
Not even their performance got to the actual ending part.

"At first I saw them go to the basement, but then these disgusting things came, and I didn't have time to deal with them. We are mud bodhisattvas and we can't protect ourselves."

"That's right." Qian Li nodded his chin, thoughtfully: "In order to prevent the buff from setting up a flag, let's find him and talk about it."

Caesar looked around, and the sporadic dead waiters seemed to be scared out of their wits and quietly moved back while Qianli was not paying attention. The others had already been evacuated by him and Chu Zihang.

Qian Li thought he was struggling with how to deal with these dead waiters, raised his right hand and snapped his fingers in mid-air, and opened his mouth to make a "bang——" sound.

As the voice fell, the remaining dead waiters burst from the head, inch by inch.

Flesh and blood splashed, staining the water red.

But soon, the smile on her face froze.

"My keel! Why should I act like this!"

Caesar listened to her wailing, the expression on his face was indescribable.

But it wasn't until this moment that his heart came back to reality. Compared with Qian Li who had just killed the Quartet, it seems that the current one is more in line with his stereotype of Qian Li.

In other words, it is more popular.

"Where did you go?" He finally asked his inner doubts.

"General Wang gave me a piece of news, so go over and check it out." Qian Li didn't intend to hide anything about this: "Finally, I've figured out a way for him, and never underestimate the power of a researcher, you are in big trouble. "

She clicked her tongue twice and looked at Caesar sympathetically.

Caesar raised his eyebrows: "Just to remind you, you are now a member of the king's team of Kassel's special commissioner to Japan. It's not that you are in big trouble, but we are in big trouble."

The corner of Qian Li's mouth twitched: "Is it still too late to quit the team?"

"You should tell Angers about this."

"Thank you, very useful suggestion, he will not hesitate to turn on Time Zero and hack me to death overnight." Qian Li smiled.

The smile shifted to Caesar's face.

"But have we forgotten a few people?"

"No." Qian Li pondered.

"I don't have your sister! President, please don't listen to this person's nonsense, she must remember that Miss Zero and I are still struggling in dire straits, and deliberately misled you!" Fingel walked out with the help of Ling, who was handicapped. shouted dissatisfied.

At the moment when the battle started, he ran to Zero's room very vigilantly, not because of his obscenity, but because he was worried that something might happen to her.

The shotgunners outside the door were very professional and didn't even enter the door. They just took their guns and shot inside. The zero knee injury hadn't fully recovered. It was a problem to escape as soon as possible, let alone rush out to deal with the hot ones.

That is simply a fantasy.

Zero estimated the probability of his successful escape, and finally shook his head apologetically at Finger: "There is no way, we have to wait for someone to rescue us, or wait for him to break the wall, sorry for hurting you, brother, if it wasn't because of me legs, you have a chance to escape."

"Oh! Actually, I really want to leave you and run away. I regret coming here to check on your situation, but I think you are my brother's woman. If I leave you and run away, my brother will blow me up and die. There is no place to die!" Fingel scratched his head.

Ling was stunned for a moment, then realized who the "brother" he was talking about was: "I am not someone's woman."

"Of course I know you have nothing to do with each other, but you are so good to that idiot... If you really die, the idiot will feel that you are nice to him, and he will be very sad. He is that kind of person People, you can't screw it up." At the end, Fingel looked up to the sky and sighed: "How many women are idiots, how many idiots don't cherish."

The gunfire stopped, and the other party was changing the bullets.He changed the magazine quickly, but within a few seconds, the gunfire roared again.

"The time to change the magazine is six seconds. If I can run to the door within five seconds, I can guarantee to deal with him." Zero looked at Fingel: "Brother, can you lend me the belt?"

Fingel covered his chest with one hand and the belt with the other: "What are you doing? Without a belt, I can only hold up my pants!"

"Make a simple fix that should support me running to the door."

"You're crazy! Then your knees will be completely abolished!" Fingel stared angrily.

"It's better than dying here." Zero said expressionlessly.

She is just making the best solution after weighing the pros and cons.

"Aren't you forcing me!" Fingel was furious, and knelt down with a plop: "Come up!"

Zero took half a step back, not understanding his intention: "What do you mean?"

"Prince, you can ride a small one to fight the enemy! Although I am not a good knife, I am definitely a good horse! But I have to confess, my shooting and fighting are all on the water. The only guarantee is Take His Royal Highness to the door within five seconds, and leave the rest to you. Junior sister, you must protect me, if I die, your senior sisters will be sad!"

Zero looked at Fingel's shoulder, a little hesitant.

"Okay, I know you have the title of 'Vacuum Queen', but life must be more important than cleanliness now! Don't worry, I promise I have a shower in the morning, and it doesn't matter if it's dirty, it's better than losing a leg Right? If you don’t have legs, you’ll be jumping around in a wheelchair for the rest of your life, let alone wearing beautiful dresses.”

Zero was a little moved by what he said, but he still didn't make up his mind.

Finger cut first and played second, rushed over to pick him up, and squatted down: "What do you think of this height, princess?"

Only then did Zero realize Finger's strength, his muscles tightened, and he felt full of strength.This is definitely not a muscle that is biased towards viewing in the gym, but the result of day after day of actual combat practice.

Fingel has a clear understanding of his own position. He is not only a good horse, but even a peerless horse.

"Almost, I will start from the shoulder blade." Zero warned: "Remember, we only have five seconds."

"Wow, woof, woof!" Fingel yelled a few times: "Prince, don't worry, you have to believe that I am a good horse, and I believe that you are a good swordsman. We put our lives on each other, that's only fair."

Zero remained calm: "You just barked like a dog, not neighed like a horse."

"Are you happy, relax, if you are too nervous and miss, don't I have to be buried with you?"

Zero smiled silently: "Someone used to make me happy in a similar way... Thank you."

"That's how you look like a normal person." Fingel patted her leg: "What a pity if such a beautiful leg is amputated?"

Zero rarely felt uncomfortable due to such direct physical intimacy.

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