Chapter 175 I thought I was very defensive

Xiao Bai stretched out his hand and pulled Lin Tu into his arms. He found that Lin Tu cared more about family affection than he thought. Lin Tu took the injection back into the space and leaned against Xiao Bai's chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"I thought I was very defensive, but I still lost to my own self-righteousness." This incident made Lin Tu clearly realize that the more he cares about himself, the easier it is to be used and manipulated.

Xiao Bai rubbed Lin Tu's head, "You've done a good job, if it wasn't because you were on guard and they knew more secrets, they might not just follow by their side, but take you away for research. "

Lin Tu raised his head to look at Xiao Bai, and seeing the gentle look in his eyes, he suddenly became more aggrieved, "I will lead people to the team in the future, you must reject me."

Xiao Bai tapped the tip of Lin Tu's nose, and asked with a chuckle, "Did that start with Lin Mu?" Lin Tu was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xiao Bai but didn't say that Lin Mu was the Zombie King, "Lin Mu is ten years old this year. Six, he was arranged to wait for me and Lin Mo here," Lin Tu thought of Lin Mu being trapped here for more than ten years, and it was more uncomfortable than knowing that he was not valued by the family.

Xiao Bai was shocked by the content of Lin Tu's words. Lin Mu looked only five years old. He didn't know what the other party had gone through. "Xiao Tu, it's done." Lin Mo held a fiery red crystal nucleus in his hand, Looking at Lin Tu with a smile on his face, Lin Mu stood beside Lin Mo with the same smile on his face.

Zhou Qian bumped into Mu Bai and murmured in a low voice, "When Lin Mu called Sister Lin Tu before, she didn't think so, but now seeing him standing with Lin Mo, the expression said that they are not related by blood, I'm afraid no one would believe it."

Mu Bai looked at Zhou Qian in surprise, "I thought I was the only one who felt that way," and then the two looked at each other and smiled, "Sister, I checked this kid, he doesn't have a mask on his face, and he has the same moles as us ," Lin Mo raised an eyebrow at Lin Tu, signaling Lin Tu to rest assured that he checked very carefully.

Lin Mu glanced at Lin Mo in disgust, and took a step aside without a trace. Lin Wei's affairs did not affect the mood of others except Lin Tu. During the meal, Lin Mu sat next to Lin Tu, and Lin Mo handed him food. Just hold it without moving.

Lin Tu took out the fruit produced by the space and handed it to Lin Mu. Lin Mu shook his head. He didn't need food. "Try it." Lin Tu forcefully stuffed the things into Lin Mu's hands. Lin Mu didn't want Lin Tu to be unhappy, so he hesitated. He opened his mouth and took a bite of the apple.

The apple tastes sweet, with a trace of aura. Lin Mu thought that what Lin Tu gave him was an ordinary apple, but he didn't want the one she gave him to be a spiritual fruit. There was a knock on the head, "It's not enough to eat, remember to say, there is still a lot."

Lin Mu lowered his head and nodded, Lin Mo saw Lin Mu's slightly flushed eye sockets, reached out and rubbed his head, and put the freshly roasted skewers into Lin Mu's hands.

After dinner, Lin Tu ignored Xiao Bai's mournful eyes, directly locked the door of the room, entered the space, and opened the boxes one by one that she randomly placed next to the ancient tree.

The crystal nuclei in the box were absorbed by the space as Lin Tu opened the box. Before the box was opened, there was a loud booming sound, and then Lin Tu and Xuelang were ruthlessly thrown back into the room by the space.

Because of his previous experience, Lin Tu was not in a hurry to enter the space, so he went straight to the bed and took off his shoes to sleep. Looking at Lin Tu, the next morning, Lin Tu just woke up and was pulled into the space directly.

(End of this chapter)

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