Chapter 150
"Since it's a partner, why did you reject me? I'd rather see you pretending to be an ordinary person and flaunting yourself when we meet for the first time." Lin Tu knew that Gao Liang's lack of strength had always been his heart disease.

Gao Liang looked at Lin Tu, saw that her eyes were clear, and knew that those words came from the heart. He reached out to pick up the bottle and unscrewed it, and drank it in one gulp. The depleted abilities were quickly replenished, and the aching body due to depletion was relieved.

Gao Liang closed his eyes to feel the changes in his body. When he opened his eyes and looked at Lin Tu, he couldn't hide his surprise, "Thank you," "You're welcome," Lin Tu got up and left.

Although Lin Mo was talking to Lin Wei, his eyes were on Lin Tu all the time. He saw her give Gao Liang a bottle of unpacked water. After the other party finished drinking, his aura changed.

Lin Tu stopped and looked at Lin Mo suddenly, "Brother, why are you injured so badly?" The few people who were chatting unconsciously stopped their movements when they heard Lin Tu's words.

"Ahem, that, the prison wave was too bullying, not only occupying food, but also taking it by force. Everyone couldn't see it, so they spontaneously organized together and joined forces to end the prison. Although the result was good, the loss was heavy. "Lin Mo felt uncomfortable when he thought of a team of nearly 300 people, and in the end there were only more than 20 people left, but who would have thought that the group of people could control the zombies and zombie dogs raised in captivity.

Lin Mo found that the boy sitting in the corner looked at him with light after hearing him say that he had taken the prisoner, "Young man, don't look at me like that, I'm afraid, "Lin Mo deliberately hid behind Lin Tu, and the tense atmosphere was completely destroyed by his sentence.

Qian Duoduo got up, ignored Lin Mo's teasing at all, walked to Lin Mo's side and was about to kneel down. Seeing this, Ye Feng quickly grabbed him, "Little guy, you can't do it, Brother Mo doesn't like it."

"My name is Qian Duoduo, and I am the son of the flying base chief," Qian Duoduo's words made Lin Mo and Ye Feng look at each other, and Lin Tu relied on Xiao Bai to eat melons online.

"Ahem, well, we didn't mean to avenge you on purpose, we just can't understand those people, but fortunately those people have been dealt with, otherwise when they can control more zombies and zombie dogs, the province of R may become Purgatory on earth." Lin Mo's explanation made Lin Tu fall into deep thought.

She just wanted to stay out of it and be an indifferent person. Although Xiao Bai and the others didn't express their attitude, it was obvious that everyone was silently cooperating with her, but Lin Wei and Lin Mo's posture of risking their lives for irrelevant people made her a little bit shake.

Xiao Bai sensed that Lin Tu was not in the right mood, and stretched out his hand to hug her, "A person has only one life in this life, and if you do it yourself, it will be gone."

It was obviously a relaxed sentence, but Lin Tu woke up instantly. Her life is her own, and she can do whatever she wants, so no one can stop her from living, and she will not stop those who are rushing to seek death.

"Good words don't persuade the damn ghost, I won't interrupt them any more in the future," Lin Tu rubbed against Xiao Bai's arms, his voice was muffled but firm.

Although Lin Tu's voice was not loud, everyone in the car could hear clearly. Lin Wei and Lin Mo frowned and looked at each other. They knew that Lin Tu's words were meant for them to hear.

The atmosphere in the car became weird, no one spoke, Lin Tu leaned against Xiao Bai and watched the scenery flashing by outside the window, "Boom," Xiao Bai saw that the car delivery was slower than before, and hurriedly reminded, "Don't slow down. "

(End of this chapter)

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