Chapter 131 You Found This Thing Again
Xiao Bai winked at Zhou Shuai, and the two told Zhao Bin to leave. Lin Tu was dragged by Zhou Qian to the restaurant. Lin Tu put the ingredients on the operating table, and took out some fruits along the way. After washing the fruit, the two walked back to the resting place.

Lin Tu suddenly remembered the cash he had put away, and when he took it out, he placed the table and the poker that he had finished before. Zhou Fang's eyes lit up instantly when he saw what Lin Tu took out.

"I'll go, you found this thing again," Zhou Fang picked up the cash, with disgust in his eyes, "Before the end of the world, with your current expression, you would probably be beaten to death," Mu Bai joked.

"Boom," the moment the huge explosion sounded, Lin Tu was stunned for a moment, turned around and ran towards the place of the explosion, Zhao Bin hurriedly followed after seeing it, Zhou Qian and Zhou Fang looked at each other, and quickly followed without hesitation.

"Boom," the second explosion sounded, and the whole building shook. Lin Tu frowned and couldn't help speeding up his steps. As soon as he ran to the room that Xiao Bai didn't let her see, he saw Zhou Shuai helping Xiao Bai out of the room. Walking out of a sea of ​​flames, the two were covered in blood.

Lin Tu stared blankly at the two, his eyes were slightly red, and reached out to pick up Xiao Bai, but Zhou Shuai avoided him, "He just exhausted his powers, he will be fine after a rest," Zhou Shuai heard in Lin Tu's ears There is no credibility at all.

"Gao Liang," Lin Tu ignored Zhou Shuai and turned to look for Gao Liang. Gao Liang hurriedly stepped forward to check the injuries of the two of them. Tu, speaking against his will, if it wasn't for the strong arm and hand last week to prevent him from telling the truth, he wouldn't lie.

"Do you think I'm stupid or have bad eyesight?" She didn't know what was in the room, but she could see the severity of Xiao Bai's injuries, "Don't lie to me under the guise that he doesn't want me to worry, I don't accept it " Seeing that Zhou Shuai still didn't want Xiao Bai to be handed over to him, Lin Tu saw Xiao Bai's hand tightly gripping Zhou Fang's clothes as he was about to step forward.

Lin Tu laughed at himself, "Maybe I understand." Lin Tu didn't look at Xiao Bai, and turned to leave. Seeing this, Xu Hao quickly followed Lin Tu. Mu Bai looked at the expressions on everyone's faces and rubbed his face. Rubbing his nose followed behind Xu Hao and Lin Tu.

Realizing that the two people behind him were quietly following him, Lin Tu wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, stopped and turned to look at the two of them, "Don't follow me, I'm leaving," Lin Tu showed them a smile that was uglier than crying .

"Cry if you don't want to laugh." Xu Hao took out a tissue from his pocket and handed it to Lin Tu. "I'll go wherever you go. After all, you are the one I want to follow from the beginning to the end." Mu Bai looked at Lin Tu. He laughed heartlessly, as if to say that the weather is fine today.

"Well, I'll leave the things for them, and I'll go." Lin Tu walked back to the place where he lived, estimated Xiao Bai's space, took out a small amount of things and put them in the empty space, thinking of Xiao Bai's injury, in the Put two bottles of water on the table, write a note, turn around and leave.

Seeing Lin Tu, Mu Bai, and Xu Hao walking towards the safe passage, Zhou Qian hurriedly followed and grabbed Lin Tu, "Where are you going?" "Get out," Lin Tu said coldly, breaking away from Zhou Qian's hand.

"Boss is injured so badly, isn't it appropriate for you to go out now?" Zhou Qian frowned and looked at Lin Tu, "It's enough for him to have you," Lin Tu raised his hand and the vines flew out of the earthen wall made of Zhao Bin and Zhou Fang crushed.

"Trouble you to make up for it yourself, let's go first," Lin Tu waved to Zhou Qian, with a determined back, it seemed that if he left, he would not come back.

(End of this chapter)

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