Chapter 32

The sky was getting dark, and there were three more jeeps on the street where there were no people. The jeeps were fast and slow, deliberately approaching their RV. Xu Hao felt that the other party had malicious intentions and wanted to avoid them as much as possible.

But the other party seemed to recognize them. Wherever they turned, the other party followed. "We should be watched," Zhao Bin noticed something was wrong, and became the co-pilot to observe the situation.

Hearing Zhao Bin's words, Zhou Shuai stopped irritating Xiao Bai, glanced at the black cat that was eating, and gestured to Zhao Bin with the signal they used to signal.

Lin Tu's hands shook, and a vine wrapped around the black cat's neck. Seeing Lin Tu's actions, Zhou Qian looked puzzled, "Aren't all cats free-range?"

The corners of Lin Tu's mouth turned up slightly. The moment Fat Tiger was entangled by vines, he realized the danger. Just as he was about to struggle, his head was held down by Lin Tu. , whether human or animal."

Zhou Shuai didn't expect Lin Tu to react so quickly. He just doubted the black cat just a little bit, and didn't want Lin Tu to directly control the black cat and threaten it.

The RV stopped, and the jeep immediately surrounded the RV. Ten people got off the three cars, two women, eight men, eight men surrounded by two women, and the two women looked exactly the same.

"Sorry, my cat is naughty and has caused you a lot of trouble. Can you return the cat to us now?" Zhang Dan looked at Zhao Bin, who was sitting in the co-pilot, without any apology on his face.

Hearing the woman's words, Zhou Qian instantly realized Lin Tu's intentions, "These people were attracted by this cat," "It's the first time I've met such an animal that is considerate of its owner, it's a pity," Lin Tu's voice was a little cold.

The black cat trembled unconsciously, "Meow," "I was forced too, she is my master, if I don't help her, she will kill me," Fat Tiger lowered his head, as if he was being bullied badly by Lin Tu.

"It seems that you have met many kind-hearted fools, and my vines are the best," Lin Tu's fingers lightly brushed across the vines. The vines understood Lin Tu's thoughts very well, and wrapped the vines around the black cat's neck in an instant. Layers of black spikes.

Within a second, the black cat instantly turned into a dead cat. Lin Tu opened the window and threw the cat's carcass to the other party without any sympathy. She thought that animals and people were different, but in the end the result was still the same.

These people who followed them should have been brought by the owner of the black cat. The black cat was just scouting the way to confirm the material and number of people in their car.

Zhang Dan found that the cat was dead, so he raised his hand to condense the fireball and threw it directly at Lin Tu. Xu Hao threw a wind ball, which blew away the opponent's condensed fireball. On Zhang Dan's face.

"Ahem, well, I said I didn't do it on purpose, and you might not believe it, hey, that's it, you can think whatever you like, fight with you anytime you want," Zhou Qian blocked Lin Tu behind her, originally because The embarrassment of throwing the water polo into the opponent's face became indifferent in an instant after looking into the disgusted eyes of the opponent.

"I'm sorry, my sister is in a bad mood because of the sudden death of her beloved cat," Zhang Yu teased Zhang Dan, signaling her not to be impulsive. After just one meeting, she had already discovered that there were three supernatural beings in the car, and they Just the two of them.

"Your cat almost caught me just now. Are you holding on to pay for your mental loss?" Zhou Qian rolled her eyes at the aggrieved Zhang Dan, using mutant animals to deceive their sympathy and obtain their information. People shouldn't show them any good looks.

(End of this chapter)

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