The Genji brothers used to have adopted families, but the male master of the family beat and scolded them.Yuan Zhisheng is okay, he knows how to work so he gets scolded less, but the weak and weak Yuan Zhinv gets beaten almost every day.

In the winter, the hostess got worse and even refused to give the brothers a thick quilt.

Yuan Zhisheng really couldn't see it, so he sneaked out with Yuan Zhinv.

The two had just settled in the first hut when they met Qian Li.

According to Qian Li, she was older than both of them.But she was too thin and small. When we first met, she was already seven or eight years old, but she said that she was ten years old, like a five or six-year-old child.She has a very mischievous personality, so that she should be called elder sister, but to them, she looks like a disobedient younger sister.

But she can make money. When Yuan Zhisheng took the money out of his pocket for the first time, he thought she was cheating others, angrily took the money and stomped it under his feet, and warned her not to lead Yuan Zhinv badly in the future.

It was Yuanzhinv who told him that it was Qianli who brought him to buy the strange things in the town, and after selling the first pot of gold in the city, she bought a lot of beautiful pencils from the city and sold them to the children in the town. .

"It's so far away from the city, how did you get there?" Yuan Zhisheng still didn't believe it.

In his eyes, Qianli is good at everything, but he loves to lie.The lies he tells are boundless, and he dares to brag about anything.

"We walked there at first, but then I got tired, so my sister carried me all the way to the city." Yuanzhinv explained.

Only then did Yuan Zhisheng notice that the shoes on the little girl's feet were worn out.

She is so lazy, she can lie down or sit or stand on weekdays, and when teaching him the knife technique, her movements are soft, like a sloth that can't wake up.And Yuanzhinv was still a head taller than her despite being malnourished these years, he hardly dared to think how Qian Li carried such Yuanzhinv back to the city step by step.

But he just misunderstood her.

"I'm sorry." He apologized solemnly.

"I'm my older sister, I'll let you." Qian Li waved his hand: "But we have money now, and when I go there with my young girl tomorrow, I can take the tram."

"Do you still want to go out?"

"How can I support you if you don't go out to make money? The family is almost in trouble. We can't let the priest continue to support us. Madam is already very upset." Qian Li wrinkled her nose.

It was only then that Yuan Zhisheng knew that she had seen that the priest's wife had some complaints about the priest's subsidization of their daily expenses, so she took Yuan Zhinv and his daughter out to make money, and when he met his younger brother's expectant eyes, he realized that he How incompetent this brother is.

Out of anger, they ran out of the adopter's house. If they hadn't happened to meet a kind priest, they would probably have to starve and freeze outside for a long time, just like the homeless people who can be seen everywhere on the street.

After getting the priest's support, he felt that there was no need to worry about making a living any more. He just vowed in his heart that he would study hard and get admitted to the University of Tokyo to repay the priest's kindness over the years. He never considered giving Yuan Zhinv a better life. .

The clothes on him have been outdated for a long time. Children of this age love to compare, especially Yuanzhi girls are introverted, shy, suspicious and sensitive. When he passed by the window of Yuanzhi girls' class several times, he saw him with envy. Yan looked at the little boys playing outside the door. At that time, he thought Yuan Zhinv just wanted to play with her peers, but now he finally understood what was in that gaze.

He didn't pay attention to this himself, so he took it for granted that Yuan Zhinv didn't pay attention to appearance.

But he likes beautiful things so much, how could he not care?

Qianli is really good at making money, which can be seen from Yuanzhinv's brighter eyes and thick banknotes every time she comes back.

They stopped worrying about making a living, and Yuan Zhinv also became cheerful.

Until a man named Tachibana Masamune came to the door and told them that they were the twin sons of the Yakuza Yusan Family Minamoto family living outside, and he was going to take a person away with him to go back to Tokyo to receive training to become the head of the family.

Yuan Zhisheng volunteered to leave with him, saying before leaving that he would give them a better life.

When Yuan Zhinu said this, her tone gradually became low.

Lu Mingfei tentatively asked: "Then what about later, shouldn't you stay with Junior Sister all the time?"

"My sister didn't want to accompany us to Tokyo, so she didn't follow my brother during the two times when my brother took me to Tokyo to play." Yuan Zhinv said: "Now that I think about it, she should have deliberately avoided being with Sheqi. Let those people from the eight families recognize each other."

"What happened later?" Lu Mingfei felt that he was about to discover the truth of something, and his tone was unavoidably urgent.

"After I came back from Tokyo for the second time, my sister disappeared." This became a major turning point in her life. Yuan Zhinv closed her eyes and said in a heavy voice, "I can't find her anywhere, and I can't get in touch with my brother." , Then General Wang appeared, General Wang took the bracelet that my sister always wears and told me that my sister had something to leave for a while, and asked him to take care of me."

"It really sounds like the first meeting between the Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood." Lu Mingfei complained, "Do you believe what he said?"

"Of course not." Yuanzhinv shook her head: "I resist his approach very much, because I think my sister's disappearance must be related to him. I asked him about my sister's information, but he didn't answer me, just said that since I don't trust him Yes, and left me a sum of money, saying that my sister gave it to me."

"Until he took the letter written by my sister. The content of the letter is that she knows and trusts the general, and she can't take care of me in a short time. I hope that I can get along with Wangjiang in harmony. My sister's handwriting is very special, you know."

Lu Mingfei nodded.

Qianli's handwriting is more than special, even if he has no research on handwriting, he can tell that his handwriting must be practiced for more than ten years in cold and heat. Every word seems to contain murderous intent, which penetrates the back of the paper.But at the end of the word, it turned into a casual freehand brushwork, as if all the overflowing wildness was collected in this writing, like a sword light slashing down the wind.

The humpback whale specifically asked her for a calligraphy and painting to hang on Gao Tianyuan's wall as a decoration.

"And you believed it?"

"Well, I believe it. But I don't allow him to come to me, let alone approach the hut we live in." Yuanzhinv said: "I just learned those things with him, and that time was really fantastic. I seem to have had a long dream. In the dream, the girls who avoided me before all threw kindness towards me. They boldly expressed their admiration. Then the long knife pierced my heart, and I Seeing my brother's painful eyes woke me up completely."

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