Chapter 189 Are You Feeling Better?

"There are a lot of monsters hidden in the research institute. Fortunately, we did some research before going in, otherwise we would really get in," Mu Bai added feebly, and Lin Tu looked at everyone with guilt.

"Are you feeling better? Why did you faint suddenly?" Xu Hao looked at Lin Tu and asked what he was most worried about. Xiao Bai's eyes darkened slightly when he heard Xu Hao's question. Hao's feelings for Lin Tu are unusual.

Even Lin Tu lost her memory, she only remembered Xu Hao for the whole car, as if she had a deeper impression of Xu Hao than of him.

"It's all right," Lin Tu ignored Xu Hao's second question, hesitating whether to take out the fruit produced in the space to everyone, but Lin Mu suddenly grabbed his wrist, "Sister," Lin Tu suddenly returned to his senses , reached out and rubbed Lin Mu's head, the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, her flattering personality began to make trouble.

In the last days, ordinary planting space can bring her a lot of trouble, and what's more, the things planted in her space can supplement supernatural powers, and she can't forget the reason why she is guilty of her crime.

A group of people went back to the base in a state of distress to hand in the task, which further confirmed the rumors that they were weak. Because of the large number of people who were injured, more than a dozen people hadn't been out of the house for half a month.

Until the base issued a mandatory task, all teams of registered mercenaries need to send two people to collect supplies with the main force. Because it is a collective task, the risk factor is not very high. Decide who to let go.

"Didn't you say that you can hand over the crystal nuclei directly?" Zhou Fang was about to say that he had collected a lot of crystal nuclei in the research institute, but Zhou Shuai covered his mouth.

Mu Bai held up his mobile phone and signaled Zhou Fang to look at the content on his mobile phone screen, "Someone is listening to us with mental power," Zhao Bin coughed lightly, "But we don't have many crystal cores, zombies are so difficult to deal with now , everyone was injured in order to complete the task last time, we are running out of food, and if we hand over the crystal nucleus, I am afraid we will starve," Zhao Bin deliberately described the situation of everyone as miserable.

Lin Tu gave Zhao Bin a thumbs up, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, Xiao Bai leaned against Lin Tu, seeing her cute behavior, reached out and rubbed her head.

"You rest at ease, Ye Feng and I will go," Lin Mo looked at the crowd, Ye Feng stood beside Lin Mo and nodded cooperatively, "I disagree, this mission, I will go with you, Ye Feng will stay," Lin Tu said on the phone Added, "I can come back with supplies."

Lin Tu's excuse made it impossible for everyone to refute. After all, in the last days, who would dislike having a lot of supplies? Xiao Bai held Lin Tu's hand and frowned. He didn't want Lin Tu to take risks.

"Don't worry, my brother will definitely not let anything happen to me," Lin Tu looked at Xiao Bai swearing, his eyes were full of trust in Lin Mo, after Xiao Bai found out that the research institute came back, Lin Tu's attitude towards Lin Mo changed a lot .

Before, the atmosphere between the two always had a sense of inexplicable alienation, but after returning from the research institute, Lin Tu always looked at Lin Mo with vague guilt and dependence.

Seeing that Lin Tu trusted him so much, Lin Mo nodded fondly, "The twins I've seen before were either pinching each other, comparing each other, or playing tricks. Why didn't you two see any of these bad habits, but Lin Mo Yue Do you have the potential to be a sister control?" Zhou Fang said jokingly, and looked at Xiao Bai.

Before Lin Tu and Xiao Bai could open their mouths, Lin Mo looked at Zhou Fang with a half-smile and said, "Someone is used to being bullied, and it's okay to envy their own sisters, but now they're envious of other sisters!"

(End of this chapter)

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