Chapter 107 See you in City B
"You shouldn't be short of food. The extreme cold is here, hurry up and stock up on something to keep out the cold," Lin Tu reminded Wang Miao before getting into the car, Wang Miao looked at Lin Tu, "My name is Wang Miao, we are from City B. See."

"My name is Lin Tu, Lin Mo's twin sister, see you in City B," Lin Tu waved at the other party, Wang Miao waved and watched the RV leave, and only looked away when the car was completely out of sight.

"Brother, your friend is too kind. Not only did you prepare a car for us, but you also have food and thick clothes." Wang Dela opened the door and was shocked by the contents of the car. He thought the other party had prepared them for them. The car and two barrels of oil, I didn't expect that there would be something they urgently needed in the car.

"Just now, my sister said that the extreme cold is coming, so I moved the food to this car, let's go to City B as soon as possible," Wang Fei excitedly ran towards their car that was no longer able to drive.

"Let's not rush to City B for the time being. The extreme cold must be as cold as the extreme heat before. Let's find a community, preferably one with a high occupancy rate and no one living there now," Wang Miao felt that the top priority now It is to find a place to get up and make plans after the extreme cold.

After all, Wang Fei and Wang De are ordinary people. Although they have a wooden warehouse in their hands, they have no bullets. If it weren't for Lin Mo and his junior brother, he would not be able to live today with his water system ability alone.

"In those neighborhoods, there is no food at all, and it is easy to encounter zombies that have not been cleaned up inside," Wang De disagreed with Wang Miao's proposal.

"There is food in the mall. Do you think we can compete with others based on our strength? I think the elder brother's idea is very good. We guard a building. Even if there is no food, the wood in their house is enough for us." It’s burning, it’s extremely cold, as long as we have something to burn, we won’t be easily frozen to death.” Wang Fei’s mind was obviously faster than Wang De’s. Although Wang De was reluctant, but two to one, he had no choice but to follow.

Lin Tu and the others had the same idea as Wang Miao. After all, they needed to pay food to live in the base, and the Xundong building only needed to be cleaned up. "Boss, do you think we have prepared all the snow boots while it is not snowing now?" Although Mu Bai knew that they did not lack supplies, he was a little worried when he heard about the extreme cold recently.

"Do you need it now?" Xiao Bai said, adding a pair of men's snow boots in his hand, "That's amazing, my brother." Mu Bai gave Xiao Bai a thumbs up, his eyes full of surprise.

"I collected not only snow boots, but also sleds and skates," Xiao Bai would take out one from the space every time he said something. Zhou Qian saw the skates with bright eyes, "I will wear these when I go out to find supplies. It's absolutely handsome. Blow up the street."

"In addition to the down jacket, I also have military coats, furs, little suns, and hand warmers. If you need them, you can ask me for them." Although Lin Tu didn't take out the things, she said that all the things she said were for later use .

"What's the matter with suddenly feeling overwhelmed with happiness?" Zhou Fang put his hands behind his head, lying on the seat with a comfortable face, "Boom," the sound of heavy objects falling on the roof scared everyone, "Fuck, I was just happy for a while, and then I was disturbed," Zhou Fang jumped up suddenly, and was about to reach out to open the roof window to have a look, but was stopped by Zhou Shuai.

"Boom," the car roof rang again, "It's not a zombie monkey, is it?" Zhao Bin frowned and looked at the car roof, everyone was alert, Mu Bai, Xiao Bai, and Lin Tu changed their faces at the same time, "It's not a monkey, it's a licker .”

(End of this chapter)

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