Chapter 142 So You Like This One
Lin Tu tilted his head and looked at Zhou Qian, with a smile in his voice, "So you like this one." Mu Bai measured 1.7 meters tall, which is tall for girls, but not tall for boys, maybe because she Dressed in a neutral manner all the time, plus deliberately lowering her voice, if she hadn't said it on her own initiative, they really wouldn't be able to tell whether she was a boy or a girl.

"My sister doesn't like it now, but now that I think about it, she has not hidden it for a long time." Zhou Qian remembered that Mu Bai asked Lin Tuan to get a sanitary napkin. At that time, she thought that the other party was padding his shoes. Now that I think about it, she was so stupid at the time. .

"Ahem, I thought you two were a couple before. After all, when she asked me to get a sports vest and panties, she played your name." Lin Tu rubbed her nose and looked into Zhou Qian's eyes Slightly sympathetic.

"Fuck, what a bitch." If it wasn't for the wrong timing, Zhou Qian could not wait to go back and educate the other party.

Lin Wei didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing when he first came up. He didn't want to participate. It can be seen that everyone has already walked to the restaurant. Lin Tu obviously forgot about him, so he had to remind her, "Ahem, girl."

Lin Tu patted his forehead and introduced his third uncle to everyone. Perhaps because heroes cherish heroes, Zhou Fang soon discovered that many of Lin Wei's habitual little moves were very similar to them.

Lin Wei also found out, "Girl, I'll talk to your boyfriend alone," Lin Wei reached out and patted Xiao Bai on the shoulder. Seeing Lin Tu nodding, Xiao Bai got up and left with Lin Wei.

"Presumably you should have seen that we have many similarities." Lin Wei looked at Xiao Bai with scrutiny in his eyes. Just because they were so similar, he felt a little worried about letting Lin Tu follow them.

"We have been working abroad and do not participate in domestic affairs. The reason why we appear in China now is that we have just finished a particularly difficult incident and returned to China for vacation. We did not expect to encounter such a thing. Don't worry, our identity in China is very clean , no enemy," Hearing what Lin Wei said, Xiao Bai somewhat guessed what he was worried about.

"That's good." Observing Lin Wei from the side, he believed in Xiao Bai's skills, not to mention that he was a lightning-type supernatural being. As long as he had no enemies in the country, Lin Tu would be absolutely safe following him.

"Actually, you should feel that Lin Tu really wants you to stay," Xiao Bai tried to convince Lin Wei, after all, his little girl values ​​family affection so much, "I have more enemies in my business," Lin Wei smiled. , deliberately did not finish the second half of the sentence.

"In the last days, there are many evil spirits wandering outside, but as long as you have a kind heart and work together, the crisis will eventually pass." Lin Wei has always believed in light, otherwise he would not help others, and he would not kill Zhao Yan'er who obviously stole something hand.

"But, can you clearly distinguish which ones are evil ghosts and which ones are good people?" Lin Tu looked at Lin Wei. Before that, she had never understood why Lin Wei was obviously a fire-type supernatural being, so why did something wrong to harm brother Shi Yan? Zhao Yan'er did it, and now she understood that he just couldn't bear to kill his compatriots who he didn't think were evil spirits.

"Girl, do you think I'm too kind to Zhao Yan'er?" Lin Wei scratched his head, not knowing how to explain it to Lin Tu, "Yes," Lin Tu replied firmly, she didn't believe there was a reversal, but anyone who wanted to steal her rations , she will do it without the consequences.

"Zhao Yan'er is not alone. She is still online. She approached us on purpose. It is similar to what you guessed before. She intends to take me after finishing Goudan and Shi Yan." Under the circumstances, the consciousness said it.

(End of this chapter)

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