Chapter 168 Better Handle My Third Uncle
"Do you think your acting skills are very good, but we don't believe you?" Lin Tu looked at Goudan and asked him the question he cared about most. He Shiyan insisted on looking for you, but how did you treat us?"

Lin Tu had a bright smile on his face when he heard this, "The reason why you insist on looking for me is not because you value my relationship with my third uncle. If you find me who is seriously injured, you can handle my third uncle better?"

Goudan didn't expect their thoughts to be said by Lin Tu, and his eyes quickly flashed a trace of annoyance, "It is normal to be selfish in the last days. My third uncle blindly helps you regardless of your gains and losses, and the world probably only This one," Lin Mo stood beside Lin Tu, looking at the bewildered dog.

"There are not only drug lords hiding poison in their teeth, but also certain assassination organizations," Xiao Bai said. Goudan tilted his head and the blood at the corner of his mouth turned black. That tattoo is exactly the same as the ones on those people they solved just now, "He really is with those people."

Lin Tu looked at his third uncle, and said with ridicule in his voice, "Third uncle is amazing, he can sleep well with such a dangerous person by his side." Lin Wei, who was still a little sad at first, was squeezed by Lin Tu in such a way, his face turned pale. Annoyance and embarrassment flashed across.

"Third Uncle doesn't know they are bad guys either. After all, when Third Uncle rescued people, they were all hijacked by bad guys." Xiao Bai stretched out his hand to help Lin Tu straighten the crooked hat, with a hint of a smile in his tone.

Lin Wei walked back to the car without saying a word, Lin Mo blinked at Lin Tu, and quickly followed his third uncle.

"My third uncle has a strong sense of justice, and with others' deliberate guidance, it's hard for him not to be deceived," Lin Tu said in a calm voice, as if things should be like this.

Everyone looked at Lin Tu and Xiao Bai, and they always felt that Lin Tu did not have amnesia. Although he did something very unexpected, they somehow took it for granted.

After hesitating again and again, Zhou Qian couldn't hold back her words, "Lin Tu, do you still remember how we solved that big guy?" Zhou Qian's question was very tactful, she just wanted to know if Lin Tu was recovering her memory.

"A few sporadic pictures always flashed in my head. When I was injured, did I hit my head?" Lin Tu reached out to pull the hat on his head, asking Zhou Qian to help check if there was any bump on his head. The place.

Xiao Bai stopped Lin Tu's move, "Go back to the car, I'll help you look," Xiao Bai said, and glanced at Zhou Shuai, Zhou Shuai nodded deliberately to Zhou Fang, Zhao Bin walked last.

Ye Feng followed Lin Mo, eating the fruits on the table heartlessly, while Qian Duoduo sat aside silently, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the young man was hit.

Ye Feng sat beside Qian Duoduo, and handed him an apple, "Are you thinking about those two people?" Qian Duoduo nodded, took the apple with his hand, but didn't eat it.

"Then, are you feeling sad for them, or do you feel that you are too stupid to see through their tricks?" Ye Feng's eyes fell on Qian Duoduo.

"Little trick?" Qian Duoduo looked at Ye Feng in disbelief, "Yes, otherwise, why do you think everyone didn't intercede for them?" Ye Feng took a bite of the apple, and looked at Qian Duoduo with a smile in his eyes.

"Kind people are used to cover up their kindness with bad words, while hypocritical people are used to deceiving their feelings with sweet words. Although they have been silent in the team, haven't you noticed that they always take advantage of everyone's unpreparedness, Throw something out of the car that might reveal our whereabouts?" Ye Feng's words made Qian Duoduo stunned.

He thought it was their fault that they shouldn't attack their companions, but he didn't expect them to have done something to expose their whereabouts to others. Keeping such people by his side is undoubtedly not a time bomb for himself, and it is no wonder that they have launched a murderous plan against them At that time, no one asked for mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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