Chapter 170
Lin Tu closed his eyes and felt the rich wood elements around him. The vines sensed Lin Tu's intentions and shook the green buds on the vines. The moment Lin Tu was enveloped, Xiao Bai launched a thunder-type ability to attack the willow tree.

Seeing this, everyone launched their abilities to attack the willow tree. The willow tree swayed the wicker, which caused a lot of trouble for everyone. Lin Tu tried to guide the wood element into his body, and the green buds on the vines appeared again the moment the wood element entered Lin Tu's body.

And Willow, who was able to attack Xiao Bai's people with ease, gave a sudden pause, and let go of Lin Tu tremblingly. Manman sensed that Willow intended to turn against guests, and directly wrapped around the main trunk of Willow.

Xiao Bai saw that Lin Tu's body was glowing green and wrapped in vines, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned. His girl was different from other girls, she could always turn danger into safety and get benefits.

Seeing Xiao Bai stop, everyone stopped their movements and looked at Lin Tu, "Mutant wood-type supernatural powers should not be underestimated," Zhou Qian's tone was full of envy.

Mu Bai bumped into Zhou Qian and winked at her, "You are also very good," "You are as good as me," the two looked at each other and smiled, then looked up at Lin Tu.

After 10 minutes, everyone saw that the green light not only did not disappear, but became more and more intense. They walked back to the RV and continued to stare at it with their food in their arms. Half an hour later, the green light was still there. Xiao Bai put a lazy sofa for himself and still looked up. with.

An hour later, everyone prepared a meal and greeted Xiao Bai to eat. After eating, everyone saw that the green light was still dazzling, and asked Xiao Bai to take out the table and poker and light the fire.

Four hours later, when the others were drowsy, Xiao Bai stood up and walked to the place where Lin Tu might fall to wait. The green light gradually faded, and the willow tree withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The vine floated Lin Tu from the air into Xiao Bai's arms, and then turned back into a thin strip and wrapped around Lin Tu's wrist. Xiao Bai held Lin Tu and tapped the vine on Lin Tu's wrist with his finger.

Xiao Bai carried Lin Tu back to the RV, and as soon as he put it in the car, Lin Tu opened his eyes. Xiao Bai saw Lin Tu staring at him, with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, "Are you hungry? I'll give you something to eat Do it," Xiao Bai lightly tapped the tip of Lin Tu's nose, his eyes full of affection.

Lin Tu stretched out her hand to hold Xiao Bai's face, smiled and kissed him on the lips, "I remembered," after Lin Tu finished speaking, Xiao Bai reached out to touch the bag on her head.

When the bag disappeared, the smile on his face became brighter, "I thought you would not remember me for a long time," Xiao Bai stretched out his arms to hug Lin Tu, his tone full of grievances.

"It's only been a few days before and after the amnesia, why are you still wronged, and I just told you when I recovered my memory, I would have known better if I didn't," Lin Tu put his arms around Xiao Bai's waist, his tone arrogant.

"Cuckoo," before Xiao Bai could speak again, Lin Tu protested directly from his stomach. Xiao Bai was a little reluctant to let go of Lin Tu, and gave her something delicious. When he got out of the car, Lin Mo saw the two getting out of the car at a crooked angle, and instantly understood. Lin Tu regained her memory.

Seeing Lin Tu appearing, Ye Feng pointed to the willow tree that had turned into a pile of withered trees and asked, "Sister, is that tree your masterpiece?"

The corners of Lin Tu's mouth turned up, and she raised her chin on purpose. Just when everyone thought she was going to answer yes, they suddenly heard, "No," Ye Feng froze for a moment, staggered, and fell directly to the ground, "Pfft," Mu Bai supported Zhou Qian's smiling branches and trembled wildly.

Lin Wei stretched out his hand to help Ye Feng, and glared at Lin Tu angrily, "You really deserve to answer me." Zhou Shuai, Zhao Bin, Zhou Fang, Gao Feng, and others looked at Lin Tu thoughtfully. They obviously didn't believe Lin Tu's answer. Tu's answer.

(End of this chapter)

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