I was abducted by a big boss on the way to find my family after rebirth in the last days

Chapter 183 I was almost sent to the research institute by my uncle

Chapter 183 I was almost sent to the research institute by my uncle
"I was almost sent to the research institute by my uncle." Qian Duoduo's voice was full of hurt. Lin Tu thought of Lin Feng and Song Lin who were digging his own crystal nucleus, and looked at Lin Mo unconsciously.

Lin Mo noticed Lin Tu's gaze and thought that she was thinking about Lin Wei, so he licked the corners of his lips at her comfortingly. Lin Tu looked at Lin Mo and fell into deep thought. No one knew why Lin Tu was so obsessed with finding the only one with her. Blood relationship, Lin Mo, who has never been with her for a day, is obviously hurt so deeply by the people she gets along with day and night.

Only she knows that finding Lin Mo is the only belief that keeps her alive in the last days.

"Why are you crying?" Seeing that Lin Tu's eyes were red and tears were rolling in his eyes, Xiao Bai stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, feeling Xiao Bai's body temperature. No longer a poor little girl who was unloved before rebirth, she now has teammates who can rely on her back, a brother who loves her, a brother who clings to her, and a boyfriend who loves her.

Lin Tu pushed Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai let her go, took a tissue to help Lin Tu wipe away the tears on his face, Qian Duoduo looked at Lin Tu with envy in his eyes, Lin Tu noticed Qian Duoduo's eyes and said lightly, "Live!" Go on, and there will be hope for what you want."

In the past, Lin Tu would never have been able to say such provocative words, but what she has now is precisely because she persisted in surviving. Qian Duoduo's eyes flushed, and he nodded firmly.

"I don't know if it's because I'm getting old, but I can't get used to the word institute. Do you feel the same as me?" Zhao Bin bumped into Zhou Fang who was sitting beside him.

Zhou Fang instantly understood what Zhao Bin wanted to express, and looked at his eldest brother and Xiao Bai, "Is the research institute in the base?" Xiao Bai looked at Qian Duoduo and spoke seriously.

Qian Duoduo looked at the crowd in amazement and said the address again, "I'll go and see if there are any missions near here later, just pick one up." Gao Feng raised his hand, and everyone nodded in agreement.

Qian Duoduo looked at the crowd in puzzlement, he thought that Xiao Bai asked for the address in order to avoid that place, but what they showed was clearly intending to enter the institute to find out the truth.

"Don't be nervous, they have experience in exploring the research institute." Mu Bai reached out and patted Qian Duoduo's shoulder, and Zhou Qian patted Mu Bai's hand away when she saw this, "They have experience, and they are no match for you in it." I stayed." Mu Bai frowned at the gunpowder-smelling words.
Lin Tu was full of interest looking at the two who were obviously too good to be good before, and choked up inexplicably, while Zhou Fang and Gao Feng saw the situation and hurried forward to separate the two.

"Aren't you curious, who is more powerful between the two of them now?" Lin Tu said that watching the excitement is not a big deal, which made Zhou Fang and Gao Feng stunned at the same time, and received two angry eyes at the same time, Lin Tu rubbed Nose looked at the two with a smile.

"Mu Bai attacked her mentally, let her see it, you are amazing," Zhou Qian bumped into Mu Bai, signaling Mu Bai to take action.

Mu Bai glared at Zhou Qian, with a hesitant expression on his face, "Yes, I also want to know if I can resist your mental attack," Lin Tu nodded, motioning for Mu Bai to take action.

Hearing this, Xiao Bai tightened his grip on Lin Tu's hand. Lin Tu turned his head and gave him a comforting smile. Seeing this, Mu Bai concentrated on launching a mental attack on Lin Tu. Lin Tu released a trace of mental power to attack Zhou Qian while guarding Mu Bai.

Zhou Qian, who was watching the excitement, felt mentally attacked, paused, and immediately started to fight back. The corners of Lin Tu's lips curled up slightly, and she watched Zhou Qian attack Mu Bai with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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