I was abducted by a big boss on the way to find my family after rebirth in the last days

Chapter 195 They Don't Listen to Our Blocking and Must Go First

Chapter 195 They Don't Listen to Our Blocking and Must Go First

When Cheng Dan and Cheng Tao saw the arrival of the large army, they immediately pointed to the location of the factory warehouse and complained, "They didn't listen to our stop, they insisted on going in first," what Cheng Dan said meant that everyone present understood.

Everyone looked in the direction of her finger, and saw a lot of supplies scattered on the ground, and everyone had different thoughts. Just as Chang Gui was about to speak to direct everyone to move the supplies, he heard a zombie roar, "Roar," "Fuck, run away!" High-level mutant zombies," Lin Mo pulled Lin Tu, and the two of them were burnt in several places, and their faces were so dirty that they couldn't be seen.

Chang Gui and Ge Hua looked at each other, did not retreat and counterattacked, and ran towards the place where the zombies were screaming. Lin Tu and Lin Mo sat on the ground and rested, while the others were transported by another deputy captain.

The two of them rested for 10 minutes and joined the transporting supplies team without being called by the vice-captain. Lin Tu had been silently following Jin Wanping's movements.

"Ah, she's injured, she looks like a zombie, everyone stay away from her," Cheng Dan shouted as if he had discovered the New World, and quickly hid behind Cheng Tao.

"Oh," "Ah," two cries of pain sounded at the same time, everyone looked around and saw the Cheng brothers and sisters lying in a pool of blood, but no one came forward to inquire about their injuries. Instead, everyone kept away from them, as if there was something wrong with them. something dirty.

Lin Tu put Jin Wanping aside and continued to carry supplies. Cheng Tao and Cheng Dan were only injured and did not die, but the strong smell of blood near them successfully attracted the zombies who were fighting with Chang Gui and Ge Hua.

Jin Wanping bandaged her own wound, and as soon as she put the supplies in her hands, she saw Cheng Dan trying to push Cheng Tao out, but Cheng Tao turned his back.

"The dog bites the dog," Lin Tu stood beside Jin Wanping, her tone light and there was no weakness in her voice, "You are better at acting than her," Jin Wanping rolled her eyes and Lin Tu walked out with the supplies in her arms.

Lin Tu chuckled, and was not unhappy because she was found acting. After all, this kind of compulsory task does not give supplies or food, but only work. Will move by hand.

"Boom," Chang Gui and Ge Hua teamed up to kill the second-tier zombies. After digging out the crystal core, the two walked towards Lin Tu, Lin Mo, and Jin Wanping, "You three, tell me what happened at that time."

Jin Wanping looked at Lin Tu, Lin Tu pulled Lin Mo's clothes, don't ask her, she doesn't understand anything, "Ahem, my sister is timid, let me tell you, we came in early to see See if there are any other zombies, but luck is not very good, as soon as we approached, the zombie broke through the door and rushed out. Fortunately, Sister Jin is a supernatural being, otherwise the two of us may have confessed," Lin Mo said sincerely, Looking at Jin Wanping, his eyes were full of gratitude.

Chang Gui and Ge Huasao had tried the two of them, and seeing Lin Mo's half-eaten compressed biscuits in his pocket, believed what he said just now, "Why didn't you want to inform us, you're coming in," Chang Gui stared at Jin Wanping with that gaze It was as if he wanted to pin Jin Wanping into a hole.

"We were going to join the team first, but they asked us to check the warehouse to make sure there was no danger in looking for you, saying it was a rule," Jin Wanping pointed to Cheng Tao.

Just as Cheng Tao was about to deny it, he saw Lin Mo and Lin Tu nodding in agreement with Jin Wanping at the same time. Cheng Tao bowed his head and remained silent. He knew that neither Chang Gui nor Ge Hua would believe what he said at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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