Chapter 159 Be Careful Around You
When everyone found Lin Tu and Xiao Bai, they were the first to notice the nine o'clock direction of the two, and then they noticed that Lin Tu had tied up the zombie-like woman with Teng Mang.

Seeing the crowd, Xiao Bo alerted and reminded, "Be careful around, those people don't know how to hide their mental power to search, the point is that the bullets in the wooden warehouse they used in their hands contained zombie virus."

When everyone heard this, their faces were solemn, and they were all on guard. "Let's get rid of that woman while she's still turning into a zombie." Zhou Fang looked at Lin Tu. Lin Tu raised his hand to retract the vine, and Zhou Shuai threw the fireball directly.

But the woman is not afraid of fire at all, and the fireball made her feel comfortable. "Mutated fire zombie," Xu Hao threw out the wind blade at the same time as he finished speaking. The woman throws it away.

"The density of the ice blade is not enough, and you will rest without recovering your abilities," Lin Tu saw that Gao Feng was not in good condition, and after throwing a Tang knife to the opponent, Lin Tu stepped forward with the Tang knife in hand.

Seeing this, Xiao Bai stretched out his hand to hold her, "There are so many old men, there is no need for your little girl to do it, at least there is still your husband and me." Xiao Bai took the Tang knife from Lin Tu, and paid attention to Zhou Fang. While they were dealing with the mutated fire zombies, they were looking for the person who was almost hit by his thunder ball and escaped.

Although he didn't want to admit that the opponent was very strong, but the strength of the opponent was indeed higher than them, and the most important point was the inexplicable hostility of the opponent towards them.

"Boom," Zhou Shuai was thrown out, and Zhao Bin and Zhou Qian rushed to the top, "Brothers, it's just such a zombie who just turned into a corpse, don't be cowardly," the golden blade in Zhou Fang's hand was obviously powerless.

"Let me help," Lin Tu pulled Tang Dao from Xiao Bai's hand, Tang Dao was quickly covered with a layer of black fog, Xiao Bai let go of Lin Tu when he saw this, Lin Tu saw Zhou Fang dodging the woman's attack, and faced Zhou Fang Attack towards the opponent.

"Boom," the woman fell to the ground in response. Zhou Shuai, Zhou Fang, Zhao Bin, Zhou Qian and Gao Feng couldn't help twitching their mouths. Gao Liang tugged on his brother's clothes and couldn't help asking: "She lost her memory, why did she still lose her memory?" Got stronger."

Zhou Shuai and Zhou Fang looked at each other, and Zhao Bin reminded with a smile, "Is there a possibility that she has been hiding her strength before, but now she has forgotten it."

Everyone subconsciously looked at Lin Tu, saw her body stiffen for a moment, and turned around holding back their smiles. Lin Mo didn't expect his sister to be so powerful. Just as she was about to say something, she was dragged away by Lin Wei.

"So you are so powerful." Xiao Bai pretended not to know, looked at Lin Tu with a smile, and waited for her explanation. "I didn't know I was so powerful." Lin Tu glanced at the layer of black mist outside Tang Dao, and the black The fog disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared.

"The person hiding behind won't give up so easily, it seems we have to be more careful next time," Xiao Bai stretched out his arms to hug Lin Tu, whispering in her ear.

Lin Tu struggled. Although she didn't hate Xiao Bai's hug, she didn't want to be hugged by a stranger, even if the other person was handsome and had her rare abs, "Let go of me, don't touch me, or I will hurt you You're welcome." The more Lin Tu struggled, Xiao Bai hugged him tighter.

Lin Tu struggled to break free, aimed at Xiao Bai's neck, raised her toes, and opened her mouth.

"Hiss~" Xiao Bai was startled by Lin Tu's sudden action, the corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously, and he put his arms around Lin Tu's waist, not forgetting to support her to prevent her from being too tired.

Sensing that the man was in pain, Lin Tu thought that the other party would let go of her, but felt the strength of the arms on her waist. Lin Tu loosened her mouth and looked up at Xiao Bai, "You." Before she could finish speaking, her head was held down, There is a warm touch on the lips.

(End of this chapter)

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