Dragon Slaying, From Enrollment in Kassel to Mastery

Chapter 161 The Soul of Another World

Chapter 161 The Soul of Another World
Chu Zihang took the medicine and leaned against the wall, unconsciously rubbing the note in his hand.

Souls from other worlds approached them to ensure that they would not be rejected by this world.In another world, she is a female devil who everyone shouts to beat. In a battle between good and evil, she was betrayed by a decent demon sect and was seriously injured. She fled to this unknown continent to recuperate. What she is doing now is to recover Heal his own injuries and return to his own world to send everyone to the gallows.

That's why those people did not hesitate to sacrifice themselves, trying to kill Qian Li in this world.

That's what the man told him.

Qianli is her, and Qiangui is her too.

The person he had been looking for for so long turned out to have been by his side with another identity.

Before he had time to be happy, he realized another cruel fact—whether it was with Qianli or Qiangui, his priority was always at the bottom.

For the sake of the Genji brothers, he can even give up everything.

Didn't you try your best to go back?Now that she knows that all this is a trap set for her by the general Wang and her unending enemy, why can she rush through it without hesitation?
Chu Zihang sneered.

The man with long hair like snow and the man with short hair holding a knife are standing very close to each other, but anyone can see that both of them are tense, as if they are waiting for a doomed and imminent battle fight to the death.

Kazama Liuli carefully looked at the person in front of her, and suddenly her eyes lit up: "You!"

"It's me." Yuan Zhisheng nodded.

All the men in front of him reminded him of the fact that his younger brother was a complete devil from beginning to end.

He wasn't devoured by a demon, he was the demon itself.

This realization made him a little breathless, and the last hope in his heart was completely shattered.

Since the knife in the heart was over, they could never go back.

Lu Mingfei behind him watched all this anxiously.

It was just a little bit close, just a little bit close to Yuan Zhinv being able to face her elder brother Yuan Zhisheng with her own identity, but at the very end, General Wang's wooden clapper sound aroused him, and also aroused those dead waiters.

He was powerless against those monsters at all, forcing Yuanzhinv to give up her rationality and incarnate as Kazama Liuli to get a chance for him.

The price is that the brothers who are only one step away from reconciliation are still on the road of life and death.

Come on someone!

Anyone is fine, Boss, Chu Zihang, Qian Li, Ling, even Brother Waste Chai is fine, they are all better than me, and they can definitely think of a more perfect ending!
Why is he standing here?

If it wasn't for his lack of strength, Yuanzhinv wouldn't have to take this risk at all.

Lu Mingfei was about to cry.

"Brother." Kazama Liuli tilted her head.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't answer.

It seemed that as long as he didn't respond to the call of "brother", those handsome teenagers in memory could be separated from the current evil spirits.

"You killed me." Yuanzhinv laughed suddenly.

It was wild laughter on the stage, and everyone couldn't guess whether he was performing or from the heart.Standing on the throne and laughing loudly, like the final winner of a crowd of heroes.So full of ambition, so supercilious.

Laugh again that those who opposed him have already turned into loess, laugh at them for being beyond their control, laugh at the fact that he will rule the world soon, and no one can stand and talk in front of him anymore.

There is also strong resentment in the smile.

Yuanzhinv did not lie to Lu Mingfei, he really loves his brother, but also hates him.

The cherry red long knife appeared in Kazama Liuli's hand, and his figure was gone in the next second.

Only Yuan Zhisheng saw a phantom in front of him, and the tip of the knife pointed directly at the center of his brow.

But he underestimated the speed of Liuli Kazama, he was not affected by the royal power at all, so he didn't even have time to release the Raksha ghost bone.

Like him, Kazama Liuli has the emperor's blood flowing in her body, but Kazama Liuli's bloodline is far superior to his!

There has never been any strongest hybrid in this world, just as there is no undefeated king in history, the fate of the king is to be beaten by the new king!


At the very moment, another figure rushed over, a black shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and in the next second, both hands tightly held the sharp blade that was attacking Yuan Zhisheng, and golden blood left along his wrists.

"Junior Sister!"


Qian Li opened his mouth wide in pain, blood foaming from his mouth.

It wasn't because of Kazama Ruri's poisonous cherry-red long knife, her fatal injury came from the gradually emerging figure behind her.

A look of ecstasy appeared on the face of a handsome young man: "Hahaha, so what they said is true, my concealment ability can fool you!"

Qian Li turned her head, grabbed the cherry red long knife and was about to stab the boy in the heart.

However, halfway through swinging the knife, he abruptly stopped.

"I, Dugu Jing, finally killed you, the female devil, with my own ability!"

"What's your name?" Qian Li's eyes widened.

"Dugujing! Remember, the person who killed you was Dugujing!"

The boy was still immersed in ecstasy, and he didn't notice the complicated eyes of the person opposite him at all.

Qian Li endured and endured, but finally couldn't help it: "You idiot, go back and find out for me, what is the relationship between the Dugu family and your aunt Qian Li!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his fist and turned his palm, breaking away the trace of the young man's soul left here.

Why did Dugu Luo give birth to such a fool!

Qian Li was dizzy with anger.

Of course, it was also possible that she had lost too much blood, and now she was on the verge of falling, and she couldn't even stand firmly.

Yuan Zhisheng quickly supported her.

The sound of the old wooden clapper sounded again, and the man's vicious voice like a poisonous snake appeared in everyone's ears.

"Come here, children, now is the time for you to make offerings to me."

Fengjian Liuli, Qianli and Lu Mingfei at the side gradually lost their eyesight, and followed the sound like zombies.

Yuan Zhisheng, who tried to stop them, was blown away, and the others were shot dead on the spot.

Qianli and Fengjian Liuli were already at the pinnacle of strength present, not to mention joining hands together now, leaving no trace of life in the past.

In front of Lu Mingfei's eyes, the passage full of fire appeared again, and the girl who was holding his hand and ran away together.

He wanted to pull the little devil over and ask loudly what he had done in his mind. He had clearly never experienced these scenes, so why did he feel like a person who had experienced them, and could even perceive the emotions of the girl and "myself".However, in the next second, the girl changed into a black dress and long dark red hair.

Lu Mingfei's pupils shrank, and he woke up from that uncontrollable state in an instant.

He looked at the two people who were about to walk to the edge of the roof, and shouted angrily: "Fuck you, king general, who are your children!"

As he spoke, he rushed towards the two of them like a mad bull.

(End of this chapter)

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