Chapter 15
Zheng Quchi made his debut and deliberately caused a lot of commotion, not only because he was worried that the project would not be completed on time and all the craftsmen would be questioned, but also to attract Yu Wensheng's attention.

Now the opportunity has finally come.

Of course, this is also in view of the market situation in Ye State, and skilled carpenters are in short supply.

Zheng Quchi, as an adult who has been in the society for many years, can naturally hide the hidden thoughts that he has prepared for a long time, and pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

On the surface, she thought for a while, and then finally figured it out, her eyes were full of solemnity.

"If General Yuwen is in need, I will be happy to help him, but I also encountered a difficult problem, can I beg General Yuwen to help me too?"

Surrender was all that was contained in those blunt words.

Anyone who understands understands.

Hearing this, Yu Wencheng had a smile on his face, and the evil spirit in his eyes suddenly burst out, but fortunately, there was a layer of veil to cover it up, and he was still a weak and sick man with a noble smile that could not be violated.

At this time, the pointer in his heart that had been shifting left and right due to her background finally tilted.

Employers, what they fear most is not a person with ulterior motives, but a person who has nothing to ask for.

As long as she wants something, it will be easier to control.

The wind blew past the treetops and the moonlight and silver sand rustled down, making his eyebrows stand up and his nose upright. Zheng Quchi stared at him and waited for a reply.

But he gave her an ambiguous answer: "At that time, you can mention it to him."

As for whether to answer or not, it depends on the value you can afford.

Zheng Quchi heard the meaning behind his words, "When the time comes" is used very well, and it is estimated that she will have to wait for the craftsmen to build the drawings she modified to see if they are true or not.

She understands that she can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

"I've met you twice, but I still don't know your name?" She asked suddenly.

Yu Wencheng seemed to be thinking, his eyelids drooped a little, then he raised his black eyelashes, and his thin lips curled slightly: "Liu Fengmian."

Liu Fengmian... the name sounds quite literary, and looking at his layman's gown, which is elegant and refined, he must be Yu Wencheng's military adviser.

Yu Wensheng took out a snow-white handkerchief, the material should not be cheap, he wiped the back of the hand that Zheng Quchi had grabbed, and then threw it into the deep mountain stream.

Zheng Quchi's intuition for him was very accurate, and she felt that he somewhat disliked her.

"Aren't you married yet?"

This topic somewhat crossed the line, but Yu Wencheng was curious why she asked such a question: "Why do you know?"

Without even thinking about it, she complained directly: "If you keep yourself as good as you are, how can you give women a chance to have sex."

Yu Wensheng: "..."

But Yu Wencheng is not someone who can give others a high, he smiled warmly, and his cold fingers caressed her purple lips, bringing a shivering feeling down the back: "Other women and men are not like that." Opportunity, what about you, you treated me like that before, should you be responsible for my innocence?"

Zheng Quchi's body trembled: "Why?"

"For example..." He moved closer, and some kind of strange incense from his body that could not help sniffing a few more times penetrated into her nostrils, and she heard him say, "Apologize with death."

Zheng Quchi: "..."

Her heart is not beating wildly, her face is not red anymore, this dog man is still thinking about her life.

Thinking that all of this is because of meeting him, her current situation has become so bad. She hasn't blamed him yet, but he knows what it means to repay kindness with grievances.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and the evil became more courageous. Taking advantage of the angle at which he bent down, she tiptoed up and chirped, and even made a loud bang~.

Yu Wensheng was stunned.

"It was life-saving before, but now it is frivolous. If you don't understand, I don't blame you. I will teach you how to distinguish the difference now! If you are not afraid of being blamed by General Yuwen, you can apologise me with death."

Although she said harsh words, she turned around and ran away again like a female rabbit.

"If you want to find me next time, you can send a message or leave a code, don't kidnap people in the middle of the night like this."

After a long time, Yu Wencheng stroked the corner of Yin Hong's mouth with a "hehe" smile. She still didn't dare just now, and kissed him on the corner of his mouth. It was provocative, but not completely offending him to death.

Bang, tilted his neck and loosened his neck, and a half-person-high gray rock exploded.

Sang Xuanqing, just try and see if I will agree to what you begged... Don't even think about going anywhere in your life, just work for him for nothing.


Zheng Quchi, who had no idea that he had offended Future Thigh, was in a happy mood at the moment to avenge his previous bad breath.

Thinking that because of saving him, she opened a mechanism box, which made her a [-]-year-old boy who could fish in troubled waters, but now she became a rebellious boy who didn't know what kind of insanity, turned around and stabbed at her own tissue, inside and out. people.

If the "Zheng Quchi" of the Mo family had spirits underground, he would be speechless and vomit blood.

Taking a deep breath, she looked at the dark and sinister woods, hesitated for a moment, and returned to the place where the accident happened based on her memory.

But only a pool of blood was seen, and the person who should have been lying on the ground was gone.

...So, he's still alive?

"Aren't you disappointed that the person didn't die?" Masked Wei Yao appeared behind her.

Turning around and seeing the man in black, Zheng Quchi didn't want to discuss this with him: "The man you took me to meet just now is also an official?"

Seeing that she had no interest in him, Wei Yao never tired of harassing the general.

What happened just now, when he was hiding in the dark and on guard, he witnessed it all with his own eyes.

The scene was so shocking that it made him suddenly stop breathing.

He stared at Zheng Quchi strangely, and shook with a sigh: "You are really not afraid of death."

It's not that the Scorpion Clan was almost exterminated because of a man with a beautiful appearance. Since then, the Scorpion Clan has hated and hated any handsome and weak man, but why is she different?

When she heard him say this, she looked embarrassed: "You... What will happen if you are treated lightly by a man?"

Wei Yao said without hesitation: "Kill him."

Even he was like this, but the general, who had a surly temperament and could not tolerate any offense or defilement, tolerated this little black mouse twice.

This is absolutely impossible to happen before.

Zheng Quchi looked serious: " said you can apologize to him now, but is there still time?"

Wei Yao was amused by her, and he smiled with a pair of fox eyes: "How do you pay, do you pay with your life?"

"That's unnecessary." She refused decisively.

"Sang Xuanqing—"

Suddenly a familiar shout came from a distance, and in the forest, a group of dark figures were moving rapidly towards this side.

The vigilant antenna on Zheng Quchi's head suddenly tightened, while the cynical look on Weiyao's face withdrew, and his gaze was colder than the night staring there.


 Well, thank you fairies from all stations for your support. I have read gifts, tickets and comments, and I will add more updates from time to time.

  Yu Wensheng's information: Height 183+, occupation, general, the book's force value is at the peak, eyes are covered all the year round with secrets, he is a happy type of crazy batch who is excited by killing and killing, can be pretended in front of the heroine, develop it in the early stage, and develop it in the later stage love brain.

  Yu Wensheng: Now that everyone knows that I am single, when will the country assign a partner?
  Author: Xiao Heizi is delivering...

(End of this chapter)

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