Chapter 111 You Guard Him

Mu Bai's eyes lit up suddenly at the moment when his mental strength was connected. He didn't expect that he could really control zombies. Seeing Mu Bai's expression, Lin Tu knew that he already knew how to control them.

"You guard him, I'll collect the car," Lin Tu looked at Gao Liang, Gao Liang hesitated to stop him, but didn't know how to speak, after all, he was the weakest among the three.

"I'll be back soon," Lin Tu said without waiting for Gao Liang to nod, and walked towards the car shop next door. Lin Tu not only collected the cars, but also took away the electric cars he saw.

Seeing Lin Tu, Mu Bai excitedly handed her the car keys in his hand, "Congratulations," Lin Tu gave Mu Bai a thumbs up, and did not forget to reach out to take the car keys from Mu Bai's hand.

It's just that Lin Tu didn't expect that Xu Hao and Gao Feng were not as fast as Mu Bai, "Why don't we go and see why they are so slow!" Gao Liang was a little worried about his brother.

Seeing that Gao Liang was worried about Gao Feng, Mu Bai and Lin Tu nodded and walked towards the 4S shop, "Boom~" Xu Hao pulled Gao Feng out of the 4S shop. The two looked very embarrassed. Seeing Lin Tu, Xu Hao hurriedly said, " There is a fire-type supernatural zombie inside, and we are no match for it."

The moment the two saw Lin Tu pause, the fire zombie had already chased to the door, "Get out of the way," Lin Tu roared, fighting back with vines.

Seeing Lin Tu rushing forward, Mu Bai could only act in a hurry. Xu Hao let go of Gao Feng, quickly followed Lin Tu, and fought together, "You find a place to hide, and I will help." Gao Feng handed the key to his younger brother, and turned to help Lin Tu .

As soon as Lin Tu met the fire-type supernatural zombie, he was almost hit by the fireball thrown by it. A feeling of uneasiness emerged from the bottom of his heart. "This guy reacts very quickly, and seems to be able to think," Xu Hao found during the fight. Zombies with fire abilities know how to attack selectively.

"Interesting," Lin Tu glanced at Man Man, who was guarding her. Black spikes appeared all over Man Man's body instantly, and a thin layer of black air appeared on the Tang Dao in his hand.

While the vines were attacking the fire-type zombies, Lin Tu shot together, and the Tang knife slashed across the back of the zombie, leaving a deep mark. Xu Hao was surprised by the damage of the Tang knife in Lin Tu's hand.

Seeing Xu Hao being attacked by the other party, Lin Tu used vines to lead him away, "Now is not the time to be in a daze," Lin Tu turned sideways to avoid the attack of the fire-type supernatural zombies.

"Mu Bai is trying to control the opponent, Gao Feng's ice wall," Lin Tu noticed that Gao Feng had the most ice blades, and his ice blades were not accurate enough. "Okay," the two said in unison, reacting quickly.

The moment Lin Tu asked him to build an ice wall, Gao Feng thought that Lin Tu wanted him to block the retreat of fire-type supernatural zombies. Lin Tu saw Gao Feng erected the ice wall and continued to make the ice wall, almost without a mouthful of old blood Squirt out.

"Do you have a cannon in your head? What are you doing standing upright? Hit it with an ice wall," Lin Tu yelled at Gao Feng and continued to attack. He wanted to surround the other party, but he didn't want Lin Tu to be so bloody. Instead of using ice bricks, he went directly to the ice wall.

"Ahem, oh," Gao Feng rubbed his nose in embarrassment, and controlled the ice wall to hit the opponent, but Gao Feng didn't notice that when Lin Tu was controlling the ice wall, a layer of light black mist was wrapped around the ice wall. Let the already hard ice wall become even harder.

"Pfft," the fire-type supernatural zombie was hit by the ice wall, and Lin Tutang's knife slashed across the opponent's neck. The moment his head fell, his body was smashed into pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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