Chapter 101 Not Cute

"You really aren't cute at all," Zhou Qian stood in front of Lin Tu, with the water ball in her hand more than twice the size of the fireball in Fu Li's hand.

Fu Liming knew that he couldn't fight, so he put away the fireball in his hand and apologized in a low voice, "I'm sorry."

Lin Tu looked at Fu Li with a half-smile, the coldness in her eyes sent a chill down Fu Li's spine, "For the sake of being the same kind, I'll forgive you this time, and there will be no next time, otherwise death will be the best thing for you." relief."

Chen Biao pulled Chen Yao to distance himself from the two parties. He didn't want to participate in their grievances at all. His exhaustion made him want to go upstairs to find a room to rest. However, as soon as the safe passage door was pushed open, he was rushed The zombies that came out were scratched.

The zombie was very fast and had a very sharp reaction. It was different from any zombie they had encountered before. Seeing that her brother was scratched, Chen Yao let go of her brother and attacked the opponent.

Chen Biao is proficient at washing wounds with water-based abilities. His water-based abilities can heal wounds and reduce the infection of zombie viruses.

Gao Liang noticed that Chen Biao was scratched when he pushed the door open. He wanted to help him, but he saw the scene where the wound was washed with water and the wound healed automatically.

A flash of surprise flashed in Gao Liang's heart, and he was replaced by worry. If Lin Tu and the others knew that Chen Biao had dual abilities of water and healing, then he would most likely be replaced by the other party.

Mu Bai put his hand on Gao Liang's shoulder and raised his eyebrows at him, "Don't think about what's there and what's not, the reason why the team is called a team is because we are of one mind and won't suspect each other."

Gao Liang didn't expect Mu Bai to see through his thoughts. Just as he was about to explain, he found Lin Tu looking at him. Gao Liang rubbed his nose and explained in embarrassment, "I always thought I was special before, but now I meet someone even more special. Somewhat unacceptable."

Zhou Fang bumped into Gao Liang on purpose when he heard Gao Liang's words, "Special abilities are not particularly important, the important thing is that one's own strength is strong enough," Gao Liang nodded in agreement, and at the same time felt that his thoughts just now were a bit narrow.

"Actually, he was afraid that everyone would let him go," Gao Feng looked at his younger brother with helplessness in his tone, but distressed eyes. He knew how confident his younger brother was in the past, but after joining this team, everyone in the team Everyone is very confident and strong, and Gao Liang, who feels that he has lost his value, gradually becomes less confident.

"Are you finished chatting? I can't hold on over there anymore," Zhou Shuai gave everyone a wink, signaling everyone to pay attention to Chen Yao, "Boom," Chen Yao was knocked into the air, and Lin Tu rushed over to block the zombie's attack with a Tang saber Flutter and bite.

Everyone didn't notice that the Tang Dao in Lin Tu's hand had a trace of extremely inconspicuous black energy. When she blocked the zombie with the Tang Dao, the zombie fell to the ground. Chen Yao looked at Lin Tu in horror. Zombies that could not be dealt with were dealt with by the opponent.

Fu Li was pulled back by Fu Qiang, and Xiao Bai walked up to Lin Tu, "The posture is not standard enough, and after a long time, the wrist will lose strength," Xiao Bai said, helping her to correct her posture, Xu Hao glanced at Fu Li, Seeing her hiding behind Fu Qiang, there was unconcealable fear in her eyes, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

"I also think that the force and angle are not enough. If the force and angle were changed a little bit like this just now, the effect would be better," Lin Tu gestured. I understand that she just used a power.

(End of this chapter)

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