear dear of mine."

Xia Mi: "..."

Her breath gradually dissipated in the sea, Qian Li glanced at the dark place: "Come out."


Yuan Zhisheng sat in front of the round table, clearly recalling the situation at that time.His younger brother was humming a song in the bathtub filled with chemical reagents, and the wax figure made of the girl's body stood silently deep in the basement.The shocking scene made Yuan Zhisheng panic, he beheaded his own brother almost hysterically——

No, it was the devil possessing my younger brother.

Yuan Zhinv would not do that kind of thing, he was killed by the devil, and the devil replaced him.

It was also after that that he stopped obsessing over violence against ghosts.

These demons replaced one living person after another, and he was only trying to set them free.

But then he met Akira Sakurai, that lonely man with a mocking expression on his face as he was dying, and said to him the words that are still fresh in his memory: "They all say that the fate of the sky will make everyone see the sun , but moths like us that live in the dark... will only be scorched into charcoal by your sunlight."

He is the greatest emperor, but he roasted his own brother into charcoal with his own sunshine.

At that moment his heart trembled violently.

So after meeting Qian Li again, his connivance towards Qian Li was so high that even he was startled.He knew that he was trying to make up for the lack of Yuan Zhinv on Qian Li.

He was completely tired of killing, tired of the so-called justice, but fate gave him a second chance, Yuan Zhinv came to him again, her eyes were still the same as before.

Only he himself knew that when he learned that Yuanzhinv was still alive, his concept was completely shaken.Once again, he will never be able to do it, even if Yuanzhinv reproduces the original situation in front of him.

There should be such a person in the world, you can betray everything for him, even justice and justice.

Yuan Zhisheng thought for a long time when he sat in front of Tachibana Masamune's tomb, knowing that he realized that he was seriously thinking about this issue, and he was thinking about the importance of relatives and fairness.

When he put the two in the sky and tried to compare them, he already had the answer in his heart.

So he's looking for a silver lining.

Even if the hope is slim, he doesn't want to give up.

He had been waiting for such a day when he found out that the original plan to assassinate the king was made by Yuan Zhinv.

The burnt smoke burned Yuan Zhisheng's fingers, waking him up from his long thoughts.

Yuan Zhisheng put on the earphones: "Report the situation."

The sound of the siren tore through the dark night, and the sound wave was transmitted in waves. The air defense siren was the most serious city siren.

"Citizens, please pay attention. An unprecedentedly powerful tsunami is about to enter Tokyo Bay. Citizens living in coastal areas are requested to evacuate urgently. Citizens who cannot evacuate in time, please take shelter in the basement or high-rise buildings." The Tokyo Meteorological Bureau issued an alert to all citizens.

A gust of wind roared on the sea, and huge waves rolled up into the sky. A figure stood in front of the [-]-meter-high waves, his long hair was blown wildly in the air.

"'s coming."

She stretched out her hand and shook it in the void.

(End of this chapter)

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