Chapter 166 Attracting Firepower
"Third Uncle, have you ever thought that someone is using you to attract firepower?" Lin Tu didn't want to say it too bluntly to hurt her Third Uncle's heart, but she didn't mention some things because she was afraid that Third Uncle would be really stupid. Pull them to collect supplies that don't know if they really exist.

Lin Wei frowned and looked at Lin Tu. Ever since he got the cloth bag, he had never thought about Lin Tu's question, "I think what Xiao Tu said is right. When you got the cloth bag, it shouldn't be long. I personally know it, but don’t you think it’s too weird that you have planted people around you, deliberately approached them, and even assassinated them?” Xiao Bai echoed appropriately.

Lin Wei looked solemn, and Lin Tu glanced at the burning corpse outside the car, took out two pieces of clothes from the space, rolled them casually, and threw them directly at the corpse.

Seeing Lin Tu's actions, Lin Wei seemed to think of something suddenly, and looked at Lin Tu with horror in his eyes, "Xiao Tu, what did you throw out?" Lin Wei seemed unwilling to believe what he saw, pulling Lin Tu couldn't help tightening his hands.

"Cloth bag, that's a problem. Without that, you wouldn't be hunted down," Lin Tu replied confidently. Lin Wei let go of Lin Tu and rushed out.

Everyone chased Lin Wei out of the car, but Lin Tu's attention was not on Lin Wei at this time, but on Goudan who had been trying to reduce his presence.

She doesn't care why Goudan has been following Lin Wei, but Lin Wei has been chased and killed. As a space system, he has nothing to do with him. People who follow Lin Wei.

Xiao Bai tugged at Lin Tu's hand, leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Keeping danger at your side is the greatest courtesy to danger," Lin Tu chuckled. She thought she was the only one who had doubts, but now it seems that The only one who is stupid is her third uncle who wants to save the whole world.

Lin Tu suddenly wanted to laugh. She was an inspirational person who wanted to be a villain, and beside her was a third uncle who was determined to save the world. I don't know if it was her luck or the misfortune of her third uncle.

"Boom," the fire on the body was extinguished, and the cloth bag had been burnt to powder. Lin Wei squatted on the ground with his head in his hands, Mu Bai looked around vigilantly. The moment Lin Wei just rushed out, she clearly noticed Nearly ten people were staring at them all around.

"It's gone, it's gone," Lin Wei tilted his head and fell backwards. Lin Mo stretched out his hand to support him. He didn't expect that what Lin Tu did impulsively would cause his third uncle such pain.

Lin Tu noticed that someone was approaching Lin Wei and the others. He got out of the car and attacked the person hiding in the dark without any explanation. Seeing this, Xiao Bai immediately helped, "There are two at nine o'clock, and one at six o'clock," Mu Bai said. Expose the opponent's hidden position.

Lin Wei was stunned for a moment, and immediately got up to join the battle. Goudan hid behind the people, staring at the body that had been burned into black charcoal. Zhou Shuai seemed not to notice Goudan's gaze, and the fireball in his hand fell on Shi Yan. On the charred corpse.

Standing beside Mu Bai, Gao Liang saw the resentment flashing in Goudan's eyes, "That man really knows how to act. He wanted to keep his snot and tears from crying before, and it will change after a while."

Mu Bai was fully alert, and noticed that Goudan was abnormal, so he stretched out his hand and pushed Gao Liang who was standing beside him, "Be careful," "Boom," Goudan was hit by Mu Bai's mental attack and fell far away, "Pfft," Goudan spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were full of disbelief, he had never seen Mu Bai make a move this way, he thought that the spiritual system could only be manipulated, not attacked.

(End of this chapter)

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