"Yes, no matter what her status is, she is a concubine when she enters the harem, and the empress is the master of the harem. How can she not come to pay her respects?"

"This is simply arrogance!"

"You are so rampant just after entering the palace, and you don't take your mother seriously, you don't understand the rules!"


A group of concubines are really going to blow up.

It's okay to be fascinated by the emperor like that yesterday, no matter the place where they live or the rewards they gave, they just overturned the jar of jealousy, making them sour.

Today, he even surpassed all of them, and he directly exempted her from paying her respects. What an honor is this?
How could they allow such a thing?Isn't this slapping them in the face?

Seeing their big reactions, Yin Ruhua also knew what they were thinking, and said lightly: "Although I am a queen, I have to obey the words sent by the emperor. You are trying to encourage me to disobey Royal order?"

"But empress, this is too much and unreasonable." Yubi said: "Empress is the master of the harem, how can she not come to see her as a princess of a small country?"

The Great Yong Dynasty, which annexed the North Jin Kingdom, can be regarded as a veritable big country. In comparison, Fengxiang Kingdom is really only a small country!
"Concubine Yu, are you going to question Ben Gong?" Yin Ruhua looked at her.

Concubine Yu quickly stood up and knelt down, "Mother, I dare not, concubine is just angry but concubine Ling dares to disregard palace rules like this!"

"I know that you are unwilling, but the emperor of the Great Yong Dynasty kept his promises, and I can't change the emperor's mind, so you can relax. Since the concubine has entered the harem, she must be treated as a sister. Okay, if she can serve the emperor well, it will be due to her." Yin Ruhua said lightly.

After saying this, there is nothing else to do, let them all retire.

So they filed out one by one, but when they came out of Jiaofang Hall, they couldn't help it! ,

They all began to criticize the concubine Ling.

Li Fei scolded: "What are you talking about, you all want to be castrated, don't you?"

"Sister Li Concubine, we didn't mean that, we were also worried that the emperor would be charmed!" Zhenfei said.

"Your Majesty is the body of a real dragon, how could he be easily deceived, let me swallow back what I said, and spread rumors in the palace to cause trouble, I will deal with it according to the palace rules!" Concubine Li frowned.

Although they are not convinced, but the status gap is there, "Yes."

Only then did Concubine Li take her back.

Concubine Wan was so happy to watch the show, she ignored them and went back to her palace.

"Your Majesty, it looks like the empress is not going to deal with the concubine Ling." The maid brought the water and couldn't help saying.

Concubine Wan glanced at her, "How can the empress be so restless? It's only the second day, just wait and see, the concubine's love is definitely more than that!"

And what Concubine Wan said was true, because in the next half month, the emperor would rest in Liushang Pavilion every day.

It is said that there were two other times that she was late for the court because of this concubine.

You must know that the emperor has always been very diligent in governing, but now he is so confused by a princess of an enemy country!
This also caused the courtiers to have a lot of opinions!
And since this period of time, the harem has been shaken even more.

For more than half a month, the emperor went to rest in the Liushang Pavilion, not even the empress, what kind of favor is this?
All the concubines couldn't sit still.

When I came to pay my respects to Jiaofang Palace, everyone was talking about the fact that the concubine Ling now dominates and favors the harem.

Yin Ruhua, who is the master of the harem, also listened. What she was thinking was who was going to accompany the concubine?

In the past few nights, Situ Ji has been coming over to her to toss her in the middle of the night, but who is Lingbi?

Could this be the reason why those concubines never doubted after going to bed?

Also, after being tortured for a long time last night, she woke up this morning with a sore waist and weak legs, and her mental state was also a little distracted.

This appearance fell into the eyes of the concubines, of course the empress was hit hard.

"Empress, you really have to take care of this matter. The emperor has so many affairs to deal with during the day, but he has to be so charmed by the concubine at night. If this continues, no matter how strong the dragon body is, the emperor will not be able to bear it." Live." Concubine Wan said.

When she opened her mouth, the other concubines also said the same thing.

Yin Ruhua just came back to her senses, glanced at them and said: "You are right, I will tell the emperor about this matter."

So he ordered someone to invite Situ Ji to come over for dinner in the evening.

Situ Ji also came over.

And no one knew about sneaking over to climb the bed in the past few days, because they were all sent by him to watch the night, one named Mo Yu and the other named Bai Yu.

These two palace maids were shadow guards sent to her by Situ Ji, who were responsible for following and serving her uninterruptedly, while Yu Ying was sent out before.

So they didn't even know about his coming to climb the bed, but Mo Yu and Bai Yu arranged it all by themselves.

Now that the emperor is coming, they are all very happy.

Yin Ruhua rolled his eyes at him.

Because the first night when she came to climb the bed, she scared her. She thought it was a thief, but it turned out to be him, the thief.

"The emperor is very busy now, and it's not easy for even the courtiers and concubines to see each other." Yin Ruhua said, "The eldest princess will forget what her father looks like."

When these words came out, the faces of both Yuhu and Curling turned pale. Obviously, they were all afraid that the empress would start arguing with the emperor.

"It's not my fault." Situ Ji nodded and said, "Go and carry the eldest princess up."

Hearing this, Yuhu hurriedly went down and hugged Xiao Yunyang over, seeing her father, Xiao Yunyang was obviously very happy!
"Father." She spoke more and more clearly now.

Situ Ji hugged his daughter in his arms, talked with her, even in his arms and fed her something, Xiao Yunyang was very satisfied.

Seeing this, Yuhu and Curling secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Although the emperor dotes on the concubine Ling, he still loves the eldest princess and remembers his love for the empress.

They all came here for dinner, so of course they stayed here in the evening.

Yin Ruhua didn't ask him who the concubine was sent to, let alone the reaction of the concubines in the harem.

Now the concubine Ling is used to shield her from arrows, because she is too favored, and everyone's eyes are focused on her, so they won't stare at her anymore.

And Yin Ruhua didn't have time to ask more questions, because after dinner, Situ Ji said that he was tired and wanted to rest.

Yin Ruhua didn't know what he was going to do, her face was blushing.

Situ Ji was also not polite at all to eat his queen, and he didn't take any measures to avoid it.

"Hua'er, give me another son." He said coldly in a hoarse voice.

Yin Ruhua was stunned for a moment. She came to climb the bed these few days, but he was useless on the first night.

She asked someone to start preparing it the next day, but he used it all, but he didn't want to use that again tonight, and he said this.

"Your Majesty, do you want to talk about it later?" Yin Ruhua asked hesitantly.

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