I was abducted by a big boss on the way to find my family after rebirth in the last days

Chapter 136 Those People Don't Dare to Approach That Woman

Chapter 136 Those People Don't Dare to Approach That Woman
"Those people don't dare to get close to that woman, I guess she's not easy to deal with," Xiao Bai whispered in Lin Tu's ear to remind her, Lin Tu nodded, his gaze didn't fall on the woman, but kept on the man on the chair.

"Do you think that man looks a little bit like me?" Lin Tu's words made Xiao Bai look at the man instantly. If you are with a woman, you dare not speak easily.

Xiao Bai observed carefully for a while before giving his own answer, "There is a little resemblance, but is his age much different from yours?"

Not only did Lin Tu feel that her age was wrong, but she didn't have a twin telepathy for the man in front of her, but somehow she didn't like him, "Go and ask," Lin Tu raised her foot and walked towards him.

Lin Wei saw that Lin Tu almost fell off the chair, "Xiao Tu?" Lin Tu was shocked by the address of the other party, only her family would call her Xiao Tu, even Xiao Bai never called her that.

Lin Wei didn't mind being seen by Lin Tu when he was in a mess just now, he patted the non-existing dust on his body as if nothing had happened, and strode to Lin Tu, "It's really you, I didn't expect to meet you here You, I'm your third uncle Lin Wei." Lin Wei rummaged around after speaking, trying to find a gift for Lin Tu.

Seeing the dog egg that his boss couldn't take out anything from behind, he scratched his head and reminded with a little embarrassment, "Boss, our things were all stolen by this little bastard."

"Hahaha, that eldest niece, the third uncle doesn't have any treasures on him. Later, when the third uncle finds something good, I'll give you a meeting gift," Lin Wei said, staring at him to remind him that he was late.

Seeing the embarrassment on Lin Wei's face that was exactly the same as that of his second uncle, Lin Tu suddenly remembered that her father had told her about the third uncle who deviated from the traditions and liked to go out and wander since childhood, "Third uncle, this is for you," Lin Tu Pass the power inhibitor to Lin Wei.

Lin Wei looked at Lin Tu suspiciously, but he didn't pick up what Lin Tu was holding. Lin Tu saw a trace of unnaturalness on Lin Wei's face, so he didn't explain too much to him, and went straight to Zhao Yan'er. Inject one.

"Boss, is she really your niece?" Goudan clenched his fists, afraid that Lin Wei would shake his head, "Are you blind, don't you see that my niece looks a lot like me?" Although Lin Wei didn't look at Lin Wei When Tu grew up, he knew in his heart that the children of the Lin family would not do anything that would be detrimental to their own family.

"This is a power inhibitor. You dare not get close to her. It must be because her powers are very powerful. If you have this, you don't have to worry about it." Lin Tu handed the remaining few to Lin Wei.

Lin Wei didn't refuse this time. He took it and put it in his pocket. "No wonder every time your father calls, he always tells me that his daughter is a little padded jacket. It's the most caring thing. I didn't expect that in the end of the world, I can still experience it." Lin Wei looked at Xiao Bai and smiled heartlessly.

"Third Uncle, Lin Feng is not my brother, she is the wild child of Second Aunt and someone else." Lin Tu wanted to tell her third uncle all the things she had experienced, but she couldn't, she had to bear the pain of the past alone just fine.

"That dead woman, I knew she was not a good thing. If she hadn't designed to marry your second uncle, your second uncle would not have taken a fancy to her. When I turned around, I would find the dead woman and ask your brother's whereabouts. Kill her and vent your anger on your brother," Lin Wei patted Lin Tu on the shoulder feeling Lin Tu's sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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