Chapter 133 Why bother

Lin Tu raised his hand to put the things into the space, everyone felt that she was not in a good mood, Zhou Shuai subconsciously looked at Xiao Bai, saw that he looked at Lin Tu with guilt in his eyes, and shook his head helplessly.

Lin Tu walked to the window and sat in the corner, Xiao Bai sat beside her and quietly accompanied her, "Why bother, I knew this earlier, why did I do that just now?" Zhou Qian looked at Xiao Bai sitting next to Lin Tu, feeling a little lonely A trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

"A man's thoughts are different from your girls'. He did that at the time because he was afraid that Lin Tu would be sad when he saw the injuries on his body," Zhou Shuai tried to defend Xiao Bai.

"You can pull it down. We were scared to death when we saw that you two were covered in injuries. She was worried that there was something wrong with Xiao Bai. You deliberately lied to her. There is nothing wrong with her being angry. If it was me, I would definitely When you leave, not only do you not leave anything, but you also take everything you can take away," Zhou Qian became angrier as she spoke, especially when she thought that Lin Tu was worried that they would not have enough supplies, so she kept supplies on purpose give them.

Seeing that Zhou Shuai wanted to talk, Zhou Qian immediately raised her hand to stop her, "Don't explain, the more you explain, the more I feel that you don't know what to do." Zhou Shuai frowned and looked at Zhou Qian. Although he would be bullied by his sister before, But I've never seen her so angry.

Seeing Zhou Qian crowded beside Xu Hao and Mu Bai, Zhou Shuai couldn't help twitching the corner of his mouth. He turned his head to look at Xiao Bai who was filled with sadness, and his mood suddenly improved a lot.

"Baby, I'm behind you. If you're tired, you can lean on me." Xiao Bai stretched out his hand and pulled Lin Tu's clothes, wanting her to lean on him. Lin Tu moved to the side, one meter tall The plush toy appeared between her and Xiao Bai.

Seeing Lin Tu's actions, Xiao Bai reached out to take the plush toy away. Lin Tu seemed to know what he was thinking, and leaned on the plush toy. Xiao Bai pulled the plush toy away and hugged Lin Tu directly.

"I know you won't be able to forgive me for a while. If you don't want to talk, you don't have to answer. Let me stay by your side, okay?" Xiao Bai coaxed softly. Lin Tu didn't speak, and didn't break free from Xiao Bai's embrace, just quietly looked out of the window .

The atmosphere in the team was not good. Zhao Bin struggled to prepare the meal and said, "It's time to eat." Xiao Bai stood up and stretched out his hand to pull Lin Tu. Lin Tu avoided the coldness and refused, "I'm not hungry."

Xiao Bai sat back beside Lin Tu when he heard the words, Zhou Shuai was about to speak when he saw this, but Zhou Fang covered his mouth, "They will solve the emotional matters by themselves, so don't get involved," Zhou Fang put his arms around Zhou Shuai and went to eat.

"You go to eat, I want to be alone," Lin Tu pushed Xiao Bai, her heart was suppressed, she didn't want to talk to Xiao Bai, she just wanted to be alone.

Xiao Bai didn't want to leave at first, but after meeting Lin Tu's pleading eyes, he compromised and got up, "You wait for me to come back obediently." Before turning around, Xiao Bai put some snacks and the fruit that Lin Tu took out before her hand.

After making sure everyone was going to eat, Lin Tu flashed into the space. She needed to find something to distract her and calm herself down quickly. She was sure that Xiao Bai liked her, and she also liked Xiao Bai.

Looking at the ripe grains on the black soil, Lin Tu collected the space with his thoughts, and after replanting, he found a basket to pick the fruits, and the snow wolf circled around her.

"Do you want to eat?" Lin Tu made a huge kennel for Snow Wolf in space, but he never saw it use it. Instead, he saw it running up the mountain from time to time. As for the fruits and grains grown on the black soil, there is no forest. Tu signaled that it couldn't touch it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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